
Peter Johnson (rewrite)

The breakfast horn rang as the Hermes cabin walked. It was a oddly peaceful day. yesterday Clarssie came back to camp but me, Travis and Conner couldn't fully do the prank because we got caught.


We were walking to the Ares cabin to place a glitter bomb that was also laced with fart spray. And by the gods it was a foul smell.

But just as we placed the bomb, we turned around to see Chiron looking at us with a disappointed stare.

So like a couple of kids who got caught trying to see what presents they got for Christmas , we grab the bomb before walking back to the Hermes cabin looking dejected.


I sat at the crowed Hermes table, I sat at the edge wearing my pain black pants with black shoes, plus the orange camp half blood shirt. I looked around, there was no fighting, yelling of monster attacks, or anything. Well if you ignore the gloomy atmosphere. 

'Peaceful'. I thought and Travis voiced my thoughts.

"This is a rather peaceful day. Maybe we can make it more.. fun.."

"Yeah maybe we can rob the camp's store again." Said Conner. With a mischievous smirk. If this was a cartoon Conner would probably be rubbing his hand together when he said that. 

I respected Conner and Travis for trying to make this fun even though most of the campers were down and gloomy. It really helped me get used to this place and not let me spirits be put down by the dire situation of camp.

I took another look around. The camp was now crowed since most people returned from school. But there just seemed to be a veil of sadness, wariness and nervousness. People are nervous that once the barrier breaks, aka Thaila's tree dies, this place will be swarmed and they lose the 1 place where they will be safe. But what can I do.

I looked at my breakfast biscuit and devoured the rest before taking a drink of Pepsi. What could help save Thaila's tree? I racked my brain for any "Superpowered healing thing" in Greek mythology, or now Greek real lifeology? Dumb ADHD not the time.

My brain drew a flat line as my thoughts ran dry. Maybe I can ask around to see if anyone else has any ideas. Hmmm. My eyes brighten as I finally thought of something. I can ask Chiron before he leaves.

"Campers breakfast is over, head to your first activity, remember there was a change so it won't be your normal activity. Come to me if your paper has been lost." Chiron shouted. It was Chiron last day. And that pervert outside the gas station, hobo looking, haven't eaten food in ages, Tantalus will take over.

By the gods he was the worst. Sometimes you'll catch him staring at the Aphrodite girls, or how the food he tries to grab runs away from him like he was the plague. 

Tantalus is just the plain old greasy hobo you see outside of a gas station, not the nice ones, he's the ones that make your mother hold you closer. No one at camp liked him, for good reasons.

But aside from that my first activity should be border patrol with the Ares cabin. I wonder if we will see any cool monsters.

I walked over to the Athena's cabin to grab a weapon and some armor. Once I got over there, Cornelius, an Athena kid helped me find a weapon that matched me.

First he handed me a short sword, it was unbalanced. And wasn't really my first pick. We shook our heads.

Then he handed me a great sword, I could wield it but was probably not the best weapon for border patrol. Then he handed me a sword that was about 3 feet in length and I found it almost perfect. then he handed me a shield and armor.

I saw Cornelius smile at my enthusiasm and he patted my back. "Kill some monsters for us will ya." He said with an accent that I couldn't really place. 

I quickly walked to Thaila's tree as I already saw some people there. Once I got there there were now 3 people, there were 6 on border patrol. So they were either late or already at their place.

No one talked much, that was fine to me. I mostly only talk to my friends. But there wasn't anyone that I know here. 


We were placed around the camp border in groups. I looked around and saw Clarisse and Hilbert. They were both Ares kids. I walked up to Clarssie and tried to make some small talk with her.

"Hey, you're Clarssie right?" I saw her head tilt towards me.

"Yeah and what do you want punk?" She had a frown on her face as she looked at me. She had a spear in her hand and a shield in the other. She was a little taller than me.

"People say that you are one of the best fighters here and I was wondering if you can give me some tips?" People did say that Clarssie was one of the best fighters at camp so making small talk and possibly getting some tips.

Clarssie looked at me for some moments before sighing. "Just keep practicing and you will get the hang of it. Now scram." She snapped and I backed up.

I had just managed to walk a couple of feet away before I heard a "CRASH"

"ATTACK!" Clarssie yelled out as 3 bronze? bulls the size of elephants came out of the clearing and began to charge us. I stumbled before I managed to get a grip on myself and followed Clarssie's lead.

"DON'T TOUCH THEM, THEY WILL BURN YOU!" Clarssie shouted as we ran forward towards the bulls.

We were sent into a panic, by we I mean me. I was trying my best to control my heart rate. While most of the Ares kids attacked, while I took some cheap shots against one of the bulls when it came close.

Suddenly a bull crash against 2 of the Ares kids and threw them in the air and headed stright towards Classie who was focused on another bull and had her back faced the bull charging her. "BEHIND YOU!" I wanted to run away but I knew that I had to help Clarssie. So I rushed forward.

But just as Clarisse turned around, the bull horns were almost piercing her.

My body moved at a speed I never knew I had. I ran, my legs in autopilot and my mind for once was set on a goal. Kill that Bull.

I got behind it in record speed and slid under the bull. I felt warm but not burning. I pierced the bulls "heart" with my sword. as it powered down and fell on me.

I pushed it off with some help from Clarssie, who stared at me like I was a ghost. "How aren't your burnt alive." 

"I don't know, maybe its defective." 

"You might be the defective one if you didn't get burnt alive." Clarssie turned around and rushed towards the other bulls.

"Wow thanks." I followed behind her.

I charged against one of the bulls who was pushing an Ares kid. I stabbed at the Bulls skin and it turned its attention to me. I saw the bulls eyes stare into my soul as I tried to step away from the angry robotic bull. 

I started running as the bull chased me. I suddenly found myself in the air then falling back down to earth, right on the bull.

After I landed on the bull, it flung me towards Thaila's tree, which creaked when I slammed on to it.

I wasn't knocked out but in a hell of pain. I had hit my head hard and I was feeling my was watching it unfold in 3d. I saw that Clarisse was trying to get them into formation but a blonde girl rushed in and distracted one of the bulls. Then she turned invisible? Just as the formation Clarisse made she was rammed from behind from the other bull who lost interest in the invisible girl.

Then a brown haired boy rushed towards a bull and stabbed it, powering it off.

Then the boy rushed in towards Clarisse and tried to fight it off but he was bunt. Then all of a sudden a cyclops rushed it and bashed the bull's head in.

At that moment Hubert came to help me get to the nurse because according to him "You look like cow dung. Can you walk?"

"Yes." I managed to speak as my brain was being rolled around in my skull.


I was laying down on one of the beds. The peaceful area now felt like a military camp. This is the first strong monster that arrived. A thousand starts with one, one ends with a thousand. We had passed Chiron who had been packing, today was the official day he was fired and the official day Tantalus came into hire. 

I was going to go on a rant in my head until the horn for dinner sounded. I got up and walked to the door where I saw the blond girl, Chiron, the brown haired boy, and the cyclops. They looked at me but I passed by them and headed out the door.


Once I sat down at the Hermes cabin with Travis and Conner, after we dropped burnt some of our food. I heard someone say "Who invited that?" I turned my head and saw someone pointing at the cyclops from earlier. 

Then Mr. D spoke "Well, well, if it isn't Peter Johnson. My millennium is complete."

His name is Peter Johnson?

Peter Johnson spoke "Percy Jackson ... sir." He said sir like he was struggling to show respect to the acholic god. And his name is... Percy Jackson.

I widen my eyes. He is the Percy Jackson. Lighting thief, son of Poseidon, and the one who beat Ares.

Mr. D sipped his Diet Coke. "Yes. Well, as you young people say these days: Whatever."

I stifled a chuckle at that. So did Travis and Conner. Then Mr. D turned to face the hobo and said "This boy," Dionysus told him, "you need to watch. Poseidon's child, you know."

I could have sworn I saw Tantalus eyes gleam. "Ah! That one." 

 He smiled coldly "I am Tantalus, on special assignment here until, well, until my Lord Dionysus decides otherwise. And you, Perseus Jackson, I do expect you to refrain from causing any more trouble."

This was like watching a 3d movie. I almost wanted to say something to his defense but.... Knowing Tantalus he'll find a way to get me in trouble for the next month.

"Trouble?" He demanded. His eyes were practically burning.

Then Mr. D snapped his fingers and I think a news paper appear but I couldn't get a real good look at it. But Percy sure did as his shoulders slumped. 

"Yes, trouble," Tantalus said with satisfaction. "You caused plenty of it last summer, I understand." Yeah didn't he blow up like a historic monument? I think so.

I decided to ignore the rest and focus on my food unless something interesting happens besides Tantalus' food running away.

I had managed to eat a few more pieces of food before the horn blew. 'Gah what now.'

"Yes, well," Tantalus said, once the talking had died down. "Another fine meal! Or so I am told." As he spoke, he inched his hand toward his refilled dinner plate, as if maybe the food wouldn't notice what he was doing, but it did. It shot away down the table as soon as he got within six inches.

"And here on my first day of authority," he continued, "I'd like to say what a pleasant form of punishment it is to be here. Over the course of the summer, I hope to torture, er, interact with each and every one of you children. You all look good enough to eat." 'Knew it he is a pedophile.'

Dionysus clapped politely, leading to some halfhearted applause from the satyrs. Then I noticed the cyclops was standing besides them, looking uncomfortable. 

"And now some changes!" Tantalus gave the campers a crooked smile. "We are reinstituting the chariot races!" Chariot races? That sounds like fun. I wonder if we get to make our own Chariots.

Then murmuring broke out at all the tables.

I wasn't paying much attention to the murmuring but did hear the words deadly quite a bit.

"Now I know," Tantalus continued, raising his voice, "that these races were discontinued some years ago due to, ah, technical problems."

"Three deaths and twenty-six mutilations," someone at the Apollo table called. 'Ummm what now? I did not sign up for that. I wanted to build my own chariot and not my own grave.'

"Yes, yes!" Tantalus said. "But I know that you will all join me in welcoming the return of this camp tradition. Golden laurels will go to the winning charioteers each month. Teams may register in the morning! The first race will be held in three days time. We will release you from most of your regular activities to prepare your chariots and choose your horses. Oh, and did I mention, the victorious team's cabin will have no chores for the month in which they win?"

No chores for a month? FORGET MY PREVIOUS WORDS I AM SIGNING UP TO BUILD MY GRAV- CAHRIOT. But then Clarisse stood. 

"But, sir!" Clarisse said. She looked nervous, but she stood up to speak from the Ares table. Some people snicked but I did not know why.

"What about patrol duty? I mean, if we drop every-thing to ready our chariots — "

"Ah, the hero of the day," Tantalus exclaimed. "Brave Clarisse, who singlehandedly bested the bronze bulls!"

'umm homeless hobo excess me? I saved her and took down a bull?' I bit my togue to hold back an insult towards Tantalus. 'Later time, later date'

Clarisse blinked, then blushed. "Um, I didn't — "

"And modest, too." Tantalus grinned. "Not to worry, my dear! This is a summer camp. We are here to enjoy ourselves, yes?"

"But the tree — "

"And now," Tantalus said, as several of Clarisse's cabin mates pulled her back into her seat,

"before we proceed to the campfire and sing-along, one slight housekeeping issue. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase have seen fit, for some reason, to bring this here." Tantalus waved a hand toward the cyclops .

Uneasy whispers broke out. I looked towards Percy and he looked like he wanted to gut Tantalus and hang his body over a campfire. 'Good time to do it now, half of us would join'

"Now, of course," he said, "Cyclopes have a reputation for being bloodthirsty monsters with a very small brain capacity. Under normal circumstances, I would release this beast into the woods and have you hunt it down with torches and pointed sticks. But who knows? Perhaps this Cyclops is not as horrible as most of its brethren. Until it proves worthy of destruction, we need a place to keep it! I've thought about the stables, but that will make the horses nervous. Hermes's cabin, possibly?"

Me Travis and Conner looked at each other then at our cabin mates, who collective shook their heads. I did too beacause sure the cyclops might be friendly and had saved us but I don't know him personally, plus I rather not get eaten.

We also did not have enough space for the cyclops. 

"Come now," Tantalus chided. "The monster may be able to do some menial chores. Any suggestions as to where such a beast should be kenneled?"

I suddenly saw a bright green light appear above the cyclops as a image of a trident appeared. 

My mind drew a blank until I realize he was being claimed by Poseidon. On his first day...

Tantalus roared with laughter. "Well! I think we know where to put the beast now. By the gods, I can see the family resemblance!"

Most people laughed but I didn't. I kind of felt bad for them.

Might go over later and make friends with him.

Taisho secret

Atem and Bill actually became friends with Tyson. And because of the respect from the Ares cabin to Atem for saving their head consoler, the Ares cabin didn't pick on Tyson.

Next chapter