
Chapter 13: Sir Steffan’s Babysitting

<Sir Steffan P.O.V>

"We will need a glorious group of knights to protect us from these savage Dornish, my wife. They shall be named the Kingsguard and will protect us with their lives," The young Princess Rhaenyra proclaimed in an adorable attempt at a kingly voice.

"That's not how it went!" Protested Alyssa, "It was Visenya who created the Kingsguard not Aegon," Rhaenyra made to scowl though it was more of a pout on her childish features.

 Ser Steffon's young charge had been brought by Rhaenyra to her chambers so they could play Aegon and Visenya. Though the game turned into Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys when Alyssa insisted on joining.

 Ser Steffon would have thought it would make sense for the only boy to play Aegon but Rhaenyra didn't seem to agree with his conclusion and had insisted on being the Conqueror which ended up with Baelon as the wielder of Dark Sister. Ser Steffon had been roped into being any of the siblings' various enemies, from Harren the Black King of the Isles, to young Ronnel Arryn the King who Flew, even Meria Martell the Yellow Toad of Dorne.

 "I'm the King!" Replied Rhaenyra, "If I want to be the one to make the Kingsguard then I'll be the one to make the Kingsguard! Why are you even still here? You should have left after dying in Dorne."

 "Baelon doesn't want me to leave," Alyssa proclaimed, "He enjoys my company."

 It was amusing for Ser Steffon to see both young girls turn to the young Prince for help only to find him yawning with his face in his hand while staring out the window. It was equally amusing the way both girls shot him sympathetic looks, taking his boredom as support towards their side.

 "Even if that were true as I'm the King I could order you away."

 "Baelon would come with me if you did," Alyssa declared confidently, "We are twins. We won't ever be separated for long, everyone says so," The statement earned another pout from Rhaenyra and it was all Steffon could do to continue fighting the smile that had been working its way up his face since the children had begun the adorable play.

 It was true that the twins were seldom seen apart and anywhere one went in the Red Keep they might hear servants and ladies alike gushing over the young dragons.

 Baelon was praised for his maturity, quiet wit, and grace while Alyssa was praised for her charming nature and fearlessness, many claimed that she was in nature the replica of both her father and grandmother. Many of those same people claimed that Baelon was the image of Jaehaerys in his youth.

 For most they were seen as a spot of sunshine in an otherwise bleak and fretful capital. Most of what the people said of the 'Bronze Dragons' was even true. Baelon seemed quiet and shy at first glance but it would only take a single conversation with him to notice his intelligence. Much greater than that of any child Ser Steffon had ever met before, not that he had met many.

 Those in court who did not know the two well would claim Alyssa had Baelon wrapped around her little finger but Ser Steffon had seen first hand that it went both ways. He knew that the reason for the twins always being in close contact was Alyssa, the young girl would cry if away from her brother for too long and always needed to be reassured and comforted by him.


Luckily for her, Baelon was not like most other four year olds and was capable as well as willing to provide his sister the comfort she sought.

 A knock at the door broke Steffon from his thoughts and caused him to take a step forward while the Kingsguard tasked with protecting Rhaenyra, Ser Harrold Westerling, fell back towards their young charges.


"You may enter," Rhaenyra called out as she moved to sit beside Baelon.

 Of course Alyssa immediately responded to this by moving to sit on the other side of her brother.

 "Have you been having fun, Rhaenyra?" Aemma Arryn entered the room with all the grace expected from a noble Lady and Ser Steffon along with Ser Harrold gave her a shallow bow.

 "Yes mother, Baelon made a fantastic Visenya. Though our Rhaenys left something to be desired," Rhaenyra, as with much that she said, replied haughtily.

 "Oh?" Aemma turned her gaze to Baelon with an amused smile, "Did my Rhaenyra force you into being a woman?"

 "I'd rather be Visenya than many of the men alive at the time, my Lady," Baelon had a polite smile on his face as he often did while speaking, "Speaking of Visenya is there any news on whether Vhagar has left the capital?" Baelon the Brave had died the night before, and he had kept his dragon Vhagar in the Red Keep alongside Jaehaerys own Vermithor ever since he had been named Hand of the King.

 Now that Vhagar was riderless, doing so seemed a foolish idea. The Good Queen Alysanne's dragon Silverwing had also resided in the Keep though it returned to Dragonstone along with the Queen years before she died. Now the largest dragon in the world was loose in the capital and there was nothing anyone could do about it. All anyone could hope was that Vhagar would fly back to the volcano at Dragonstone, the place she had been hatched.

 "Last I heard Vhagar still resided in the Godswood," Sighed Aemma, "Hopefully she will be gone before she can destroy the Red Keep and all of King's Landing."

 Ser Steffon thought that the Targaryens were entirely too calm about the fact a dragon was loose in the capital but it was not his place to question the royal family.

"I wonder who the next dragon-rider for Vhagar will be." said Baelon.

"Baelon, you should definitely try to ride Vhagar," said Alyssa excitedly.

"Yeah," Rhaenyra also expressed her support,"Then, both of us can go on a ride in the skies."

"It sounds easy, but claiming a riderless dragon is not the same as bonding with a baby dragon," said Aemma.

"What's the difference?" asked Baelon.

"I don't know much about it, perhaps asking your father may be better." said Aemma. Steffan thought that the boy wanted to claim Vhaghar on his own. It seems that Aemma had drawn the same conclusion.

"My Prince, Vhagar is still grieving, she is just as likely to lash out at everyone who dares approach," Ser Steffon believed that Vhagar was just as likely to eat the boy because she was a wild beast but Aemma's take on things certainly helped to spare his young charge's feelings.

 "Vhagar wouldn't hurt Baelon," Protested Rhaenyra, "He is a Targaryen! No dragon would harm him!" For once Alyssa and Rhaenyra seemed united on an issue as the former nodded her agreement.

 Aemma fought to find a reply for a moment before answering, "You will need the permission of your mother and father in any case and it isn't likely for them to agree. Now children, you must be getting ready for the funeral."

 "Yes mother," Replied Rhaenyra before turning to Baelon and pulling him into a hug, "I will see you soon Bael," Alyssa made a face as though the nickname was sour.

 "See you soon Nyra," The Prince grabbed his sister's hand and with a slight bow to his cousin the two were on the way to their room.

"Baelon," Alyssa sought her brothers hand.

"What is it Alyssa?" asked Baelon.

"Call me Alys," she said, much to Baelon's amusement.

 "Do you really want to visit Vhagar brother?" Alyssa asked after a moment.

"Maybe when I'm older," said Baelon," But not yet."

Steffon was glad that Baelon didn't insist on trying to meet Vhagar. Trying to claim one of the largest dragons in the world would be a foolhardy quest. Luckily, Steffon knew that Baelon was more sensible than most his age. Still, there was always gonna be a chance that the desire for a dragon would triumph all reason. Steffan decided to keep an eye out on the prince. Just in case.

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