
Chapter 257 Hearing a Cry for Help

Zhou Lanfang was engrossed in watching TV, and when she heard the fat aunt's words, she responded irritably.

"You must have heard wrong. Mianmian is working in Shu Tun, what's this about calling for help?"

If someone really was calling for help, that would be better.

Dead, out of sight, out of mind.

"Then I must have really misheard," the fat aunt said with her lips, but inwardly she curled her mouth disapprovingly. It's different when it's not her own daughter. If it were Siyu, Lanfang would certainly be the first to run.

While a few of them were watching TV for a while, Auntie Liu also arrived. Because of the dried vegetable selling, she'd been very happy these past two days, busily scouting for spots with lots of wild vegetables and hadn't come to watch TV.

As soon as she came, everyone greeted her and asked why she hadn't come to watch TV these past two days.

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