
Elena's life experience

Guys, stop being so formal. Hindenburg looked very kind. He was also Manstein's uncle: "You are all the future of Germany. In the future, we old men will have to rely on you." "

Richthofen was also very familiar with these two masters of Germany's destiny: "Marshal, general, the land belongs to Germany, the sea belongs to Germany, and the sky also belongs to Germany."

Marshal Hindenburg laughed: "Our Baron Manfred is no longer as frivolous as before, and he is no longer a scout."

Hindenburg meant something.

Richthofen was born in a noble family in Prussian Silesia. He was the eldest son and inherited the title of baronet from his elders. In 1915, he entered the air force, but due to his not very good talent, after learning to fly, he was assigned to the Eastern Front as a recoil scout. This was not enough to satisfy Richthofen, who was naturally aggressive and liked to hunt prey. After repeated requests, he was finally changed to a fighter pilot and transferred to the Western Front where the war was raging.

It can also be said that all the achievements Richthofen achieved were not due to talent, but to his acquired tenacity and hard work.

General Ludendorff also had a smile on his face: "I heard that you shot down three enemy planes by yourself in an air battle. I am proud of you."

With that said, Hindenburg and Ludendorff turned their attention to the unfamiliar Wang Weiyi.

Manstein was about to introduce him, but Marshal Hindenburg said in advance: "Ah, let me guess who this strange young man is. Ah, I have never seen him, but the Iron Cross on his chest But he told us that he had made outstanding contributions to Germany. His eyes were flashing with the flames of battle. If the British, French or Russians suddenly appeared now, I believe he would pounce on them as bravely as a lion. If I'm not mistaken, he is the 'Creator of the Miracle of the Somme', right?"

Wang Weiyi stood up straight: "Lieutenant Ernst Brahm of the Third Company of the Supplementary Battalion of the 16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment salutes you and General Ludendorff!"

"My young hero." Hindenburg's eyes were full of appreciation: "I simply can't imagine how you did all this. When I saw the frontline battle report, I thought those bureaucrats had written it wrong. , I went out of my way to confirm it. My God, after I confirmed that such a magical war happened, I can almost confirm that if the German army had only one more person like you, the war would be over this year. "

Although Ludendorff was not as kind as Hindenburg, he could not hide his admiration for Wang Weiyi in his words: "His Majesty the Emperor's shock cannot be expressed in words, and of course I am shocked. I still can't believe that you actually One man killed nearly five hundred people. Lieutenant Ernst Brahm, I think that for your merits, His Majesty the Emperor can bestow upon you a knighthood."

This was a compliment from the two most powerful men in Germany: Field Marshal Hindenburg and General Ludendorff.

It would be good if I could really get a title, Wang Weiyi thought in his heart, but continued to say seriously: "The glory I have achieved does not come from me alone, but from the efforts of all German soldiers. Of course, there are also those who follow me." Guo Yunfeng, a Chinese who fought bloody battles together."

Hindenburg and Ludendorff nodded slightly to Guo Yunfeng.

At this time, several girls came over, and a beautiful, tall and familiar figure caught Wang Weiyi's eyes:

Heinrich Elena!

Elena is wearing a blue dress today, which makes her even more beautiful. The girls around her are probably from noble families, right?

Elena came in front of everyone, then smiled and said to Hindenburg and Ludendorff: "Uncle Paul, General Ludendorff, hello."

"Our little angel has grown up." Hindenburg seemed very fond of Elina: "Ludendorff, look, now Elina is also a sergeant."

Ludendorff's company also showed a smile: "The Levinsky family are the pride of Germany. The only thing I'm not satisfied with is why are you going to Nikolai's place? I can definitely arrange a better one for you." Good place."

Elena smiled and replied: "But even that can't directly feel the battle on the front line. The Military Intelligence Bureau is the only place willing to accept me, a woman, to go to the front line."

Wang Weiyi felt a little dizzy after hearing this.

What is the relationship between Elena and them?

At this time, Elena turned around: "Hey, Fritz, Manfred, hello. Ah, and you, Ernst Brahm, who always doesn't like to talk seriously."

Everyone laughed, or they had heard Wang Weiyi's "character" from Elena's mouth before.

Wang Weiyi seemed a little embarrassed and quietly asked Richthofen: "Who is she?"

"I thought you knew it a long time ago. Didn't Erwin tell you?" Richthofen looked a little surprised: "Elina's full name is Heinrich Elina von Leevinsky. She was the adopted daughter of Artillery General Eduard von Leevinsky before his death."

God! Wang Weiyi was really dizzy. Elena is actually the adopted daughter of the famous German aristocrat General Levinsky?

No wonder she was so familiar with people like Manstein and Richthofen.

Wang Weiyi finally recovered from his surprise: "I heard that she is Rommel's cousin?"

"Yes." Richthofen nodded: "Elina's biological mother is Erwin's mother's cousin..."

That is a distant relative, Wang Weiyi thought as he listened to Richthofen continue: "After Elina became the adopted daughter of General Edward, the two families still had contact. The reason why Erwin was able to enter as a civilian Danzig Officer Candidate School, in addition to the needs of the country, the Levinsky family also played a certain role. Of course, this does not affect Erwin's reputation."

Too complicated.

Seemingly noticing their whispers, Elena smiled and said: "Lieutenant Ernst, do you still hate what I said? If this is the case, then I apologize to you again."

"Ah, no." Wang Weiyi felt a little uncomfortable.

Hearing that this young officer was the "Creator of the Miracle of the Somme", the female companions around Elina suddenly became excited and kept whispering to Wang Weiyi, some even without blinking. It seems that he wants to see something from Wang Weiyi.

In Germany, officers like Wang Weiyi, Richthofen, and Manstein are the most likely to be favored by girls.

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