
Chapter 20: The Butler, The Chef, The Maid

Chapter 20: The Butler, The Chef, The Maid

Hastar was unaware of Professor Wayne's ulterior motives, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Having such a dedicated teacher on the journey of life is a very fortunate thing.

In the half-hour that followed, Professor Wayne gave additional guidance and resolved Hastar's confusions, helping him digest the lawyer's potion in his body a bit faster. Yet, to truly assimilate the potion, one must genuinely play the role of a lawyer.

Hastar could no longer rely on Bavarte Bank, and he lacked the capability to open his own law firm. Perhaps serving as a free legal aid was more suitable for him at present.

With this thought,Hasturbegan to look forward to his brief trip to the dock area with Professor Wayne on Friday. Upon departure, Professor Wayne giftedHastura book, which, without a title, resembled a personal diary.

Hastar only needed to flip through two pages to realize it contained Professor Wayne's own reflections and thoughts on the law. Its value was beyond monetary measure.

"Study hard; you have a long future ahead," Professor Wayne said with a smile as he left.

The next day,Hasturwent out early to purchase three small gifts, spending 8 pounds and 6 sullers, to facilitate gift-giving. Today, he was to interview three butlers, and regardless of the outcome, a delicate and small gift was essential.

Besides the gifts, he also bought two tins of Marquis Red Tea and some sweets to accompany the tea. He preferred tea over coffee.

Around 8:50 AM, the three butler candidates arrived one after another at Hastar's large house. It was an appropriate time; arriving too early would catch the homeowner unprepared and sitting idly would be awkward. If they arrived after nine, there would be no need for an interview, as a person who doesn't respect time wouldn't earn the respect of others.

After brief introductions and small talk,Hasturasked two of the interviewees to wait in the living room on the first floor, while he led one to another study on the second floor that was seldom used.

Bard Louis, the first interviewee, was a middle-aged man with slightly graying temples, appearing to be around forty-five.

Before starting the interview,Hasturhad already set a rule in the room using his spiritual power: "No lies allowed in this room!"

Choosing the right butler, diviners have their methods, and he had his own. For today's interview, he had thought up many questions the night before, covering all aspects, enough to determine who was most suitable to become his butler.

"Mr. Bard, my interview is simple; just answer a few questions honestly and straightforwardly,"Hastursaid.

"It's my honor to answer your questions," Bard replied respectfully.

Hastar nodded and asked, "Why were you dismissed by your last employer?"

"Baron Hill no longer wished to live in Beckland and planned to move to a seaside city, but I couldn't bear to leave beautiful Beckland."

"What do you think makes a qualified butler?"

"Honesty, attentiveness, seriousness, not greedy, and speaking little…"

"Will you work wholeheartedly for me?"

Bard naturally said, "That's the duty of a butler."

Hastar laughed at this point; Mr. Bard had lied about this question—he wouldn't work wholeheartedly for him. But this alone wasn't enough to prove he had ulterior motives.

Hastar continued, "What's your opinion on factory workers?"

The sudden shift in the question startled Bard, but he maintained his composure and replied, "They are pitiable lucky ones. Compared to workers who have jobs, many others live even more miserable lives."

His calm tone carried pity, and his face clouded with a faint sadness due to the question.

Tsk, Mr. Bard, why did you lie again? This isn't your true intention; your heart isn't as compassionate and kind as you portray.

At this point,Hasturhad ruled out Mr. Bard as a candidate for butler and casually asked a few more questions.

In the remaining questions, Bard lied once more.

Hastar asked him to wait downstairs and called the next interviewee up.

Mr. Mack, the second interviewee, was evidently more honest than Mr. Bard, and his character was commendable.

Mr. Neil, the third interviewee, was the oldest of the three, at fifty-two, yet he seemed the most spirited.

He didn't seem to like talking much, his eyes carrying an inherent coldness that repelled others. However, wheneverHasturasked him a question, the coldness in his eyes dissipated, though he didn't show much joy. His tone was calm and gentle, answering each question unhurriedly.

His work history was also impressive; he had been a butler for an old earl and only left after the earl passed away and a new earl took over.

He was an old butler accustomed to grand scenes, which suited Hastar's preferences.

To understand Mr. Neil better,Hasturasked him several more questions.

Neil remained honest, and his answers aligned with Hastar's values.

Even when faced with deliberately difficult questions, he stuck to his honest character, not giving perfunctory or flattering responses.

Towards the end,Hasturasked with a smile, "Mr. Neil, what salary do you expect?"

Neil calmly said, "An annual salary of 150 gold pounds; I believe my abilities are worth this compensation."

"Your honesty and kindness are why you got this job."

At this point, Neil understood he had been chosen from the three candidates, but he wasn't overly excited. An excellent butler meeting a discerning employer was a normal occurrence.

Neil stood up and bowed respectfully, "Your character will be the standard for my actions."

"Hmm, here are three gifts; one is for you, and you can give the others to them."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Neil took the three small gifts and left the study, descending the stairs.

After about five minutes, he returned to Hastar.

Hastar stood up with a smile, "Hastar Campbell, your new employer."

Neil also bowed, saying, "It's my pride to serve you."

"Start working now,"Hasturchuckled. "I don't like being waited on by too many people, so the staff must be streamlined."

"Do you have any more specific requirements?" Neil immediately got into work mode.

"I enjoy fine dining, desserts, local delicacies, such as the Intis cuisine left by Emperor Roselle, and Dixie pies are also good. It would be even better to taste the delicacies of the South Continent."

Apart from his interest in gourmet food,Hasturdidn't have many other requirements, as long as daily life was satisfied. As for maintaining the appearance of nobility, that could wait for later.

Considering Hastar's requirements, Neil suggested, "I think you need a pastry chef specializing in desserts, a top chef skilled in cooking various local foods, a family property manager, a personal manservant, a first-class maid for the bedroom, two second-class maids for the living room, two male servants for receiving guests, a storeroom maid, a kitchen maid, two laundry maids, and two rough-work manservants."

"You'll also need a chef's assistant, a coachman, a gardener, attendants, and laborers…"

Hastar listened silently until Neil finished, then carefully said, "I don't need a personal manservant, gardeners, attendants, and laborers can be covered by others, with a bit more salary for them, and we don't need that many maids."

The baron was more frugal than Neil had thought! Apart from valuing food, everything else seemed optional.

Neil paused, then nodded, "I will follow your wishes."

Quickly, Neil listed the number of people to be hired: three for the chef and pastry chef with an assistant, one family property manager, one coachman, three for simple tasks like cleaning all living rooms and bedrooms, two male servants for receiving guests who would also double as attendants, three maids for other chores, and two rough-work manservants who would also cover gardening and laborer tasks.

A total of fifteen people, not including himself.

Hastar wanted to further reduce the number, but seeing Neil's troubled expression, he didn't cut back any further; after all, his house was quite large.

"Those willing to work more should get a bit more salary."

"Thank you for your generosity."

"You pick the people, and after you've chosen, have them come to the study to meet me."

Although these were not very important positions,Hasturfelt it necessary to ask a few questions to see if they would stay focused on their work here.

He didn't want unpleasant incidents occurring every few days.

The two discussed the order and rules for working at home, mainly proposed by Hastar, with Neil taking notes.

As a lawyer, order and rules should always be integrated into life.

Merely playing the role of a lawyer was only superficial, not truly understanding its essence; such superficial acting could not truly assimilate the potion.

The two talked until about noon, and Neil initially wanted to leave, waiting to hire enough servants in the afternoon before staying.

Hastar asked him to stay for a working meal, spending some money to have a nearby restaurant deliver two dishes.

After enjoying lunch, Neil went out to handle matters. The Metropolitan Family Servant Association had already prepared a batch of maids and servants ready to start work at any time.

At 1:30 PM, Neil led thirty people for interviews.

Hastar spent two hours meeting them individually,

…asking them questions such as: Would you leave an unattended wallet in place for the owner to claim? If no one is watching at home, would you entertain thoughts of theft and act on them? Do you enjoy gossiping behind people's backs? Could you be bribed by other nobles with money?

He asked about ten questions in total, covering various aspects.

Aside from a few who were not as they seemed, the majority were quite satisfactory, which spoke highly of Neil's discernment in choosing people.

In the end,Hasturdecided to keep fifteen individuals and then handed over 500 gold pounds to the female housekeeper in charge of finances, instructing her to make arrangements and pay a week's salary in advance.

There were many things in the house that didn't require significant expenditure; even two carriages were available—one previously belonging to Voltaire Campbell and the other used for daily activities.

The 500 gold pounds would last quite a while; barring any parties, there would be no need for additional funds for at least two to three months.

After sorting out these details,Hastur left Neil to oversee the arrangements while he retreated to the study to read quietly.

(End of Chapter)

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