
Point of No Return 1 (5)

The ginormous body of Kazarax, which resembled that of a burly, muscular man, whose dark hair was messy curled and almost reaching its shoulders as if it hadn't taken a bath for who knows how long, quivered as the sounds of dislocating bones, writhing flesh, and cold breathing entered everyone's auricular sense.

It undoubtedly spread anxiety to the hundreds of scattered students throughout the grand hall; most of them hadn't even had the time to get proper rest.

To begin with, the fifth floor of the labyrinth was new territory for the adventurers, whether they were students or not. That being said, Aeron Eronheim and the others didn't expect the boss monster's next stage, which was highly similar to most dungeon bosses.

They were certain that it died through their collective efforts, that he would boast about it to his father, who warned him regarding venturing to the deeper parts of the labyrinth known as the Labyrinth of First Sin.

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