For the next few hours, I laid my head on the windowsill with my eyes closed, trying to sleep; however, it seemed like people in the section beside us were really getting along, as constant screaming and laughing could be heard.
If I had enhanced hearing instead of eyesight, I probably would have jumped out the window...
Slightly opening my eyes, I saw Irene and Zach also trying to fall asleep, as well as Ruby, who was leaning back against her chair and enjoying a snack that had been given out earlier.
Reclining my chair, I relaxed my body and began to fall asleep, ignoring our loud neighbors.
"We have arrived. Please grab your belongings from the bus compartment and head into your rooms. Lights out will be in 30 minutes."
Jerking upwards from the sudden announcements, I glanced outside the window and noticed that pitch-black darkness had completely replaced the sunlight.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: