
Chapter 576: People Well-Versed in Poetry and Books are not Necessarily Pedantic

Shen Mianmian shook her head. "He Nan, I'm not cold, I just wasn't used to the wind blowing just now."

Seeing her flushed face, which indeed did not seem like someone who was cold, He Nan didn't insist on her entering the room. "Do you have something you want to talk to me about?"

He Nan was really smart, Shen Mianmian nodded and uttered a 'hm'.

He Nan didn't make a sound, as if waiting for her to continue.

Shen Mianmian glanced back to make sure the door was shut tight so Li Shiping wouldn't hear, then spoke in a low voice, "He Nan, have you mentioned the matter about selling the house to Li Yue yet?"

"Not yet." These matters required the right moment, and He Nan was not someone who liked to babble on. He preferred to strike decisively—either he wouldn't act at all, or when he did, it was with the intent to not falter until the very end.

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