As Ruby stood up from the ground, the blush disappeared from her face, and she subsequently brushed her hair off her face.
Not even glancing at me, Ruby waited for the nods of approval of the other three girls before pulling out her magic wand.
"Well, go ahead then!"
Seeing the four girls completely ignore my sarcastic response, I sighed before dusting the dirt off my pants and stepping back.
Keeping my crow elevated in the air above the forest, I watched with interest as the tip of Ruby's wand turned a dark red, and bouts of fire began to crackle on the ground below here.
Interestingly enough, despite the ground not being completely dry from the water's earlier downfall, Ruby's fire seemed to ignore the wet ground, as it only grew despite the water being right below it.
Instead of creating an elemental reaction between fire and water, the fire seemed to coexist with the water as the two substances basically ignored each other.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: