
Chapter Eighty-Five


This wasn't the first time that Farseer Galadeer had contacted me and I doubted it would be the last despite my desire to have as little to do with the Eldar as possible. Alas for me the pointy eared twats had their own plans and they involved me. There wasn't much I could do about the space elves as I didn't wish to antagonise them and enter a conflict, but they were known for abusing the trust of humans and so I knew that I had to be very careful around them.

"What do you want, Farseer?" I asked.

Looking around I realised that Galadeer was standing in a swamp and while I didn't know if she'd projected an image of herself as well as her surroundings into my mind or if she'd summoned my spirit to her, and it didn't really matter. The end result was the same, I had no power over what was happening here, no choice other than to hear her out.

"You cooperation, Lord Thrax" answered the space elf.

When she took off her helmet it was easier to see her alien nature yet I was not repulsed by her appearance as a proper Imperial citizen should be. This might be because I'd lived in time when society taught its children to embrace those who were different or perhaps Galadeer was making an effort to look less alien so as to appear more trustworthy. Not that I would ever trust her as I knew that she saw humans as beasts, in her eyes we were intelligent animals nothing more, and perhaps I could be useful to her, but she'd never see me as a true ally.

"In what matter?" I asked.

It wasn't as if I could stop them from doing whatever it was the Eldar wanted to do. They had an army camp set up in what I guessed to be Point Lookout and that meant they had a ship somewhere in this system that my vessel couldn't detect, as such they could go where they pleased and conduct their own operations as long as they stayed out of sight.

"In saving my race" Galadeer replied.

Before I could inquire about that the view around me changed and now I was onboard an Eldar vessel, or at least the image of one, this was just an illusion, but if it was an accurate one then this was a ship being heavily repaired or constructed.

"My craftworld and others have a plan to save our race" the Farseer informed me "We are building special seedships. You don't need to understand exactly how they work or how much it is costing us to produce them as your part in our plans is simple".

As soon as she'd used the word 'seedships' I'd started to figure out the plan the clue was in the name.

"What I will tell you is that each of these vessels will be like a seed thrown on the wind" said the Farseer "Like our other vessels they are more grown than built. They will grow once cast into new universes and so give my people a second chance. These ships will drift between the stars for centuries until they become true craftworlds".

It wasn't hard for me to imagine that the space elves had the ability to grow people in vats. My own cloning labs could this, make copies of existing people or even create a new person by combining DNA it was just a time consuming and expensive project.

"So you need me to go to other universes when your seedships are ready" I reasoned.

The Farseer moved closer to me before speaking.

"We can sow our seeds when you travel" she told me "What we need from you Mon'keigh is to turn a blind eye to let our seeds find their own paths without any human interference".

While this universe did have some hostile aliens in it a galaxy was a big place and one of these ships could easily be missed if it floated between star systems. The universe that contained Planetos could be devoid of any other intelligent life and given the vastness of the multiverse there were plenty of other places for me to go. I could over the span of many years aid the Eldar is scattering their seedships. However there were risks.

"If the Inquisition finds out..." I started to say.

Galadeer didn't let me finish expressing my concerns about what those fanatics would do to me if they found out I was aiding the Eldar. My status as a Rogue Trader would not protect me if they discovered I was letting the space elves spread to other universes.

"Arrangements are being made with the Inquisition" the alien psyker assured me "Simply feign ignorance if questioned and ensure that your crew do not look too closely at any odd readings your sensors may detect".

That seemed simple enough, too simple for an Eldar plan and there were other concerns. The space elves had murderfucked a demonic warp god into existence and they wanted to restore their own empire even at the expense of everyone else. It didn't help that even the craftworld Eldar weren't above a little piracy.

As such it seemed unwise to allow them to travel to other universes. However it had take billions of them to create the Dark Prince and this had happened over thousands of years. It was unlikely that a single craftworld would have that much of an effect on other universes outside of the normal meddling the space elves got up to.

"You will be rewarded" promised Galadeer "Even now our people work to aid you in your endeavours. The corruption in this land will be cleansed and your path smoothed before you".

Before I could say anything about that I began to wake up, or so it seemed.

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