
Red Card Returns

The following day came quickly with the bright sun shining over everything on earth. The chirping of birds woke Olive from her deep slumber. It was another day at Belmont.

Olive sat up in bed, her eyes moving to Lucas's bed, but he was not there.

"Just what the heck is wrong with him? Is he really angry just because I adviced him."Olive murmured to herself with a dejected face. "That dickhead!"

She had left the dorm room door open last night, hoping that Lucas would show up, but he never did.

She got off bed, laid the bed with a new bedspread and wore new pillowcase for the pillows. She proceeded to sweep the dorm and arranged her reading table after which she headed to the bathroom to take a bath before the other students woke up.

She quickly finished her bath and soon headed back to the dorm to change into her school uniform.

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