

{Author-chan: Welcome to a new chapter. Thanks for all the comments; they motivated me to write new chapters. I am sick again today; I don't know why, but since I traveled to the Outback, I keep getting sick.

I have read the comments provided by some readers, and I will try to improve the quality of my writing, but like I said earlier, I am just a weirdo trying to write something, and I am also trying to fix my messy life along with it. I have uni, I have writing, and I am searching for a part-time job, so I will improve my writing; it will just be slow progress, and after this story is finished, I will rewrite when I have improved.

Which world do you guys think Alexia should go to next? Power-seeking universes—limitless? Resident Evil? or slice-of-life universes—HIMYM? Suits? Two broke girls? Modern Family.

Also, keep dropping those shiny gems; I like them. Okay, let's start the chapter, you fuckers.}


May 1988

There were no rainy clouds at night. A car was going at a fast speed with a silent hum.

"Mam, we have arrived." said John.

When I saw the scenery, I thought, "There was supposed to be Barry's yellow car on the outskirts of New York, like in the movie. I wonder what Jenny is doing right now." [Pic in the comments.]


Jenny Johnson Pov

"Jenny, It's me, Barry. Can we at least talk about what happened? Please call me."

I was meant to spend time having sex with Barry tonight, but ever since I got back from seeing Alexia, I can't even look at him. I'm disgusted by my decision to have my first sexual experience whenever I look at him.

"I wonder what Alexia is doing right now?"


I asked John, "What's the ETA on the meteoroid?"

"It will be her in 30 minutes to 1 hour." John said.


John asked if I was interested in setting up a spot, and when I said yes, he set up a tent, a chair, made a fire, and proceeded to sit in the car.

After being alone, I started to think: after taking power, should I leave this world to go to a more technologically advanced one or go to a normal universe and have fun and pick up beautiful girls?

35 minutes later.

I was viewing a gorgeous moon in the sky while enjoying the sound of insects while sitting on my cozy chair with a marshmallow attached on a stick when I heard something.


I knew that the meteorite was here; I looked up, and there it was. [Pic in the comments.]

The whistling sound grew louder as it approached, and when it passed overhead, I could see its trail. It was beautiful. [Pic in the comments.]

I started running towards the tree following the meteorite, but not before I told John to stay in the car.


There was the meteorite, even though it looked like the temperature would be lava, but I knew it was cold. How would I know, you ask? Duh. I studied about it. [Author-chan: I searched and found that it is cold; it can be warm, but most of the time, meteorites are cold when they fall. See, I searched for small details like this just for you guys. Pic in the comments.]

I walked towards the meteorite, and it was beautiful. I knew it would explode if I touched it, so I made sure I touched it with my whole body for good exposure, and it exploded.


I was not hurt by it, but that sure was fun. I could see the transformation happening; there were visual sparks going over my body, and wherever they went, they changed me. First, my hands got softer, my boobs got bigger, and my height increased a few inches. I don't know how, but I could feel the power, and lastly, my hair color changed to white. I could feel myself younger. [Author-chan: Here is where our Alexia got her white hair color.] [Pic in the comments.]

I tried flying; I did not know how to, so I closed my eyes and started thinking about it, maybe like Superman, it comes naturally, and when I opened my eyes, I was flying 1 foot above ground. I started moving my feet and trying different moves. I flew straight into the air, and after a minute, I stopped and went back to the ground because I knew these were the same meteorites that could potentially take the power away from me, so I needed to collect them and keep them somewhere for now.

When I got towards the car, John was standing there, shocked by my new clothes. I guess I changed too much.

"So how do I look, John?" I asked

"As beautiful as ever, boss," John said, knowing I was having fun.

"Keep being loyal, and you will get your chance to get power." I said.

"Let's go," I continued.

"Where to, boss?" John asked.



Where are the pieces of the meteorite, you might think?

On the moon, obviously, I would not keep it on this planet till I got more power that others could not take away from me.


[Author-chan: I know this chapter is short; sorry about that. I am not writing frequently because every few weeks I get sick, and I don't know why. I am still sneezing and coughing while writing this chapter.

This chapter has been pending for 3 days, so I had to write because this inconsistency is making me look bad. Sorry about that.

Make sure to read today's weird author's thought.]

“It ain’t whatcha write, it’s the way atcha write it.” ~ Jack Kerouac, WD

groomablecreators' thoughts
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