
Chapter 100 Lying

Seeing that the two had almost calmed down, Zhou Siyu spoke with a face full of sisterly affection, carefully saying, "Uncle, when sister comes back later, please don't scold her. Sister is already feeling terrible after being scolded by the teacher."

Tears circled in her eyes as she sniffled, "I didn't plan to tell you, but I'm afraid sister will pick up bad habits from other people."

"Ah..." Shen Jianhua sighed helplessly, "You are a sensible and good child." If Mianmian were as sensible and had such good academic performance as Siyu, he wouldn't be in such a dilemma.

Fortunately, of the two girls he was raising, one was presentable.

Lately, he had been pondering whether or not to have Zhou Siyu change her surname. If she were to change it, it had to be done sooner rather than later, because once she got into university, the Zhou family certainly wouldn't be willing to let such an outstanding girl go to him.

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