
Chapter 206:Recruiting [5]

Walking toward security guards, who were already familiar with me by now, I waved my paper pass before heading inside. 

Opening the familiar doors of the royal dormitory, I took a quick glance inside, ensuring that nobody was around.

Peering through a crack in the door, I sighed upon seeing the common room and hallway were empty.

Taking out my smartphone, I sent a quick message to Charlotte.

[Ren: I'm outside.]


Not even giving me time to look away from my smartphone, Charlotte immediately replied.

[Charlotte: And, what exactly are you waiting for? The snow? Come in.]

...little does she know.

Opening the doors fully, I entered the luxurious hallways before taking off my jacket and wrapping around my waste.

A moment later, I heard a slight noise echo from further down the hallway while a familiar soft and calm voice spoke.

"You're late."

Shrugging my shoulders, I replied.

"Am I?"

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