
Chapter 246 Some things will arrive late

After counting the number of people in the great hall, Professor McGonagall instructed the Prefects to lead everyone back to their dormitories, while she walked quickly towards the seventh floor of the castle.

Blending in with the crowd, Andy had wanted to give the Weasley twins a wink, asking them to check the situation with the Marauder's Map when they returned to their dormitory.

But then he found that the Weasley twins' faces were pale, and their eyes were somewhat erratic.

What the hell?

Andy froze, then suddenly realized, 'These two unlucky things, they wouldn't have fooled Filch with Transfiguration, right?'

With the 'grudge' between the twins and Filch, it was not without this possibility!

Andy had a bit of a headache.

The relationship between Filch and the cat he raised - Mrs Norris, was a husband and wife relationship, he was babying her all day long.

If the Weasley twins used Transfiguration to transform into Mrs Norris, it was really possible to lure Filch away - the purpose was to prevent Filch from attending tonight's Halloween dinner.

It would have been meant to be a simple prank, but it turned Filch into the only suspect in the attack.

"George!" Andy shouted.

Instead of guessing... he could always confirm it.

George and Fred looked towards Andy, and after seeing Andy's expression, the two brothers nodded with a bitter look on their faces - they were hesitating to approach Professor McGonagall to admit this matter.

Although the twins liked to play pranks, they never went too far, and many of the pranks were just joking elements.

But this time ...

Although they hated Filch, they couldn't let Filch suffer an injustice.

Seeing the two brothers break away from the group and head towards the seventh floor of the castle, Andy recited an 'Amitabha Buddha' in his heart.

This year's Gryffindor was already bad enough, I just hope that the furious Professor McGonagall wouldn't directly kill the two of them.

Hermione had been keeping an eye on Andy, and after seeing the eye contact between Andy and the Weasley twins, the young witch asked curiously, "Where are those two going?"


Andy made a silencing gesture and then took out his wand and waved it gently to make sure that no one would overhear his conversation before explaining what had happened.

Hermione had an 'I see' look on her face as she listened.

Some things came late but would arrive.

Andy this guy, he personally won't do bad things ... well, Andy now also does bad things. But Andy's favourite thing to do is to fool others into doing bad things.

For example, at the beginning of the school year, Andy tricked the first-year freshman - Luna Lovegood - into going on an adventure to the Forbidden Forest.

Andy informed her that there were a bunch of Centaurs living in the Forbidden Forest.

Luckily, Luna was quite an honest person, and she didn't try to venture to the Forbidden Forest alone.

But this time ...

It was Andy who taught the Weasley twins to use transfiguration to form cats, and they both did.

Hermione glanced at Andy: Not bad!


On the seventh floor of the castle, Flitwick's office.

Dumbledore's expression was grave as he looked at Justin, who was lying on the couch.

He had already checked Justin's condition, Justin had a large amount of life force sucked out by dark magic, this kind of dark magic reminded Dumbledore of Quirrell from last year.

Absorbing life force ...

It was very much like Voldemort's tactics!

Dumbledore glanced at Snape, who slowly shook his head.

"Poppy, how's the boy?" Professor McGonagall pushed open the office door and walked in.

"In a bad shape!"

Madam Pomfrey shook her head and said sadly, "He had a lot of his life force sucked out of him ... Honestly, this kind of dark magic isn't something that can be cured by magic potions, or healing magic."

Professor McGonagall's expression was grim.

Hufflepuff's Head, Professor Sprout, was even more saddened with red eyes.

"Minerva ...," Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Filch, hesitated for a moment, and finally confessed, "Although I think there may be some misunderstanding here, ... apart from this child, Argus was the only one who was not in the great hall during the dinner."

Filch's entire mind was dazed.

I was the only one who wasn't there?

"I ... I was looking for Mrs. Norris."

Filch hurriedly explained, "I don't know why, she's being naughty tonight. She wouldn't listen when I called her, she kept running around the castle, I tried to catch her but ..."

Halfway through his words of explanation, Filch snapped to the realization that his explanation was too shallow.

Who in the whole of Hogwarts didn't know that Mrs Norris would listen to him the most?

Filch was a bit flustered, "Dumbledore, I ... please believe me, I really did it because ..."

Dumbledore waved his hand, "Argus, of course, I trust that you won't attack the students in the castle. And I already know ..."


A knock suddenly sounded on the door.

Professor McGonagall opened the door, and upon seeing the Weasley twins, Professor McGonagall's face darkened, "Didn't I tell you to go back to your dormitory? Unless you can give me a proper reason, I won't forgive you easily."

George and Fred looked at each other.

We can give you a suitable reason.

But after hearing that reason, you'll be even less likely to forgive us.

You'll beat us to death!

"Professor McGonagall, it's like this."

George said with a look of resignation, "It's us, we're the ones who used Transfiguration to create Mrs Norris."

Fred hung his head, "Professor ..."

Professor McGonagall was so angry that her chest was on the verge of bursting, "I, I didn't teach you guys Transfiguration so that you could play tricks on people."

"I'm sorry!" The twins said with a bitter look on their faces.

"George, Fred ..."

Professor McGonagall said angrily, "Because of your two pranks, Gryffindor is in trouble for this ..."

"Professor!" The twins exclaimed.

Gryffindor had run out of house points to deduce.

Any more deductions would really put Gryffindor at the bottom of the list, and they would be ridiculed by Slytherin for a whole year.

Professor McGonagall didn't hesitate, "Fifty points will be deducted from Gryffindor for this."

George and Fred glanced at the office window.

If they jumped from here and reopened their eyes, would they find out that it was actually all a dream?

Dumbledore suddenly said at this time, "If you do something wrong, you will be punished ... of course, if you do something good, you will also be rewarded by the school."

Snape scoffed and gave Dumbledore a sarcastic look.

Dumbledore continued, "George, Fred, it must have taken great courage for the two of you to admit your mistakes openly, and you've helped clear Argus' name - that he really wasn't lying."

Filch was still glaring at George and Fred with a vicious expression, but after hearing Dumbledore's words, his face looked slightly better.

"Twenty points each will be added to Gryffindor for this ..."


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