
Saito VS Shoto

I ended up accepting the offer so I am now participating in the last round of the festival.

I must now participate in the second match of the festival where I have to fight Shoto Todoroki.

But before this fight happens, there is Izuku's fight against Shinso, which in my opinion had a result that I didn't expect.

It's not what you're thinking. No, Izuku didn't lose the fight, something just happened that I didn't expect to happen. I'm gonna explain.

At the beginning of the fight, what happened in the original story happened, Deku fell for Shinso's trick and he was caught by Shinso's "brainwashing".

I could save Izuku by using my telepathy to break Shinso's quirk, but I won't do that for 2 reasons, one because that would be cheating and the second because One for all users are already going to save him, so I don't see any reason to save him.

But that's the reason for my surprise! When Izuku is about to step on the white line my head starts to hurt a lot.



Iida:Midoriya?! Are you well?


💭But what is that?! This never happened to me!

When I look at Izuku I can also see the past users of One for all, but unlike Izuku who can't see their faces, but I can see them clearly.


In a chain reaction, I instinctively ended up connecting with Izuku's mind and ended up breaking Shinso's quirk and Izuku immediately left the edge of the arena.

💭I broke it?! But I do not...

Izuku didn't use one for all to free himself from the trance, I did it so Deku didn't break two fingers. I'm still shocked by what I did as I didn't mean to do it until I came to a conclusion.

💭It was the One for all users who did this, it could only be them! There's no other logical reason, they used my connection with Izuku and made me force Deku out of the trance.

Mina:Are you okay Saito-kun?

Saito:Yes Mina, I am.


After the fight

I went to the infirmary to see Deku and All Might and when I arrived they were talking about Izuku seeing the users and I decided to participate.

Saito: I also saw them too.

Izuku/All Might:Saito?!

Saito: Hi

Izuku:Did you see them too brother?

Saito: Yes.

All Might:But how?!

Saito:Because of my mental connection that I made with Izuku. I can talk mentally to anyone, but for that I need to make a neural connection, I can also use this connection to do many things with the user's mind, but that's not what I want to talk about. What I mean is that the one for all users used this connection to free you from brainwashing.

Izuku: So that's why a second after I saw them I was able to move freely.

All Might: Wow, how scary!!!

After that it was time for my fight against Todoroki.

💭Here we go.

I walk to the arena and I hear the crowd going crazy and when I'm face to face with Shoto I can already see that he's pissed.

💭Ahhh so Endeavor went to talk to Shoto instead of me, that explains his face looking like Sasuke if there's going to be one person who's going to pull a Naruto it's Deku, not me.

Present Mic: He's the guy who came last in the race and he had the noble act of helping others pass the test, but that's not all he's also the older brother of the competitor who won in the last fight, his name It's...Saito Midoriya!!!

Present Mic:On the other side, he came second after first, he's too strong, he didn't enter on a random recommendation, he and Shoto Todoroki!!!

💭Here we go.

Present Mic: Ready? Start!!!

When I heard the signal I stood with my arms crossed looking at Shoto.

Saito:So Todoroki, what will it be? Do you attack first or will I?

Shoto was silent until he looked at me with a serious expression.

Shoto: I'm sorry.

Shoto stepped on the ground and ice began to appear on the ground and a huge pillar was going to swallow me whole.

💭It looks like I'm going to have to do what Izuku was going to do.

I simply flicked the ice causing the ice to break instantly.

Present Mic: How incredible!!! With a simple flick, Saito canceled Todoroki's attack! How strong is he?

Saito:Come on Todoroki! Is that all you have?

Shoto:Shut up!

💭He's really pissed....

He attacks me with ice once again and I dodge it easily and break it with one more flick.

Saito:Come on, I may be strong, but fighting someone who isn't fighting with their 100% is no fun.

Shoto:What does that matter?!

Saito: That this fight isn't worth it, I could very well end this fight in an instant and you won't even notice what happened, but I won't do that out of respect for you and others.

Shoto:Then get it over with!!!

Saito: *sigh*

Shoto attacks once again with his ice but this time the ice is getting slow and I break it very easily.

Present Mic:My God, what kind of fight is this?! Todoroki is attacking Saito, but his ice isn't having any effect on the boy! I repeat what I said, how strong is this guy?!

Saito:Shut up and listen to me, why won't you use your 100%?

Shoto stopped attacking and looked at the ground, apparently I made him stop attacking.

Shoto: Because I want to reject my father's power! I won't use my left side!

Saito: Then you're nothing but an idiot.


Saito: Have you forgotten that all participants are going with 100% of their power? That they are doing their best to get to the top? And you won't use yours 100% because of your hotheaded daddy? Are you kidding me?!

Shoto: Why are you going so far?!

Saito: Because I don't want to have a shitty empty victory! I may be strong, but I also have my pride. And you yourself is shaking, your body won't support you, just use your side of the ice at one time or another, you'll have to use your left side to make amends and stop using that excuse from your father! Because power is yours, not his! You're the one who chooses whether or not your body is going to be good and yours isn't his damn thing!

When I shouted that the arena started to crack and the stadium too, I noticed that I was losing my patience and I took a deep breath to calm down and I see Todoroki becoming unresponsive.

💭time to checkmate.

Saito:You don't need to stick to your blood, you can become...the person you want.

When I used Shoto's mother's words he immediately released his left side.

💭Hallelujah! Finally!

Shoto: Even though you can win, you help your enemy. Which one of us is playing now? I want to be a hero too!

He said this with a slightly psychotic smile on his face that reminds me of Endeavor's smile.

💭Like father like son.


When I thought about this a certain someone shouted.


Saito: Speaking of the devil he appears....

Endeavor:Finally you accepted yourself! That's great! With my blood you will overcome me and make my wish come true!!!

Saito:Shut up Endeavor, go have a barbecue somewhere else!

Present Mic: Suddenly Endeavor appears and shouts for his son. What an owl father.


Back to the fight.

Shoto: Why are you smiling?

Saito: Well, finally I'm going to have a worthwhile fight and you're going all out on me, I can't help but be anxious.

Shoto: Don't regret what happens.


Narrator's view

At that moment Shoto and Saito prepare to attack, Shoto steps on the ground and a huge pillar of ice appears heading towards Saito who easily dodges it by going over it.

Saito: If you want to fight me, then come at me with everything you have!!!

Shoto prepares to use his left side to shoot a powerful beam of fire and Saito closes his right fist tightly and prepares to throw a punch, before the attacks arrive Shoto says his last words.

Shoto:Saito...thank you.....


The entire stadium begins to shake due to the impact of two powerful attacks, everyone had to hold on to not fly away, the heroine Midnight ended up in the stands with the size of the wind she received.

The arena is completely empty with nothing left but pure destruction

Present Mic:What was that? What's happening with your group?

Aizawa: The cold air accumulated in the battle, quickly heated up and expanded.

Present Mic: So that was the reason for the explosion? Wow, it's really hot! I can not see anything. So who won the match?

Midnight got down from the stands and went to the arena which is full of smoke, when the smoke dissipated it revealed Saito shirtless and with his body releasing smoke holding Shoto Todoroki who is unconscious. Midnight saw all this and was shocked, but she admits that Saito's body structure is quite attractive.

Midnight:T-Todoroki is unconscious. The winner is Saito Midoriya who advances to the third phase!

Continues in the next Ep

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