
Chapter 15

I stared down Dr. Scale, he stared back. This staring contest between us lasted a few more seconds before his body began to contort. his limbs grew longer and skin turned darker.

I jumped back and summoned 6 orbs of fire that circles behind me in a upper position. (Picture naruto true seeking orbs.)

I now faced Dr. Scale who was now showing his true form. Which was a 2 story tall, 30 feet long, a fucking black wyvern. His eyes tracked me in a predatory way. I swayed side from side. This wasn't a combat stance, just ADHD.

I suddenly was assaulted by a blast of acid coming from the mouth of Dr. Scale. I quickly dodged to the right.

'This is bad, acid is my only weakness to my skin. I can't get burned, or cut easily but Acid will just burn its way right through.' I thought in a rushed manner because I had to dodge a left claw from scaley over here.

"FUCK YOU, SCALEY!" After I jumped in the air in order to avoid the left claw, I let the 6 orbs of fire assault the back of scaley.

"BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!" They created booms when they hit the back of scaley the wyvern.

"SCREECH!" I covered my ears and flapped my wings to get me far away from the eardrum breaking screech that it released.

'Welp there goes the "be quiet" plan.' I felt my blood presser rise as I try to contain not firing the biggest beam of fire I can create at this dude. I wasn't going to be trying to burn the school down.

I was slowly losing the battle as scaley blasted another acid from his mouth at me. Quickly I dodge to the right. "AH!" I bite my tongue as some of the acid got onto my arm. It wasn't life threating but it hurt like a mother trucker.

Since poison couldn't hurt me didn't mean that acid wouldn't burn.

I felt my blood heating up as I slowly fell into a rage filled slaughter. Removing the air friction around me, I dash forward, using my wings as boosters.

"AHHH!" I shout in rage as I punch a right to the jaw with all my might. Scaley head was now to the left.

I put my hand flat and swipe it across its neck. My claws cutting its neck but the secondary wind cut it even more.

Suddenly I was sent flying as scaley swiped me with its other wing hand. I felt some pain in my right hand. It was my index and middle finger.

They were broken. I grabbed the 2 of them and pulled to the left. "POPS" I popped my fingers back in and left the rest to my healing factor.

I clap my hands forwards and a giant fire bursts towards scaley. It dodges to the left, avoiding the fire. But I quickly use the air to push the fire directly into scaley.

"ROAR!" It roars in pain as it gets burned. I smile in joy as I watch as scaley flaps away the fire. It did do a number to him.

We were about equally damaged, but I knew I would come with the victory . I crack my neck as I kick my left leg towards scaley despite the problem of being away from each other. Suddenly a shark blade of air cuts Scaley, giving him a nice scar.

He suddenly begins to fly in the air. Not one to be the only one on the ground, I fly up to get to equal grounds with him. "SPEWS!" They suddenly spew a large amount of acid towards me.

I conjure an force field of air to block it. But in the same action it blocks out my vision. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a claw aiming to cut off my head.

I quickly block it with my tail. We struggled for control but I saw how the claw was angled.

"FUCK!" I shouted as I felt acid being poured over my whole body. I felt it burn away my skin. It was as if someone was ripping the skin off of my bones.

I look up to see Dr. Scale flying above me victorious.

'How was I so dumb. He flew above me when I blocked the acid and swung his claw at me so I wouldn't suspect. Then he used that to spew acid at me! How can I be so dumb!' I mentally berate myself since I could barley move to the pain.

My shirt was completely melted off, luckily my pants were unharmed.

I knew the fight was coming to an end. It was now either I die or he dies. I had to win. For bill...

With sudden fury I ignored the pain to the best of my abilities and swung my hand upwards with such strength it made a sound.

"ROAR!!!!!!!!!!" Scaley roars in pain as its wing falls off. I had shot a blade of wind so sharp that I was confident that it would slice the wing apart.

I quickly lunge at his neck. He manages to bite me and hold me in place, but it was already over.

My tail sliced open his neck and for 1 long second he remained before bursting into golden dust.

I breathe heavy breaths before my breathing was calmed. I slowly got up.

"I need to get to the group. If this thing was as strong as the other one then they will need back up." I flap my wings before reaching an acceptable height and began to fly around the school.

It took me a few minutes before I found tracks. I flew down, careful not to blow snow. I bend down to examine the tracks. It was roughly the same size as Percy's shoe. I look up, 'this way then.'

I began to run. I had felt almost all the pain leave my body after a few minutes of flight. The cold made my skin cool down. There were some bad burns but I knew they would heal.

I saw some black dots in my vision but I blinked a few times and they vanished. I felt very lethargic. 'The fight with scaley really took a lot out of me, huh.

I was nearing an opening when I heard the hunting horn. Changing the plan I jumped into the trees and began to hop from tree to tree.

My physique among demigods was in a league of its own. When I first got to camp and settled down, that was when I showed that I was stronger than the whole Ares cabin. Some people thought I was Heracles son but I knew that wasn't true. Now that I trained my body to the limit, I have no doubt I am a monster among demigods.

I saw a manticore fall off the cliff . I thought this was job well done, until I saw Annabeth plunge off the cliff with the manticore.

I stared on with a blank face until my instincts told me to dodge. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the ATTACK HELICOPTER!? start to fire.

I look towards where they firing at and realize that the Di Angelo's were going to get shot up. I jump forward, removing air friction as I moved at an inhumane speed.

I placed my body Infront of them. Using my body as a shield the bullets hit me and not them. They did penetrate slightly but not enough to cause harm.

I could have sworn I heard the little boy say "Wow" But that wasn't the key problem.

I was about to swing my hands at the helicopter but someone did it for me. The helicopter suddenly turns into ravens.

I flick my arm to the side as multiple bullets got flung into the ground. I saw the group of girls advanced on us. I could hear Thaila say something about the hunters and since the fact that Thaila wasn't trying to fight meant that I probably not worry too much. But I still kept my guard up.

I turned around to face the new demigods that were nearly shot up. "You two doing alright?" I asked them.

"Umm," The girl began. "Yes we are fine, just confused." She nods her head.

I turn to see Percy getting jumped by a bunch of girls.

"You are in no condition to be hurling yourself off cliffs," the girl, Artemis I assume, said.

"Let me go!" Percy demanded. "Who do you think you are?"

The brown haired princess? stepped forward as if to smack Percy. But Artemis stopped her.

"No, I sense no disrespect, Zoe. He is simply distraught. He does not understand."

She then looked towards Percy. "I am Artemis," she said. "Goddess of the Hunt."

I stepped forward and I saw several of the hunters grip their bow. "Artemis, is it ok that Percy be let go?" I ask her. She nods her head and the girls let go of him.

But he immediately tries to jump off the cliff. I placed an air wall Infront of him. "Ouch." He mumbles as he hits my wall. I grab Percy by the shirt and walk us away from the edge. Percy tried to fight it but to no avail.

Grover began to just worship the ground under Artemis. But I head towards a tree and climb it. 'Back to my brooding.'

I began to watch them.

"Get up, goat boy!" Thalia snapped. "We have other things to worry about. Annabeth is gone!"

"Whoa," Bianca di Angelo said. "Hold up. Time out."

 Everybody looked at her. She pointed her finger at all of us in turn, like she was trying to connect the dots. "Who… who are you people?"

Artemis's expression softened. "It might be a better question, my dear girl, to ask who are you! Who are your parents?"

 Bianca glanced nervously at her brother, who was still staring in awe at Artemis.

" Our parents are dead," Bianca said. "We're orphans. There's a bank trust that pays for our school, but…" From their faces they didn't believe her.

"What?" she demanded. "I'm telling the truth."

"You are a half-blood," Zoe Nightshade said. Her accent was hard to place. It sounded like an ancient book. "One of thy parents was mortal. The other was an Olympian."

"An Olympian… athlete?"

I spoke up. "No, the gods."

Zoe glared at me for no reason.

"Cool!" said Nico.

'How wrong he is.' I thought, remembering all that happened in this past year.

"No!" Bianca's voice quavered. "This is not cool!"

Nico danced around like he needed to use the restroom. "Does Zeus really have lightning bolts that do six hundred damage? Does he get extra movement points for—"

Suddenly Bianca snapped. "Nico, shut up!" Bianca put her hands to her face. "This is not your stupid Mythomagic game, okay? There are no gods!"

'Mythomagic?' I get a little flash back of Bill teaching me "The ways of Mythomagic!"

"Bianca, I know it's hard to believe. But the gods are still around. Trust me. They're immortal. And whenever they have kids with regular humans, kids like us, well… Our lives are dangerous." Thaila said in a soft tone.

"Dangerous," Bianca said, "like the girl who fell."

Thalia turned away. Even Artemis looked pained. I look towards Percy who stared with a blank face.

"Do not despair for Annabeth," Artemis said. "She was a brave maiden. If she can be found, I shall find her."

"Then why won't you let us go look for her?" Percy piped up.

"She is gone. Can't you sense it, Son of Poseidon? Some magic is at work. I do not know exactly how or why, but your friend has vanished."

"Oo!" Nico raised his hand. "What about Dr. Thorn? That was awesome how you shot him with arrows! Is he dead?"

I look towards Nico and a sad smile forms on my face. 'Innocence like this will be taken away as soon as you step first into the world of demigods.'

"He was a manticore," Artemis said. "Hopefully he is destroyed for now, but monsters never truly die. They re-form over and over again, and they must be hunted whenever they reappear."

"Or they'll hunt us," Thalia said.

I saw as Nico eyes bright up as he hopped around like a bunny.

Bianca di Angelo shivered. "That explains… Nico, you remember last summer, those guys who tried to attack us in the alley in DC?"

 "And that bus driver," Nico said. "The one with the ram's horns. I told you that was real."

Seems like they had previous encounters with this. Wonder who their parent is?

"That's why Grover has been watching you," Percy said. "To keep you safe, if you turned out to be half-bloods."

"Grover?" Bianca stared at him. "You're a demigod?"

"Well, a satyr, actually." He kicked off his shoes and displayed his goat hooves. Bianca looked as pale as paper.

"Grover, put your shoes back on," Thalia said. "You're freaking her out."

"Hey, my hooves are clean!"

At this point I just cut them out of my head and vibed. Until I was once again knocked out of my thoughts some minutes later.

"How long will thee stay up there?" Zoe asked me. I looked down at her and saw her discontent.

"If you just want me to stay up here no need to "try" and get me down." I responded.

Zoe seemed shocked for a moment before "ordering me" down.

"Thee is wounded. Unless thee wants to bleed out and succumb to thys wounds, then I suggest coming down here. And lady Artemis wishes to speak with thee."

I hopped down from the tree Infront of Zoe. "Just give me some nectar and a shirt. I can heal the wounds on my own." She stared at me before turning and walking away.

I walked to the camp fire where Percy was staring daggers at Nico, who was just smiling away.

I sat down next to them and Nico's attention was drawn to me and began to barrage me with questions.

"Who's your godly parent?"

"I don't know, they haven't shown themselves yet."

"How were you able to block those bullets?"

"My skin is hard as armor."

"Is the demigod life fun?"

"It is not. You need to be strong in this world to have fun. So I guess you could say I am striving to have fun."

Taisho Secret

Even though Atem says he is fine, he really isn't. The acid was doing a number on him and just stopped when he blocked the bullets. And the bullets weren't helping. Even though it didn't pierce him, the force behind it still do some damage.

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