
Ambushed? Spiritual Weave Bot I

Ram's gaze lingered on his own territory, yet his thoughts wandered to the disparities between his domain and those of the other Lords. 

Unlike them, he lacked a Lord's mansion or specialized buildings that could enhance his territory's defense or functionality.


He had observed firsthand how these special buildings provided significant advantages, such as protecting the territory (defensive buildings), or the ability to summon soldiers (recruitment pools) that could fight for the Lord daily by consuming source power.

While the Sylvan Soul Tree's Sylvan Soul Rebirth ability allowed him to recruit soldiers in his own unique way, Ram couldn't shake the realization that his lack of knowledge about such buildings was a shortcoming on his part.

"The others had strategic infrastructure, but I…" Ram's thoughts trailed off. He recalled Lord Bae's territory, which had left a deep impression on him. 

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