
The Mission Accomplished

As Madison approached the council chamber, she took a deep breath to steady herself. The weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders, but she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

She pushed open the heavy wooden doors to find Wald hunched over a large map, surrounded by ministers and advisors. He looked up as she entered, his face brightening.

"Maya! Perfect timing. We were just discussing the logistics for tomorrow's mission."

Madison joined the group, studying the map. It showed the surrounding villages, with markers indicating the extent of damage from Karnath-Gor's attacks.

"We've divided into teams," Wald explained, pointing to different areas. "Each group will have a mix of nobles and commoners. The idea is to arrive unannounced and just start helping wherever we're needed."

Madison nodded, impressed by how quickly their plan had come together. "Have we addressed the concerns of the village elders?"

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