
Chapter 129: Samael

The next day, Akeno and Yuuto went for a promotion test to become middle-ranking demons in the underworld.

Needless to say, both Akeno and Yuuto easily won their fights and even more easily passed the written tests.

After the exam, they were both successfully promoted to middle-ranked demons.

With this, their status was further elevated and they were granted many more rights in demon society.

At noon, the group sat down to eat at a restaurant in the city where the test was being held to celebrate the promotion of the two.

They were all excluding Noah's group.

As they ate, suddenly their surroundings seemed to distort for a moment before returning to normal.

Azazel grimaced as he looked around the restaurant.

Suddenly, a familiar fog surrounded the group and covered the surroundings as well....

Inside the building, not a single person remained except for them.

A young man wearing a long robe and a black-haired young man wearing a Chinese suit appeared sitting on a sofa on the other side. The young man in Chinese costume tapped the spear on his shoulder as he looked at the group and then spoke.

"It's been a while, Azazel and Gremory family. The last time we met was in Kyoto."

"Cao Cao!"

"So what was the reason you created this field in another dimension and transported us?"

When Azazel asked that, Cao Cao looked at Ophis.

"Yes, Ophis. I was wondering where you had gone with Vali, but you were here? I certainly didn't expect that."

Kuroka stood in front of Ophis.

"Nyahahahaha, we're surprised too nya. I thought you would go to where Vali is."

"We sent a different team there. they're probably fighting them now."

Kuroka's tail suddenly bristled as she remembered Noah's every word.

She obviously didn't believe the nonsense he said a couple of days ago but now everything was happening just as he predicted.

Some time ago Vali got some information that someone was after Ophis from the shadows. To find out, they formed a plan to lure them out. If they were lucky, they could directly fight the people who stood in the way of their team using Ophis as bait.

"This is Vali we're talking about.

He knew he wouldn't go around taking Ophis with him. So we knew he would use Ophis as bait to lure us in.

But we also knew Vali wouldn't use Ophis just as bait. So we thought something weird was going on, so we split into two groups.

One group went after Vali, while Georg and I went to check on you guys. Just as we thought, Ophis was here. So we ended up getting to know each other this way."

"Cao Cao, are you after me?"

Ophis asked casually with his usual emotionless tone.

"Yes, Ophis. We need Ophis, but we've decided we don't need your 'current' self.

You are too powerful. To be honest, I don't know what would happen if I were to face you. So, let's fight a little.

Cao Cao stood up and swung his spear deftly.


The tip of his spear opened and a blade of bright light formed. It had an intense light that sent chills down the spine of all the demons present.


Cao Cao disappeared from his place. When he appeared again, his spear stabbed deep into Ophis' stomach.

Ophis looked blankly at the spear that pierced his stomach. There was no blood flowing from his stomach, nor was there any expression of pain on his face.

Cao Cao pulled out his spear slowly, and the hole in Ophis' stomach disappeared as if nothing had happened.

"So, it didn't suffer any damage, even with the light of that holy spear...?" Cao Cao looked at the scene with a shocked face.

"An attack that would instantly kill a demon. I even put a lot of power into it to make other beings evaporate..."

Cao Cao shook his head with a wry smile and looked at the group.

"This is Ophis for you guys. You can't cause him a critical wound even with the Supreme Longinus.

Knocking down the power of infinity is not possible even with this spear."

Cao Cao continued speaking as he tapped her shoulder with his spear.

"She won't even fight against me, who attacked her. The reason is simple. That's because she can kill me whenever she wants. That's why she won't, even if I do something like this. Basically, she's not interested in anything but Big Red.

Of the 5 strongest in the world, not including Big Red, the strongest is Ophis, and there is a big gap between her and the second strongest, where you could say she is on a totally different level. This is what the incarnation of Infinity means."

Suddenly, a magic circle lit up at Kuroka's feet.

"Nyahaha, I connected it while you were doing your show."

A silver-haired, blue-eyed young man materialized above the magic circle.

"Good job, Kuroka.

It's been a while since we've seen eye to eye, Cao Cao."

Cao Cao smiled.

"Vali, this is a shocking summoning."

"I had predicted that you would come here, so I made sure I had insurance.

Now, let's finish things between us. But coming here alone with Georg. How bold of you."

"Instead of being bold, I thought it would be enough with just Georg and me."

"You seem to be confident, Cao Cao. Does that mean you have the so-called "Dragon Devourer" as your trump card? I guess he's either a Sacred-Gear wielder who specializes in killing dragons or a new Longinus wielder."

Cao Cao shook his head to the side at Vali's words.

"No, that's not it, Vali. "Dragon Devourer is the codename we gave to a being that already existed. We didn't create it. It had already been created. The "God of the Bible" created it.

Hearing that, the young man wearing a robe, Georg, spoke up.

"Is Cao Cao all right?"

"Yes, it's about time, Georg. Vali is here. Ophis is here. The Infinite Dragon God and the Celestial Dragon. A combination we couldn't ask for more of. Let's just say the time has come to open the jar of hell."

"Understood. Then the time has come to devour the infinite."

Georg, smiling, made a giant magic circle behind him in the spacious foyer.


An intense vibration shook the entire hotel.

A sinister aura was emitted from the magic circle.

A blood-chilling cold air came from the magic circle!

"This presence is...! An overwhelming evil intent directed only at a dragon...!"

Albion also seemed to have sensed something and his voice trembled.

"Albion is frightened...? What kind of being exists that can frighten a Heavenly Dragon, who is the embodiment of bravery?"

Then, a gigantic and sinister thing began to appear from the magic circle.

The creature had the upper body of a fallen angel and the lower body of an oriental dragon. In both hands, the tail and all over its body, there were innumerable nails pierced through. Even in its black wings.

The creature was embedded in a huge cross through which swam countless magical runes.

Its eyes were sealed by a torture tool and from the edges, tears of blood flowed unceasingly.

A crucifixion made to a criminal who has done something very serious. The whole landscape of the creature represented the personification of the wrath of the one who judged him.


A bloodcurdling voice emitted from the criminal's mouth and echoed throughout the hall. From his fang-covered mouth also came blood and saliva.

Pain. Jealousy. Suffering. Resentment. A sound that was mixed with all kinds of negative emotions.

It could be said to be a being that was judged by someone who harbored great anger towards him. There was a black aura and mist coming off the fallen angel dragon that spread throughout the hall.

A sickening feeling that covered Vali's entire body.

Cao Cao took a step forward and began to speak as if he was reading a poem.

"They say it's God's poison. They say it is God's evil intent. A forbidden being who made the people of Eden eat the fruit of knowledge. The first crime that was judged by the dead God of the Bible and is still going on.

The dragon eater, Samael.

The angel who received the curse from God who hated dragons and serpents.

A dragon. Yes. A dragon whose existence was struck from the record."

Cao Cao smiled in amusement at the various expressions of the group. Then he snapped his fingers as he looked at Ophis.

Cao Cao opened her mouth to order Samael to devour Ophis but suddenly, in the crowd, a spatial wave came out of Rias' body and lena appeared behind her, releasing an invisible wave that covered the entire building.

Suddenly, the whole group was transported to a flower meadow with a sunset landscape.

"What the hell?"

Before Cao Cao or Georg could react, a spear was aimed at Cao Cao's neck.

Dodging at the last second, Cao Cao touched the scar on his neck and his expression of amusement was replaced by a drained expression.



Georg tried to give Samael a command but suddenly, his body froze at the same time the sound of a book closing was heard.

"Georg fails in trying to control Samael and as a result the creature freezes for a few seconds."

Lena smiled slyly as she put Telos Karma away.

Samael remained frozen in place.

Suddenly, someone appeared in front of him.

Noah appeared in front of Samael's fallen angel body and slashed his chest with the dragon slayer sword, Ascalon.

Despite being the nemesis of dragons, Samael was still a dragon as well.

Although Ascalon's dragon-killing effect could not compare to the effect of Samael's poison at all, it could still hurt him.


Cao Cao tried to stop what Noah was going to do next but suddenly Vali got in his way.

With Vali, and Magna flanking him on either side, Cao Cao had no way to get there in time.

Using Ascalon as a scalpel, Noah cut the veins and arteries connecting the creature's heart to its body before teleporting away.

Samael's body suddenly trembled before it let out a horrible roar.


The monstrous creature writhed in pain and even freed its body from the chains.

Although its heart was ripped out, that didn't mean it would die so easily.

"Well, Cao Cao! I leave you this gift to celebrate our reunion."

Noah smiled before Lena expelled him and the others from the pocket dimension, leaving only Cao Cao and Georg to face the dying creature that was now freed from its physical bonds.

Despite breaking the shackles on its body, the shackles confining its soul were still intact so the beast could only act on instinct.

And the first thing his instinct told him was to kill.

Its murky eyes fixed on the greatest threat it felt, Cao Cao, and its serpentine body slithered towards him at great speed.

On the outside, Noah stood behind Lena as he pumped energy into her body constantly so that the pocket dimension wouldn't collapse due to the battle inside.

Cao Cao gritted his teeth and clenched his spear tightly.

"Balance Breaker: Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin!"

Seven orbs appeared around Cao Cao.

Cao Cao grabbed Georg and tried to use one of these orbs that allowed him to teleport out of this place.

Suddenly, two eyes flashed in the sky.

"Space seal! No one can enter or leave this dimension!"

With Lena's command, the pocket dimension rearranged itself and all the space inside it was completely sealed.

The teleportation ability failed, frustrating Cao Cao even more.

"Shit! Do I have to use that? Even with Breaker balance I won't be able to defeat this thing."

Gritting his teeth in fury, Cao Cao gripped his spear with both hands before holding it upright while reciting a chant.

"O Spear. The true Holy Spear that pierces God.

Feed on the ambition of the King of Domination that slumbers within me and pierce the breach of blessing and destruction.

Announce the will and become radiance."

Cao Cao pointed his spear at Samael.

"Thruth Idea!"

A terrifying amount of holy light shot out from the spear and swallowed Samael's body, reducing it to dust.

The holy light also pierced the dimension and caused it to fragment into pieces.

The seven orbs of light around Cao Cao faded and the glow of the spear also dimmed.

Georg quickly grabbed Cao Cao and carried him on his shoulders before conjuring a magic circle that teleported them to some unknown location.

Next chapter