
Northern Region, Ohio Captured

Using Ralph's Door ability, I was able to visit all residential areas within the northern region of the city and during my tests, we were able to find ten individuals that fit the description." Silver explained as he passed this tab over to Lucius.

Gazing at the faces of the people caught, Lucius couldn't help but admit that he wouldn't suspect these people. There was nothing off about them, and neither did they have any unique feature that would make them stand out. 

"So, it's confirmed that these people are Deviants?" Lucius asked after going through the images.

"Well, they do have an abnormal mass of aether energy and possess blue blood, but they are yet to transform," Silver answered honestly.

"Apart from your speculations, do you have any proof that they are indeed Deviants?" Lucius asked another question while passing the tab back to Silver.

His question seemed to have caught Silver off-guard since Lucius agreed with the plan earlier.

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