
Hero names and a proposal from a rabbit

The next day after the festival day before the two days off, we had one more class to take which is about our code names and proposals to join an agency.

This is before Iida begins his journey of revenge for his brother. I hadn't paid much attention to the TV, but living through what's happening you can notice Iida's change about what Stain did.

Oh yes! Before I forget, due to my victory at the sports festival and having demonstrated a little of my power, I ended up receiving many more hero agency offers. I'll tell you the quantities that Aizawa showed us so you can get an idea.







Yaoyorozu: 180




To be honest, this surprised me, I practically have a lot of agencies wanting me to participate and Shoto took the same amounts as he did in the normal story, so that means the heroes really thought he was talented.

The reaction of the others didn't surprise me, everyone thought it was a bit unfair since me, Bakugou and Shoto got most of the interests, but they didn't complain too much because of what I got, in fact they waited for this result.

After that it was time for code names Aizawa called Midnight to resolve this since he has no experience with hero names.

Everything happened like the normal story, Aiyoma made a ridiculous name.

Aiyoma:The sentient hero "I can't stop twinkling"!

☁️My god, what a bad and tacky name.

What still surprises me to this day is the fact that Midnight let him make that name.

Then it was Mina's turn, which was "Alien Queen", which in my opinion isn't bad, but what was she not allowed to do, right?

Next was Tsuyu's turn, which was honestly really cute and even good.

Tsuyu: I've been thinking about this since I was a little girl. Rainy Season Heroine:Froppy

When I heard this I couldn't help but smile at the cuteness in front of me, Tsuyu really is one of the "Best Girl" in this universe.

☁️Tsyu is one of the precious treasures in this universe full of villains.

Kirishima chose the name of his idol Red Riot and so everyone in class 1-A chose their respective hero names, the one that caught my attention a little was Todoroki who just put "Shoto", being honest he isn't doing a good job of not making me think he's the Sasuke of the modern era, because the emo vibe with a sad story that he gives off is very strong, I'm sure that when I meet Dabi it will be the same thing.

☁️This family only has people who suffered. Oh, and there's also Nana Shimura's grandson, just like the dog, he didn't deserve that end.

The second one that caught my attention was Tokoyami with his hero name that certainly doesn't give the air of a dark guy.

Tokoyami:Hero of Darkness:Tsukuyomi!

☁️Bro, where is Tobirama at these times? He forgot to kill the surviving Uchihas here.

The only ones missing were Izuku, Iida, Bakugou and I. The first was Iida who only put in his name too, following the same path as Shoto, then it was Izuku who was "Deku" and lastly it was my turn.

I stand in front of everyone and you can see the curiosity in their eyes, even Midnight is curious, when I introduced the name everyone was intrigued.

Midnight: "One Punch Man"?

Saito: Yes, that name, I was in doubt between that and Tempest, but I don't control time so I stuck with that one.

Midnight:So what's the reason for that name? Honestly, I thought it was cool and simple, but I was curious to know more.

Saito: Let's say that this name is of one of the heroes that I have great respect for so I want to pay homage to him using that name.

Midnight: I don't remember a hero I know with that name.

Saito: Don't worry even if you don't remember, not even this hero cares if people don't know who he is. (Opening reference)

Midnight: Hmmmmmm....curious about this hero, but I liked it so you can use him!

Saito: Thank you.

With that done, Aizawa handed over the list of proposals to those who received it and a list to those who will work as an intern.

My own list is quite large with several agency names, I am forced to choose one so I cannot refuse even if I wanted to. All the agency names that I received, others also received, for example Midnight and Mt. Lady gave their proposals to me.

Knowing both of them, I'm sure that my experience won't be good, I don't want to be Lady's employee and I don't want to become a slave to Midnight's fetishes.

☁️What a pain I wanted to refuse that, but apparently I can't.

Mina: Hey Saito-Kun, have you already chosen which agency you're going to join?

Saito:No, and to be honest I wanted to refuse all these proposals.

Mineta: Why?! Will you, who received many proposals, refuse this golden opportunity?

Saito:That's because none of them caught my attention.

Momo:But it's possible there could be one, after all you were really amazing at the festival.

Saito: Thanks for the compliment, but it doesn't help much.

Mina: (Pouting)

I kept reading the names until I noticed one I didn't expect.

☁️Mirko? Wait a second! The rank 5 heroine is interested in me?! Does she not like working alone? Why does she want me?

This took me by surprise since from what I know about her, it doesn't say anything that she has an agency or if she has someone working with her, all I have information is that she loves fighting and she likes working alone.

☁️Hmmmm although this could be good for me.

The good side of this is that I can learn some fighting techniques since Mirko is an experienced fighter not at the level of Silver Fang, but at least it's a good start since I have 0 fighting techniques.

☁️That's why I don't want to be a Silver Fang student.

Saito:I think I found a good one.

Mina:What is it?

Saito: Heroine number 5.

Kaminari: Mirko?!

Mineta:Man, how lucky are you, those legs are a danger to my eyes.

Tsuyu:Quiet Mineta.

Izuku:But why her brother?

Saito: Because I don't have fighting experience I might be too strong, but strength isn't everything in a fight and I hope I can learn something from it.

Izuku: Hmmm interesting, your strength is very great, but it is still possible to predict....

Izuku started babbling again, no one in the class is surprised since Izuku does this almost every day.

After that Izuku was called by All Might for them to talk and he also said that I can participate, but I refused after all I already know what they were going to say, so I just stayed at the exit waiting for Izuku.


Days later

The day of the internships has arrived where we will work alongside the pro heroes.

Each student goes to a different corner and I'm lucky that where I have to go is Tokyo, so I can keep an eye on Iida.

When Aizawa said goodbye to everyone warning everyone to be polite to the pro heroes and not to wear the costume in public.

Giving you a little spoiler, I totally threw out these rules, nothing will stop me from wearing the costume and I wasn't very polite to Mirko. Anyway, continuing the story.

I saw Uraraka and Izuku talking to Iida and I see Iida's forced expression when he said goodbye, I get close to the two lovebirds who were a little scared by my presence.

Saito:Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Iida for you two.

Izuku: Thank you very much for that brother.

Uraraka:Truth, I feel very relieved.

Saito:Well, let's go, I don't want to miss the train. Take care lovebirds.


I see both of their faces turning red and I let out a smile, it's so good to play with a ship that you know is going to happen.

Saito:Next stop Tokyo! Let's see what you want from me Rumi Usagiyama.

End of the ep

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