
chapter 4 power level measuring and small time skip

[ Kaleth P.O.V ]

'It's been four years since our birth and quite a few things have happened'

'First of all the doctors just said I was a unique mutation. Also I found out that we were born in the same year as vegeta, meaning if I remember correctly that was year 732 and planet vegeta was destroyed in year 737'

'Considering I'm currently 4 years old, I have one year before the planet goes boom. However I've already decided to let it happen since I don't want to play babysitter and try to change the saiyans from world conquerers to good guys'

'Another thing that happened in this time was me and my sisters power was measured and we broke the recorded for having the highest power level. Caylin was measured at 15,000 which caused major chaos for a while that I had even been forgotten. It seemed she had been affected by me which I don't know how exactly that was possible but in the end it's a good thing'

'After the commotion settled down it was my turn to be measured and they were eager to see if I also possessed a high power level. However they weren't ready for what the reading was about to come up as. Once they began scanning me I had raised my power level to 40,000, even though it wasn't even close to my true power. I just didn't want frieza coming to soon. Anyway I had wanted to see them freak out since now there were two insanely powerful saiyans that were making the prince look like a joke'

'The king had wanted to send me away like he had done to broly and keep my sister as the future wife to vegeta, but I didn't let that happen, every time they had come near our pods I would fire ki blasts at them to keep them away from us until they finally gave up'

'We were also granted the status of elite saiyans which gave us access to the best of the best tech that was available for us to use, except we had never used any of it'

'Oh right we also got another brother a year after our birth, although he was born very "weak". His power level at birth was 2,000 and his name is raditz, caylin doesn't like him because according to her he's to weak to be her brother so I never mention him when we're together, although a power level of 2,000 is strong'

'Hopefully this doesn't become an issue in the future'

'That's it, aside from that our mother is pregnant again, not much happened in regards to other people's interactions with us, since they are mostly afraid of us'

"Hey kaleth what are you thinking about so seriously, you've been looking off into nothing for a while now" said caylin looking at me who was in a daze

"Huh oh nothing, I was just thinking of what to do next for our training, I want you to be able to control your oozaru and also access that power without transforming" I said changing the subject

"Will I also look like you when I'm able to use my oozaru power in my base form. Also where can we train without causing to much destruction, king vegeta is starting to get annoying with his complaints. And prince vegeta won't leave us alone he always comes to try and join our training sessions" she said curious at first then gradually getting annoyed

"Haaa I know it's getting annoying to hear his complaints however he's only acting that way since he's upset that he can't control us like the rest of the saiyans who fear him. As for the prince I'm sure he's not only coming to our training sessions to try and get stronger but I think he's also trying to get your attention hehe" I said trying to annoy her even more

"Uggh don't even start I don't want anything to do with him. He's to weak for me to care about him in anyway and the more he continues to pester us the more I feel like killing him. It's not like anyone can hurt us especially you if we do kill him" said caylin starting to entertain the idea

'She really hates vegeta huh, haha poor guy if he wants to get her attention he'll need to get a lot stronger. He's already stronger than he should be for his age'

"Caylin everyone is to weak for you to even care about them, only I'm stronger than you and the more we train the stronger we will both continue to get while the rest will stay pathetic and weak, just ignore them and let's focus on getting stronger" I said trying to entice her with training

"If only your stronger than me then I'll only stay with brother and we'll be the strongest together right" she said with a smirk

"Yes yes, we'll be the strongest together. now let's get back to training I have a place where we can train without anyone complaining but you can't tell anyone ok not even our parents got it" I said with a smirk then put on a serious expression

"Yes I promise I won't say anything. now show me where is that place I want to get control over my oozaru quickly" she said with a serious expression

"Ok grab my hand and hold on tight alright" I said extended my hand to her

"Uhh ok now wha!!!!, what the where are?? What happened?? how did we get here" she said confused as to how we got here

"Calm down sis, this is my own personal training space. That's why i told you not to tell anyone cause I'd like to keep this place a secret between us only alright" I told her not wanting anyone else to know for the time being

"Ok but what is this place there's nothing out there but empty space and it feels weird" she said after looking out from the room we're in

'Hmm I guess I'll tell her what this place truly is. Eh whatever'

"This is a time chamber for training, in this place one day outside this room is one year inside here. We can use this place to focus on our training without anyone interrupting us. Also this place has higher gravity and harsher conditions the deeper we go in" I said giving a simple explanation of the place

"What wouldn't people notice that we're a lot older all of a sudden if one year passes here while one day passes outside. Also what would we eat while we're here wouldn't we starve. And how did you even get a place like this in the first place" she said sounding more worried about the food part than the age

"First of all this place only provides the benefits of being inside here, meaning that the year we spend training and the gains we get from it come with us but we don't age at all. As for food this place has unlimited food so that's also something we don't have to worry about. For how I got this place I don't really know I just had it from the beginning" I said going into a little more detail of how this place works and glossing over the her last question

'I'm not about to say it was a gift from some god maybe in the future though'

"Huh well whatever as long as we can train and eat without any worries I don't care I just want to catch up to you in strength" she said eager to start her training

'I swear she's really dedicated to getting stronger just to keep up with me, I guess that's being a saiyan for ya'

"Ok let's start training, however we won't spend the entire year here since we can't just disappear for a whole day" I said knowing mother would freak out of we were gone

'If she wants to be as strong as me I'll help her and I'll also get a good partner for training. Besides we have enough time since we ignored every order the king has giving us to go on a mission'

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