
Chapter 8. Darkstar...[1]


Inside The Mirror...

Cris noticed a figure lying in the snow not far away.

His eyes flickered slightly as he noticed a small figure lying motionless in the distance. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and saw that it was a little girl of eight or nine years old. She lay in the snow, her body barely visible beneath the snowdrifts. She was unconscious, her face pale and her lips slightly blue. The cold had clearly taken its toll on her small body.

The Cris looked left and right, hesitated for a moment, then pretended not to see and walked away.

The Cris felt a deep sense of empathy for the girl who was unconscious in the heavy snow. He wanted to extend a helping hand but he was in no position to do so. His own situation was just as dire, if not worse, as he was also trying to survive with a baby.

The harsh winter had taken its toll on him and little one, leaving them with little energy to spare. Despite his best intentions, he simply could not summon the strength to save other people's lives when he was struggling to stay alive himself.

The young boy had walked for some distance before he suddenly halted, visibly flustered and unsure. After a moment of hesitation, he turned back and walked towards a motionless figure on the ground.

As he approached the figure, he leaned closer and reached out with his trembling hand to check for a pulse. Though faint, he could detect a weak breath coming from the person's mouth, providing a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty of the situation.

With great effort, he held the tiny, fragile baby in one of his hands and leaned over to pick up the young girl, who seemed to be struggling to walk. He staggered out of the dark, narrow alley, carefully holding onto both of them. Cris's face was pale but was creased with concern as he looked down at the baby, making sure of safety.

After a few minutes of walking, the trio arrived at a run-down temple just outside the city. The temple's walls were chipped and peeling, and the doors creaked as the Cris pushed them open.

"Girl to save you, I almost lost My life."

Cris's skin was sickly pale, and sweat was pouring down his forehead and cheeks. His body was extremely weak, and his movements were sluggish and uncoordinated.

As he stumbled forward, with the girl cradled in his arms, he almost collapsed halfway. His breath was shallow, and his heart was pounding in his chest. It was a miracle that he had made it this far with baby and girl, and it was clear that he had pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion to save both baby and girl.

He carefully carried the young girl inside, making sure she was comfortable before placing the sleeping baby next to her. The Cris breathed a sigh of relief as he sat down next to the them, grateful that they were out of harm's way.

The Cris deftly struck the flint and sparks flew out, igniting the dry kindling he had gathered earlier that day. As the flames grew in strength, they cast a warm glow around the clearing where they had made camp. The girl, who had been shivering uncontrollably just moments before, began to thaw out as the heat from the fire reached her frozen limbs. Her cheeks, which had been an icy blue just moments before, gradually regained their natural color as the warmth of the flames enveloped her.

Her eyelids flutter slightly as her long, delicate eyelashes start to quiver, and she gradually opens her eyes. Her eyes appear to be a bit hazy and confused as she blinks a few times to adjust to the lighting around her. The girl's gaze then shifts towards the Cris who is sitting beside her. Her expression is a blend of confusion and curiosity as she tries to recall how she got here and who this boy is.

"This Place, where is this, Who are You...?"

The girl rubbed her eyes as if she had just woken up.With a wry smile, Cris approached her and added a piece of firewood to the fire. He couldn't help but wonder how someone from a big family, as she appeared to be, could faint in the snow with no one to help her. Curiosity getting the best of him, he decided to ask her a question.

"I should ask this question, seeing as you are dressed in expensive clothes, you should be the young lady of a big family, how could you faint in the snow with no one to help you...? "

"I can't remember, I, I..."

The young girl made a valiant effort to remember something, but found that her head began to tingle as soon as the pain came rushing back. Meanwhile, Cris shook his head and offered some words of encouragement:

"Don't think about it if you can't remember it, don't embarrass yourself..."

The young girl sat on the ground with her knees hugged tightly to her chest, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She was clearly distressed. "I can't recall anything," she sobbed, her voice barely above a whisper. It was heartbreaking to see her so upset, and it was clear that she was struggling with some unknown memory loss. Despite her young age, she seemed acutely aware of the gravity of the situation, and her fear and confusion were palpable.

The Cris stepped forward and patted the girl on the shoulder, and comforted softly: "Don't be sad, in such situations My mother used to say that everything will be alright..."

"Yeah, e-everything sniff-sniff...thing will be alright !"

The girl wiped away her tears and nodded while choking.

Cris let out a long exhale, feeling relieved that the tense situation had finally passed. He turned to the girl and flashed a friendly smile, "My name is Cris. It's nice to meet you. What's your Name...?" The girl lowered her head and her expression turned crestfallen. "I'm sorry, I can't remember My Name," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Are you saying that you don't recall your name? That must be quite disorienting. How about I give you a name? How does the name "Valeria" sound? Do you like it?"

Cris blinked. He didn't know any names except his parents and villagers."Valeria" was his Sister who died when his mother was pregnant with him.

The Valeria's face lit up with joy as she heard the words, and she couldn't help but clap her hands excitedly. She wore a big smile on her face as she exclaimed, "That's wonderful news! I finally have a name too!" As she looked down at the sleeping baby beside her, she noticed that the infant had turned to the other side.

When she asked "Cris, what is the baby's name...?" Cris was caught off guard. He had been in such a hurry to leave the village that he didn't even get a chance to check the baby's gender. He couldn't answer her question because he didn't know the baby's name. The situation was sudden and left him unprepared.

In an awkward tone, Cris confessed, "I don't know the name...?" Valeria, with a look of disbelief, replied, "What...?" Cris then proceeded to explain how he came to possess the baby and the urgency of the situation.

He recounted the events leading up to the moment and the circumstances that forced him to take on the responsibility of caring for the newborn. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, Cris remained determined to do whatever he could to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the child.

Valeria rose from her seat and walked towards the baby lying on the bed. She carefully lifted the cloth that covered the baby and checked the gender. Upon discovering that the baby was a girl, she turned to the Cris and asked, "What name would you like to give her...?"

"Huh...? Her will be name ... Eve. Eve represents Life because she gave me courage when I thought I would be eaten by a Demonic Beast", said Cris.

Outside The Mirror...

There was an uproar in the outside world.

"I never thought that Empress Eve was named by Emperor Of Heaven..."

"Who is that girl named Valeria...?"

"Wait, didn't you realize that if it wasn't for the Emperor's rescue, that girl would have frozen to death in the snow...?"

"Empress Eve, Do you know her...?"

Hundreds of strong people in the hall whispered, because Eve was not far away, they dared not speak loudly about Eve's past.

Eve could hear these comments, she didn't care too much, and looked at the picture in the light and shadow with a confused expression.

"My memory of that year is so vague...?, So I don't remember her..."

Eve's heart was numb, she only knew that she and Cris had known each other since childhood, but she had long forgotten that there was such a past.

Is it because of the thousands of years of practice, some can't remember the things of the year...?

"Empress Eve, Don't forget How he treated You in the Future...", Ray said.

"I know", Eve replied.her expression returned to calm, and she looked at Cris in the center of the hall with disgust.

Ray was right, the grace of saving his life was respectable, but she could never how he treated her in the future.

Moreover, the reason why Eve hates Cris became she trusted Crus the most,But later she was betrayed by Cris was Cast out in Peak Dread Prison.

Inside The Mirror...

Valeria was taken aback when she heard Cris's words, "Then you are two years older than me, can I call you Sister...?" She looked at Cris, unsure of how to react. Cris, on the other hand, was disappointed by her lack of response, assuming that she would not agree to his request.

However, Valeria quickly regained her composure and smiled warmly at Cris. "Yes, of course...! Then you will be my little brother in the future...!" she said, nodding her head in agreement.

Cris was overjoyed by Valeria's response and his heartfelt smile showed it. Valeria, on the other hand, blushed at the sight of Cris's smile. She scratched her head, not knowing how to respond to his endearing expression of happiness.


Next Chapter "9. Darkstar...[2]"


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