"Why did you stop, Zeng?"
Rubbing his nose, which had bumped straight into Zeng's back, Ren inwardly cursed before staring at Zeng.
After staying silent for a moment, Zeng simply pointed forward before awkwardly replying.
"I don't know...it's like I can't go any further than here."
Confused, Ren manifested a dagger before infusing it with the blood-red substance, illuminating the underground tunnel.
As Ren gestured for Zeng to demonstrate, he promptly stretched his hand out, but Zeng's hand couldn't reach all the way forward, as if there was an invisible wall blocking the way forward.
Proving his point, Zeng raised his foot and attempted to move forward; however, his foot was stopped mid-air from moving any farther.
Looking at the peculiar situation where Zeng couldn't move forward, Ren couldn't help but mutter.
Had the principal set up a barrier around the academy to prevent any djinns from exiting?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: