
Digging Into Alessander's Past Pt 1

I was so conscious around him that I forgot to breathe. He had heard him bitching about him right after I sucked him off last night. I wasn't certain if there was any coming back from that.

He circled into the room and closed the door behind him. I observed as he dropped the tray next to me on the bed, then turned to leave.

"Wait." I held onto his wrist, clearly not thinking straight. I had nothing in my mind to say to convince him that I didn't entirely mean what I said.

But he didn't seem bothered enough to care. He peeled my hand off and said, "Eat up, I'll have someone come over to make you lunch. Feel free to ask her to cook anything you'd like." He said than disappeared for the entire day.

As promised, someone did come to make lunch for me, it was a woman no older than fifty, who looked clearly Russian. When she came in, she tried speaking Russian to me, but I didn't understand shit of what she was saying.

Thankfully, she was bilingual.

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