

By the time I had set aside Junichi's message and the flurry of thoughts it inspired, Rina had excused herself and Mei was sharing a look with Ao that made him stand awkwardly between us. 

"It's alright, Ao. Do as she says." I said, nodding when he did a double take. I turned to Kurohane who still knelt at my side, "You too. I'll return to Kiri soon so accompany Ao for now."

"Yes, sir!" Kurohane vanished in a burst of water but Ao, who he would accompany, still lingered, unsure about leaving me especially since it mostly seemed like Mei's idea. 

"Begone Ao, quickly." I said with a fierce finality. This got him moving, walking rather than using shunshin to make himself scarce as Mei all but grinned to his dismissal. 

I shook my head at their friendship but allowed their playfulness to be for a moment longer as Ao scowled up at her as he left and Mei stifled a giggle as she waved him away. 

Eventually, despite Ao's slowness, Mei and I were the only ones left on the cliff top. The sun had truly set now and the night was just over the glittering red horizon. 

Mei, still a bit covered in mud though she'd passed off most of her dirt onto Rina, stood by my side.

"Thank you. The Nettou clan truly needs a benefactor, though I didn't expect it to be you." I said, breaking the silence before it set in. 

Mei shrugged, "I'd do anything in my power to help Bloodline wielders. They're innocent in all this bloodshed."

I nodded and hummed in agreement, "Rina says you're going quite the length on their behalf. Something about clan funds?"

Again she shrugged, we were both staring out at Tauyi village below as the workers rounded up for the day, stores opened up to serve hot meals and what few streetlights flickered to illuminate the village's main path. 

"It's been lying around, I've had no use for it since…" she let out a heavy sigh I sympathised with as she pushed away thoughts of her passed family, "This is the only way I could think of, I'll empty the coffers if it means the Nettou never have to live under threat again but they aren't the only ones who need my money and help."

She gave me a meaningful look as she said this. My lips parted to answer but she'd already begun talking again and with a noticeably harsher tone than before. "The low caste still needs someone to protect them, Yagura. And I can't be that person because your pricy council remains paranoid of us, of me."

I expected we'd be talking about the low caste and the system of oppression that kept them loyal and afraid of the main caste clans sooner rather than later. Mei herself was placed amongst the low caste though her power, riches and prestige as a shinobi afforded her privileges many others in the same category would never experience…unless, of course, the Mizukage did something. 

But even now, with her eyes narrowed with barely concealed disappointment I knew I'd have to disappoint her and the low caste agenda once more. The situation with the caste system, changing such a core of Kirigakure's identity would require my fullest attention as I'd be upsetting every single one of the main caste clans. Including my own and even some of the mid caste that had more or less become satiated puppets of the main caste. 

And yet, as my tenure grew in age and accomplishments I knew my time as a free man was counting down. Even if I began the work to restructure Kirigakure's caste now, there was a good chance I'd never get to complete it if I didn't deal with Konoha's rogues first. 

I need to snuff Zetsu from between my walls first, Mei. 

She sighed at my silence and said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't come at you like that. I just thought we'd be working towards making Kirigakure a fairer village for everyone…like we promised." she ran her fingers through her hair and fell to a squat beside me, "You've already done so much good for Bloodline wielders both in and without the village. And even though I know you have some other agenda to it, I am grateful."

I had to laugh at the all too true accusation. I sat down beside her, the sky had sufficiently darkened and besides the light from Tauyi only the fireflies that had come out illuminated our faces. 

"You're right as always, Mei. As a Kage, it's difficult to do good things out of an altruistic heart. There must be some benefit for the village, whether in the future or right now. Unfortunately, the same sad logic applies to the low caste but…more than anything, what stays my hand are the threats to Kirigakure. You know them well, don't you?"

She seemed lost for a split second before understanding dawned on her, "Amegakure wouldn't dare. They couldn't even reach us if…could they?"

"You're the one who brought the news to me, Mei. Their Angel pursued you through borders and captured your partner. Their so called God could be willing to go a step further."

Her arms drew her legs to her chest as she thought, "Is that why we're taking over two islands? Why you pardoned the Kaguya and spared the Yuki despite everyone wanting otherwise?"

"Not everyone wanted otherwise, I'd like to think we're not alone in our compassion. But yes. The strength of Bloodlines will be pivotal in the coming years…perhaps months."

Mei narrowed a nervous gaze at me, "You know more about this God and Angel that I told you, don't you? That's why you've been…I fought the Angel, she isn't strong enough to trouble Kiri this much."

"And their god?" I asked, allowing her to come to her own conclusions. 

"Hanzou's men were terrified of him, the idea of him. They all but begged for us to help them fight him but…they didn't…I don't think they expected to be victorious, even if we helped them. I think they just wanted to die fighting for Hanzou's Amegakure."

I nodded, "I think so too. This god of Amegakure killed Hanzou and I believe he might have had a hand at killing Sandaime-sama, even though we have no proof of it."

Mei shook her head, "Push and Pull, Nullification, and Summoning. That was the tip I got on the so called pantheon of six gods. I'm not sure to what extent these 'domains' hold true but there are meant to be three more. All falling under one god and purpose. It's possible…"

While Pein hadn't killed the Sandaime I'd continue to use his exist as a shepherding staff to show my subordinates where the threats lie. It was a harmless falsehood that only stood to our benefit. 

"If Nullification means this 'God' is capable of nullifying jutsu, I can see how he could have gotten away with murdering Sandaime-sama without anyone knowing." I sighed and shook my head, "But enough speculation for now, the future is hopeful, the Daimyo's foolish war is at an end and the age of Bloodline massacres is over. Kirigakure and the Land of Water can only grow from here."

She gave a soft smile though I could tell our brief contemplations had unsettled her. As it would anyone. "Don't worry, Mei. Yondaime Hokage and I have a vested interest in uncovering this mystery, I'll be meeting with him soon to discuss next steps. I promise, once this is over the low caste will be liberated."

Her eyes had gone wide at the mention of the Hokage, "Should I come with you?"

I shook my head as I stood, taking off my haori and placing my hat on its neat fold. "No, you're doing the right thing helping out here. In fact, I'm glad you're here already but you can help me some other way." I fell into the traditional Kirigakure kata and watched her smile blossom. 

She leaped and matched it with her adapted form, "With pleasure, Mizukage-sama."


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