
They Died?

Lucius stood slowly and began to pace. 

"So what is your plan?" Lucius asked. 

"You seem to be trusting me a lot more than usual," Nathan said with a chuckle. "I'm probably even more dangerous than Sylas in your eyes, no? Why else would you keep me so close?"

Lucius gave Nathan a glance but didn't reply. 

"If you want to deal with someone like this, you can't do it directly. And you also need to really weigh whether or not you want to do such a thing. He is too smart for you to get away with it if it ends in failure, so you need to be ready for the fallout. 

"In addition, you need to decide if it's not really better to just be friends despite what risks might come with that."

Lucius stared off into the distance. 

Friends with Sylas? 

If Sylas had no ambitions at all, that would have been possible… but every aspect of him was completely antithetical to that. 

Next chapter