
Chapter 259:Assembly [4]

Finally moving in response to my loud voice, Jin simply turned to me and gave me a thumbs up before returning his faithful gaze to the smartwatch before him.

Although he couldn't see it, I also gave him a thumbs-up before prepping my hands.

Changing the form of corruption on Jin's hands was just like drawing.

I positioned my right hand as I was holding a pencil, and my left hand was flat as if it were a canvas waiting to be written on.

Raising the imaginary pencil in my right hand, I closed my eyes for a second before locking my gaze onto the canvas, or my flat left hand, below me.

After a bit of hesitation to build up hype, Principal Seraphina flipped to another page of the book that she was holding before opening her mouth.

"What was the original name of the body of water that is currently surrounding the academy's island? Please note, I am asking for the original name... not the current name."

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