
chapter 19:

The helicopter was let out because of Jean's call without much consideration but although she was a female general she was retired and it couldn't stay with her for more than four hours. 

Or else she would have to answer back to her former bosses. 

"Everyone put on a parachute, I assume you guys know how to. We have 10 minutes to do so."

They tied themselves immediately, it was a surprise on Jean's side when she saw their speed. 

"You guys seem too familiar with this. Anyways lets jump, there is a small escarpment and we will have to climb the rocky wall to enter Country N jurisdiction. The military could only drop us here to avoid issues with the other country."

They nodded knowingly as they followed suit and jumped after Jean who had jumped off already. 

Carlos looked at the time the moment they landed. 

"Boss its 50 minutes to 2 pm."

In deed the military plane flew at around 1500 mph and ready to risk compared to commercial planes. The remaining time was enough for them to cross over the rocky escarpment and reach the other side. 

Jaden was confident in James' and Carlos' abilities and from what he saw Jean do, he was confident that she will cross over easily so they had nothing to worry. 

"Ready to go? Lets climb."

When he looked at Jean who was supposed to show them the right direction, he found her still trying to get the parachute off. 

"Why is it even locked this way."

He smiled slightly before pulling the click off for her. 

"Wow, it seems my skills need some polishing."

Jean commented before she got ready and started climbing fast but meticulous. The rest followed her as fast as they could. It took them at most twenty minutes before they reached the other side.

"Guys from here you are in Country N. You can call cabs."

Jean was ready to separate from them and they didn't have an issue with it. She wasn't in their team therefore they had to separate. After walking for around three steps, Jean saw a snake. 


Jaden had to swear he had never heard such a shrill scream before. Before he could even ask why a big man was screaming that way, an octopus was hugging him. 

If there's something Jean is afraid of in this world, then it is a snake. She could fight a lion, a tiger but not even a tiny snake. 


Jaden didn't know what to do apart from hugging someone back, he felt as if he knew someone else who was afraid of snakes. Eagle, but she works for the military so that was a bit far fetched for Fella. 

James had another theory in his head, Jean had made Jaden to be her psychological danger and medicine at the same time. That was a bit tricky. 

"Hey get off let's move."

Jean had found a safe zone and had no intentions of getting off when they were still in the tall grass. Jaden gave his things to Carlos and lifted her up.

"Bro, never knew you had this big brother attitude before."

In deed, Jaden didn't have a younger brother and was just finding it novel to bully, help and protect Jean at the same time. Carlos felt like he should feed James a little gossip.

"He told Hellen that Fella is his boyfriend."

"What! And grandpa?"

Of course James knew if Hellen was aware then it was expected that old Grey would know. At this Carlos didn't even have to answer but Jean who was nestling in someone's arms was the one to answer.

She perked up immediately and started laughing at Jaden as she narrated how he was beaten. 

"You could have seen those bruised marks on his muscles."

Jean didn't even get to finish the statement before she found herself lying on the ground. 

"Ouch, bastard."

But who is Jaden he just raised his eyebrows amidst James laughter and Jean's groan. 

It was at that moment that two cabs arrived, they boarded separately and left. Jean was still pouting when she sat in the car. The driver couldn't help his curiosity. 

"Young man did someone bully you? Why don't you call your parents?"

Jean was startled at the question but thanks to that she called her parents to let them know she won't be at home for quite sometime.

"Hello young lady, you have been missing for days. Are you ok?"

Jean was surprised at Valery's concern, she thought it would be her dad.

"I'm doing fine, how are you and everyone?"

"We are fine, your sister's are done with the exams and will be home for holidays. We want to go on a vacation will you go with us?"

"I won't be around for the next few days but if you wait for one more week I will manage to come back."

"Ok, I will tell your father. Just do your things but remember to join us for vacation."

With that the phone was hang up. She knew she had to make to the family vacation or else Valery will think she was being rude.

"Sir we are here."

Jean found the driver looking at her with a surprised gaze when he said that but she couldn't explain herself to everyone. She had her reasons for dressing as a man but of course she had to use her normal voice when speaking to her parents. 

In a military event in the capital of Country N, people could be seen standing straight as the officials made their way in. Different military departments were standing behind their leaders in different uniforms. 

Helicopters could be seen flying as they kept vigil and in the nearby ocean submarines with military flags could be seen appearing and disappearing. This spelt the significance of this event. 

A new Chief of Defense Forces was to be sworn in today. The president of country N was also among the officials that would be present today. No one knew who the person to be sworn in was but from the security and everything it had to be seen that they were preventing something from happening before they sworn him in. 

"Top military personnel making their way in. Navy, Airforce and Army."

An announcement was heard across the venue as a group of people in white, red and blue uniforms made their way in. Apart from that a young man in a pure black suit with a gold like half face mask followed them in. 

People could tell that he had a mysterious identity as no one stopped him form him entering. 

"His excellency 47th president of Country N, Kelly Reynolds."

With that the most prestigious character of the event made his way in. 

All this time every thing was silent and tense as the announcements followed protocol. In a random street point in this capital a figure covered with a white shawl could be seen watching the proceedings of the event on a city screen with black ear pods on. 

Military hummers could be seen patrolling now and then as some people went by their business. The atmosphere became tense when the swearing of the new CDF started but surprisingly nothing happened.

Even the soldiers on the streets leading to the international stadium became confused a little.

"Wasn't it expected that Black Lolli will appear to stop the event."

These were their thoughts but they kept vigil as much possible. It was then an official announcement was made through their head sets. 

"Main event completed. Danger not detected, stay for two minutes before leaving."

Huh, they let out sighs as their vigilance plummeted, of course at this point no one noticed a middle aged lady with a kid covered in a shawl stepped forward and crossed the guarded point. 

At the main event, the young man who had been closing his eyes all these time finally opened them and a glint flashed across them.

When the president who had been intentionally observing the young guys actions saw him open them suddenly, he became alert and tugged at the new CDF slightly. 

This high ranking positions needed vigilance every now and then, even though they had military protection. They still ordered for this young man so that he could use different thinking style from that of protocol from the men in the military. 

"A middle aged lady covered in a white shawl is making her way towards the entrance and she has a small baby in her arms."

Grey heard Carlos voice coming from the small speaker of the stud on his ear. 

This was what made him open his eyes because logically speaking she couldn't see anything from in here. Meanwhile, at the same time camera men from verified channels could be seen moving their equipment to take a better view. 

Jerry Abel who had sat beside the president felt very a little disturbed but he didn't know why. He had all the security around him but he felt like a venomous beast was eyeing him slowly. 

Even the military personnel noticed the lady in white approaching the entry point. 

"Alert, lady in white, small kid in hands approaching the entry point."

Everyone's attention shifted to the approaching lady, she didn't even fret at gun point. The issue was, the military had never seen Black Lolli nor had an issue with her. Even Carlos an James had never met her but Jaden knew clearly how she looked like though he couldn't be sure maybe she had disguised herself. 

"Young lady, stop moving that's an order."

When the order sounded, everyone became tensed and looked at the entrance silently. When she didn't stop, guns were cocked ready for action. Of course they didn't want to kill the innocent but she was forcing them. 

On the other hand, the statehouse assistants were supplying mineral water to the officials. People were confident that the military could handle that woman therefore the event continued. 

At the same time, a young lady from the statehouse was handing over water to the new CDF with an umbrella tugged on her trouser. 

They were on the sun previously so no one could wonder why she had an umbrella. 

But Jerry who was being handed water saw her smile and felt like he had been drenched in the pacific. 

At the same time, the man who was a few meters behind Jerry narrowed his eyes and leapt over, it was a pity he a bit far. 

A black lollipop could be seen leaving the young lady's hands and heating Jerry's fore head before he sank in his chair. 

All these had happened in seconds but President Kelly who was beside Jerry felt like it was a long moment of having death stare at you. 

He didn't even time to say anything before he saw a lady in black with another lollipop and an open umbrella leap away. Jaden who had missed the lollipop by a millisecond didn't even stop, he chased after Black Lolli immediately.

It was after five seconds that the military and everyone noticed something wrong, in deed the speed of the tow guys was simply insane. They had disappeared from their surveillance in seconds. 

Still there was bad news, #MURDER OF CDF




Several headlines made way to the social media as chaos broke and the military apprehended the lady in white. They were surprised to find that the kid covered in towel was robot. 

The lady herself passed away from shock. The robot had been used to completely erase the traces of Black Lolli from any CCTV even without their knowledge. So only president Kelly could be said to have seen the assassins face apart from Jaden and Jerry the deceased.

Complete defeat, the military were so frustrated.


An official lockdown was announced.

Next chapter