
85- Smart

When Kate went home, Amir was still there watching TV like a couch potato. 

"How was your day, Hun," he asked her, yawning loudly and didn't even wait for her answer. He just turned up the volume of the show, he was watching.

She showered and changed into a comfy cotton shirt and tights. Moving around in her apartment that green-eyed kid remained in her mind.

John Harris had dropped her off at the MSin building and wanted to invite her on a date though she already told him that she was engaged.

"Like all others, he must be attracted to me," She thought for a moment and smiled to herself. But then her thoughts were again consumed by Marissa.

For her office colleagues, she was a miss-good-two-shoes. But Kate needed to tell the whole office about the real girl.

So that was the reason that Mr. Sinclair showed partiality to her. 

Maybe she was still warming his bed or maybe she was now his ex-mistress and must be blackmailing him.

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