
Chapter 218: The First Encounter Between Klein and Arrodes

Chapter 218: The First Encounter Between Klein and Arrodes

Max Livermore truly felt he had been quite unlucky recently.

Guarding the Roselle Memorial Exhibition was supposed to be a relaxing task that would earn him considerable merit. 

However, a treasure left behind by the great Emperor Roselle was stolen right under his squad's noses.

To make up for this mistake, he had to inquire with the magic mirror Arrodes, exchanging questions for questions.

This also led to the breakdown of his relationship with his wife and family discord.

Just as he was finally reinvigorated, tonight, a task he was responsible for went awry again - a set of characteristics of a Sequence 6 Corrupted Viscount was stolen.

And it was snatched right out of his hands!

"Invisibility... theft..."

"Damn it! Could this be the same person?"

Max Livermore suddenly stood up from the bench, his emotions stirred. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed!

"Very well, I'll settle new and old scores together. This time, I must find out your true identity and make you taste what suffering really is!"

In that moment, he had already envisioned dozens of torturous punishments.

After the excitement passed, he sat back down on the chair, frowning. Last time, even the magic mirror Arrodes didn't provide any obvious clues, showing this mysterious figure was highly skilled at concealing their tracks.

How could he track them down?

He would investigate everyone, one by one!

Max Livermore stood up again. He would scrutinize every person who had visited the hospital to see Viscount Gilbert!

There weren't too many people who could accurately grasp the Viscount's condition. That mysterious figure must be among those who had come to visit him in the past few days!

He could conduct an initial investigation, then inquire with the magic mirror. Surely that would reveal their true identity.

But that magic mirror...

Max Livermore felt a headache coming on again. While there was still a chance to reconcile with his wife after their falling out, if anything else went wrong, he would definitely be unable to return home.


As he sighed quietly, the nearby night patrol squad heard the commotion and dispatched people over, including Klein.

Tonight, he was supposed to search for that little black cat anyway. He happened to be wandering nearby when he heard the noise, so he and a squad member rushed over.

"The situation is like this..."

Max Livermore's teammate explained what had just occurred.

"We were nearby earlier and didn't see any suspicious figures."

"They must have been able to conceal their spiritual body to avoid spiritual vision detection."

Max Livermore took over, continuing, "As beyonders, the more we experience, the less we trust our own eyes, instead relying more on what spiritual vision reveals. But spiritual vision can also be deceived."

Klein was quite interested in this topic and asked, "Then how does one conceal their spiritual body?"

"I haven't figured that out yet, but I can confirm that tonight, that person was definitely able to hide their spiritual body. Otherwise, they couldn't have stolen and disappeared so easily!"

"What went missing?"

Max Livermore hesitated briefly before candidly stating what was stolen.

"We could start by investigating the existing Sequence 7s. Maybe there's a chance to find them," Klein offered his perspective.

Max Livermore smiled bitterly. "You're new to Bickland and don't know - the beyonders on this extraordinary path are rarely documented."

Some nobles have immense power. They can easily spend gold pounds to purchase extraordinary materials and potion recipes. Plus, their special status means unless they expose themselves, it's hard to know if they're beyonders, let alone what sequence.

Like Viscount Gilbert - if one didn't know him thoroughly, who would randomly probe whether a viscount is a beyonder, let alone realize he's already a Sequence 6 Corrupted Viscount?

Klein fell silent.

At this point, the person responsible for drawing the image portrait brought it over and handed it to Max Livermore.

Klein and the others took a look and exclaimed, "This person seems familiar. We saw this figure during our sewer operation not long ago."

After careful comparison, Klein confirmed this was the mysterious person who had helped them intercept that Mr. A.

The armor, the sword that could emanate golden light, the blurred face, the inscrutable movements - it all matched up.

This made Klein even more astonished. Based on tonight's events, this mysterious person was only a Sequence 7?

A mere Sequence 7 dared to intercept a Sequence 5 Shepherd?

And managed to escape unscathed?

Such power was truly formidable. No wonder this was Bickland - every beyonder able to survive here was extraordinary.

"What! You also have leads on them! That's wonderful!"

Max Livermore was delighted and began eagerly exchanging information with Klein and the others.

After about half an hour, supporters from the Church of Steam and Machinery arrived with the magic mirror Arrodes.

It was Klein's first time seeing such a spiritually imbued magic mirror that could actually answer questions, just like the mirror in Snow White.

He was very curious. If the members of the Church of Machinery hadn't told him this mirror was dangerous and difficult to deal with, he would have wanted to ask it a few questions.

After being briefed on what happened, the high priest who came to assist looked at Max Livermore. "Now, who will use Arrodes?"

An awkward silence fell. Klein noticed the fear, embarrassment, and evasiveness on their faces.

His curiosity only grew, but he knew being too inquisitive wouldn't be good, so he suppressed it.

Seeing no one step forward, Max Livermore sighed and walked up to the magic mirror Arrodes, reaching out to touch its surface.

"Esteemed Arrodes, my question is: who stole the Corrupted Viscount's extraordinary characteristics tonight?"

As Max Livermore's words fell, ripples spread across the mirror's surface like a still lake, revealing a starry sky.

The stars twinkled, just like when he had inquired about the theft from the Roselle Memorial Exhibition.

"According to the principle of equivalence, it's my turn to ask a question now."

"If you answer incorrectly or lie, you'll have to accept a small punishment."

After these words, a beaming smile appeared.

This small change made Max Livermore pause, but he had no mind to ponder anything else right now.

"Aren't you longing to return home and reconcile with your wife?"

"...Yes, yes I am."

After answering, Max Livermore stared at the magic mirror Arrodes in shock.

This time, the question asked was so simple, completely unlike its usual mischievous demon nature!

Could the first question have just been to lull him into complacency? Was the real trap the second question?

Max Livermore felt a chill and became even more cautious and wary.

"Esteemed Arrodes, my question is: is the person behind tonight's theft the same as the one who stole from the Roselle Memorial Exhibition?"

A large "YES" appeared on the mirror's surface.

Then, a line of text: "Poor Max Livermore, don't you feel aggrieved by your recent misfortunes?"


Max Livermore looked perplexed, as did the Church of Machinery members behind him.

Could Arrodes be in an exceptionally good mood today?

Otherwise, given its usual nature, how could it possibly ask such a simple question?

Klein glanced at their expressions, finding this magic mirror Arrodes quite amiable. According to the principle of equivalence, the questions it asked were all very straightforward and not scary at all.

Just as he was thinking he'd like to continue watching, a squad member reminded Klein that he still needed to go on patrol to search for that little black cat.

Klein left with his teammate, feeling rather regretful.

At this point, the upbeat Max Livermore casually asked his third question: "My third question is, is that person among those who recently visited Viscount Gilbert?"


The mirror quickly provided the answer, while also posing its own new question.

"Just how many mistresses do you have?"


Max Livermore's face froze in shock. How did it suddenly ask such a question?

Wasn't it in a great mood?

Of course, he should never have trusted Arrodes' benevolence!

A mischievous demon was its true nature!

After hesitating for a long while, Max Livermore gritted his teeth and said, "I choose punishment."

This prompted a chorus of tuts from those around him. 

He realized reconciling with his wife was basically impossible.

But he simply could not answer this question, because the number was quite high.


A bolt of silver lightning, charged with considerable force, struck from above!

Max Livermore's hair stood on end, his ruddy complexion blackened, his eyes wide as he collapsed straight to the ground.

Before losing consciousness, his only thought was that Arrodes' punishment tonight was clearly much harsher than usual.

Max Livermore's unconscious collapse caused an outcry among the Church of Machinery members present.

Fortunately, this was a hospital, so they immediately carried him to a bed.

As the magic mirror Arrodes was re-covered with a cloth, out of sight in a corner of its surface, it traced a pitiful, tearful expression.

(End of Chapter)

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