As the bell rang once again, signifying the end of the school day, I exhaustedly got up before following Han and Jin to the exit.
As the sliding door opened, the sound of countless students talking and walking in the hall immediately flooded my ears.
Sighing, I recalled how silent the entire school had been earlier when exams were upon us.
"...I missed when there were exams...at least, the school was quiet then."
From in front of me, Jin immediately remarked.
"Are you insane!? Do you not remember how hard we had to study just to barely pass in the end?"
Shrugging my shoulders, I replied.
"Who's 'we?' I did far better than barely pass."
With a smirk, Jin pointed to a nearby chair before putting his hand on his stomach and saying.
"Need I remind you of what just happened an hour ago?"
"...alright, you win."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: