
Incident on the road pt.1

Before starting with the lesson, Marina found it right to explain how the powers of demigods worked. It was one of the more abstract concepts, unlike monsters and gods, so she thought it would make it easier for them to understand with basic knowledge.

"All demigods are born with a power called a 'god particle'," the blonde said, "This can be passed on to their children, who will have the ability to see through the veil of reality."

The younger demigods put on frowns, probably not what they expected from the lesson.

Marina continued, "In the past there was a real noble distinction between the ancient families, those who had hundreds of generations of descendants. Some are still here, but they are much less influential than they once were."

A boy in a blood-red sweatshirt asked her from afar, "What does this have to do with the class?"

"A moment!" Marina replied, recognizing him as Sidal's son.

She glared at the demigod, the latter immediately trembled and looked away. The blonde smiled satisfied and spoke again, she hadn't realized that the boy had been scared because of Shirei. Cragar's son remained silent and allowed her to continue.

"In the case of demigods, at their birth, the pure divine particle is contaminated by the innate divine power and ends up falling back into the paths of a deity."

"The paths?" This time the questioning exclamation came from Michela, her half-sister.

"Yes," confirmed Marina, "The term should not be understood in the strict sense as it refers to ancient religious cults. In essence, priests could pledge themselves to a masked god and pursue their veneration until death."

No breath, her speech was slowly starting to attract general attention.

"If the powers that taint the particle have not awakened, the demigod may try to reject his inheritance and remain powerless."

Ien's daughter noticed a little girl whispering with her companions and called her: "You with the bangs, do you have any doubts?"

"I-", the young demigoddess quickly backed away, "I didn't mean to, I apologize."

Marina smiled sweetly, "Don't worry. You're here for a lesson, not just to hear me talk. Please, what did you want to ask?"

"Why would anyone do that?"

"It's very simple. Not contaminating one's own divine particle is equivalent to not earning that sign that distinguishes us demigods. Without that, monsters can't smell us," she paused, "Am I clear?"

The demigoddess nodded, "Yes! Thank you!"

"Ah!" Dalia exclaimed, "Anyway, that's why the children of the major gods are the ones who risk the most!" Said Cragar's daughter.

Marina smiled at her, "Exactly, they are more distinguished. Thank you, Dalia."

The little girl winked and Ien's daughter was able to move towards the end of the speech.

"This particle was renamed by the divine Didreus as Thebrion, clearly in honor of the primordial god. All the power of a demigod is contained in it," she took advantage of a pause to moisten her lips, "By training, it is possible to draw more easily on the power contained in the divine particle, but the limit is dictated by fate and no demigod will ever be able to overcome it."

"So we are… limited?" Asked a demigod from the crowd.

"Unfortunately, yes," the blonde admitted reluctantly, "Everyone is born with a different potential but, once this is achieved, you can't go any further."

The answer seemed to leave everyone with a bad taste in their mouths.

"At the Daffodil Academy there is also an evaluation test held by the teachers to receive your rank, they work a lot with the hierarchies there."

Marina preferred not to digress further and motioned to Cragar's two sons to come closer. She immediately noticed the strange expression Shirei had and wondered if he was going to add some information, but the boy simply remained silent. The blonde realized that she had mentioned the academy by mistake and wondered if his reaction was due to that. She decided to push the thoughts out of her head and think about the lesson.

"Let's get to the main thing we're here for. Although the Pact of the Great Six has been dissolved, encountering demigods of this caliber is quite rare. Today we have the opportunity to observe two of them with our own eyes."

The same boy, Sidal's son, asked her "And the others? Won't you show them?"

"I would like to, but there are no other children present at the Lilies Park... For today you will have to make do with this."

Marina allowed herself a grimace, that son of Sidal was starting to get on her nerves. The demigoddess was aware that it was the fault of the nature transmitted by the god of war, however she just couldn't stand them. She hoped that, after that answer, she could continue the lesson in peace, but the demigod had other plans.

"You!" The boy shouted in Shirei's direction, "Let's challenge each other to a duel!"

Next chapter