
Chapter One Hundred and Four

Camp McCarran. Mojave Wasteland.

Originally founded as the Alamo Airport all the way back in 1942, the airport was renamed to its present name on December 20, 1948, after Senator Pat McCarran, Nevada native, and author of the Civil Aeronautics Act whatever the hell that was.

Once the primary airport of Las Vegas, the McCarran International Airport featured a direct monorail connection to the Strip which had allowed NCR soldiers easy access to the Vegas Strip so that they could piss away their hard earned wages.

Until they'd gotten booted out this had been the largest NCR military base in the New Vegas area and it had served as the headquarters for NCR military operations in the Mojave region. As well as a centre of logistics and information for NCR Army forces operating anywhere in Nevada.

Now it served as the Headquarters for the local PDF as while Mr House had his robot army they had their limits and by agreement I could call upon the local PDF if I needed to. In exchange the Imperium was training local men and women to function without any Imperial support in the long term, as such we didn't have as much of a presence here as we did in the airfield base the Boomers had once called home.

"As you can see my lord the local PDF regiment, although they lack the numbers to be considered a regiment by Imperial standards, have access to a number of support vehicles thanks to work of the priesthood during your absence" reported Magos Thea Maxind "Including two F-108 fighter craft".

Some of Mr House's robots patrolled the edges of the base but on the inside there were locals who had come here for protection at first and now were contributing as citizens of the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas by defending it. Since Mr House didn't need a lot of infantry the Ad-Mech had worked to restore among other machines a pair of F-108 which were known also as Rapiers

This fighter had a bit of history as on October 23rd, 2077, when China unleashed it's last resort so as to avoid the US winning the war. A massive wave of strategic bombers numbering at an ungodly 90,000, flew towards the U.S., only after nuking most U.S. and Soviet forces in Asia. The 6,000 F-108's under American control were tasked with holding off the so-called "Red Tide '' just long enough for the U.S. to release its own nuclear destruction.

The F-108's flew tirelessly, running out of ammo in seconds due to the sheer number of targets, only to go back to base and re-arm. They, along with the Navy, managed to down over 35,000 bombers before a single nuke fell on U.S. soil. However U.S. Air Defence systems were never designed to deter such a large force, and the Chinese managed to deliver their payloads. Most F-108's were destroyed after running out of ammo, being subdued by no less than 30 Chinese Xian-85's each. Others ran out of fuel after flying so many combat missions without refuelling so desperate were their efforts to defend their home.

According to intelligence reports around 20 of these fighters, not counting the ones we had, were operational once more and they had been put back into service as part of the Air Force of the New California Republic Defence Force and have since then only been used by elite members of the air force in order to prevent losses. The NCR Air Force has also found and salvaged more Rapier jets with the intent of making them operational once more in order to add more strength to the NCR Air Force. This advantage of theirs had to be countered in order to prevent the NCR from growing too strong.

"How many do we have operational?" I enquired.

While I had a cruiser in orbit now giving House Thrax the ability to remove any threat, it hadn't always been there and wouldn't be in the future so it would be unwise to let the NCR have air superiority as they might use to bomb New Vegas into submission even with Mr House having access to anti-aircraft weaponry.

"A present only five as we lack the means to build more of the fighting machine and only a few of wrecks were recoverable" I was told "Two more of the F-108s are at the Nellis Airforce base and another has been taken to Mars for safekeeping as a treasured relic. It serves as payment in our services for this project".

Since the Ad-Mech lacked the design for this model of fighter it made sense to preserve an intact copy.

"Our operations in the east coast have no potential enemy air force to counter so they have no need for any F-108s" the tech-priest told me "Instead they have a greater number of Vertibirds to allow for the easier transportation of troops".

That seemed fair since the NCR wasn't going to try bombing DC any time soon but they might try to pound New Vegas into dust so they could retake the Hoover Dam and once more expand their influence. For the sake of my operations in this world they had to be kept in check.

"Shall we tour the rest of the base?" the cyborg offered.

That seemed like a good idea to me.

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