
chapter 54

It wasn't that Jaden didn't understand that something was wrong but he really had no idea how to sort his emotions and just decided to ignore them for now. He didn't want ask her about his doubts too, it would seem like disrespect or something.

"Jaden, forget it. What do you want from me?"

"I saw the news."

"Of course you saw the news so? Am I supposed to dance for you or something?"

In deed an angry woman is the most dangerous one, she was attacking him left right and center.

"Hey, I just..."

"Just go already, your competitor is already wounded why don't you go and secure the chance to snatch some projects. Where did your great brains go to? In fact I'm ready to sleep, don't disturb me."

Just like that, she went under the covers and closed her eyes, just like that. He had no other option but to...

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