The only break they saw during the months leading up to Christmas was when Harry took control of his seats in the Wizengamot. That session saw another mauling heaped upon Albus Dumbledore who had somehow managed to not lose his positions of power.
On September 21st, the Wizengamot was holding its monthly session and the moment of truth was upon Harry as today would be the day that he took control of his houses and seats in the legislative body. As Albus was overseeing the proceedings, a scowl formed on his face as most of the children who had refused to attend Hogwarts were sitting with their parents. He found it even more unusual that the Ladies of the house were in attendance as well.
As the time to convene approached, Albus made note that everyone was in their seats and gaveled in the opening of the meeting. There were several small matters of old business to discuss but then they moved on to New Business. As soon as the floor was opened to the new business, the doors swung open and Harry walked proudly into the chambers in a set of expensive silk robes with the Peverell crest boldly displayed for all to see. His very presence commanded attention as he stood in the center of the chamber and all who looked upon him knew there was a new lord amongst them.
Albus called down "Mr. Potter, may I ask why you felt it necessary to disturb these proceedings?"
Harry maintained his control even though he wanted to jump up on the bench and strangle Dumbledore with his own beard. In a commanding voice, Harry said "You are fully aware that I no longer go by that name. If you followed decorum Chief Warlock, as a meeting of this type requires, you would address me as Lord Harrison James Peverell. I would find Lord Peverell acceptable as well. As for why I am here, I have come to claim my family seats."
"I'm sorry Lord Peverell but even though you are emancipated, your age excludes you from joining this body. No, I think it would be best if you just left things as they are and returned in about three years."
"You'd like that wouldn't you Chief Warlock so that you can continue to control that which belongs to me. No, I think it best that I take control of my houses today."
"And I refuse to relinquish the voting rights of House Potter until such a time as I feel you are mature enough to handle it."
"May I ask what gives you the right to deny me what is mine by birth, blood, and magic?"
"My rights as Chief Warlock."
Harry watched as a wave of uneasiness spread around the chamber. "So you're saying that if any one of the Lords or Ladies behaved in a fashion you did not agree with, it is within your rights to take control of their houses?"
"I would never do such a thing!"
"But yet you are doing it to me?"
"I can assure you that I have always had your best interests at heart and this is not the place to be discussing such matters."
"I disagree and find it the perfect place since I wouldn't be caught dead alone in a room with you. Who knows what I would remember when we were through. Besides, I think these good people need to see for themselves the kind of man you really are."
"I am the Chief Warlock of this body and I'm going to have to rule that you are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of these meetings as your actions here today prove."
Harry smirked "Oh, I apologize if I was unclear. I never said I wanted to sit the seats myself. I just want control so that I can assign my own proxies. Lords and Ladies who I feel would better represent my interests which obviously would not include you."
"That changes nothing."
"Well it's a good thing that you cannot legally do that then. I've read the laws Dumbledore. I may be young but I am not stupid. I am also aware of the loophole in the law that states as long as I have a sponsor, you cannot deny me my rights."
Harry noticed several nods around the room and Fudge rose before the pissing contest could continue and asked "Lord Peverell, may I ask who you have sponsoring you?"
Harry turned to the boxes and said "My Lords?"
One by one, Lords Jones, Diggory, Moon, Chang, and Davis stood.
Albus looked at them for a minute as he thought over the laws and then he smiled. "I'm sorry Mr. Peverell but none of these Lords are ranked high enough to be able to sponsor a Most Ancient and Most Noble House. Petition denied."
Harry coughed once and then Lord Greengrass stood. "As the Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Greengrass as well as the petitioner's claiming of my eldest daughter as his sister, House Greengrass has the standing to sponsor Lord Peverell in the matter of Potter and Black. If that is still not enough, then Lord Delacour of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Delacour of France has pledged his support as well."
Albus said "I'm sorry but the rules are clear in this matter."
Harry smirked and then looked over at Madams Bones and Longbottom. As they stood, Augusta barked out "This is a non issue. House Bones and Longbottom were entrusted with the care of Lord Peverell in the late Lord and Lady Potter's will. By right of succession clearly designated in the will, when Lord Black failed to do his duty, Lord Peverell should have been placed into the care of House Longbottom who was to assume the voting rights until he came of age. Sadly, the wishes of the Lord and Lady Potter were ignored and the young man we were entrusted with disappeared. Do you have any idea how this may have happened Chief Warlock?"
Before Albus could say anything, Amelia was saying. "Lord Black's will clearly named Lord Peverell as his heir. House Bones was to assume the voting rights until he came of age. This will was ignored as well."
Albus started trying to say something else but was cut off once again. Harry loudly said "There is another law that has precedence in this matter. The law I'm referring to clearly states that there is one ranking of house that cannot be denied no matter what age the petitioner is. Since the Chief Warlock seems to be such an expert on the law and has himself used this law to push himself above everyone else, perhaps he would be willing to share the title of these houses."
All eyes looked at him and he sagged "The only houses that fall under that law are the Most Ancient and Revered Houses."
"And what are the names of these houses?"
"Emrys, Peverell, Le Fey, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff."
Harry smiled evilly. "I guess then these arguments are all moot points as I am the head of three Most Ancient and Revered houses since I am also Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin. As far as the Houses of Potter and Black are concerned, the seats are all that remains as I as the head of their families have absorbed them into my house and declared the houses extinct until such a time as I decide to split the titles between my heirs."
Albus said "But you can't do that. You'll destabilize the balance we have here."
Harry laughed "There is no balance here as the neutrals have been the only ones to give balance to this body to limit the excesses of the light and dark factions."
Someone stood and said "One house should not be able to wield that much control."
Harry genuinely smiled "I happen to agree with you Lord Smith. That is why my seats will be distributed amongst five sitting Lords of my choice."
Albus asked "And how will they be distributed?"
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