
Characteristics & Personalities

{Author-chan: This is only for those heroines whose characteristics and personalities have not been shaped in the movies or TV shows.}

1. Hannah: Submissive, Devoted, Emotional, Fashionable, Passionate

: Shows tendencies of a masochist and enjoys being dominated.

: Loyal and eager to please.

: Displays her emotions openly.

: Has a strong sense of style.

: Her interactions are filled with longing and desire.

2. Diana: Regal, Emotional, Prideful, Affectionate, Traditional

: Maintains her royal demeanour, and uses formal speech.

: Her tone reveals her feelings, despite her attempts to remain composed.

: Has a strong sense of pride but can set it aside for those she cares about.

: Shows genuine warmth and excitement when interacting with others.

: Prefers home-cooked meals and intimate settings over public outings.

{Author-chan: I will update this along the way. You can provide the kinks or different characteristics and personalities you want the Heroines to have.

And as usual, don't forget to read today's weird author's thoughts.}

“The most beautiful things are those that madness prompts and reason writes." ~ Andre Gide

groomablecreators' thoughts
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