
Chapter 116

Cara woke up in the evening in Stevin's room. Her friends were gone, her parents were in the kitchen, and from the lack of sounds coming from outside it seemed that the festival was long over. The decorations were being taken down and the dwarves from other mountains had started to leave. She came down into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

"Where's Stevin?" she asked.

"Probably out with Jared or something," answered her father "All right I am going to be down in the workroom, I need to prepare for the meeting, I expect we'll be leaving any day now," he said, and left.

"You slept for long, you must have been tired I expect, and hungry, come I'll make you something," said her mother. 

"When did you guys come back?" she asked wondering if they had seen Morris and others leave.

"In the afternoon, when the festival ended, you were sleeping and Stevin was just about to leave," she said.

"Why were you sleeping in Stevin's room?" asked her mom.

"Oh, Vivian and Flint were sleeping in my room, I mean Flint was, he got in a fight with a d..., a dwarf from another mountain or something, I don't know when they left," she said, it was always hard to lie to her mother, so she mixed in truths in her lie. 

"That's pretty common, fights are bound to break out, but nothing serious I expect?" she asked.

"Yeah, no, Morris and Jared were there and they handled it," she said.

"Ah, it's good Jared was there, he is older he can handle these things better," her mother said, Cara rolled her eyes she was always surprised why everyone liked Jared.

"and this Morris, he is Dom Cain's son, right? I actually met him, he said that you came after the fights and took him away in a hurry, where did you guys go?" she asked.

"Oh, just to see the festival, We were meeting up with Flint and Vivian," she answered.

"So, now that you have won the tournament what are you going to ask the elders, your father said you wanted Elder Maeve to take you as her apprentice?" her mother asked.

"Would that work?" asked Cara.

"No, as you know Elder Maeve remains very isolated, like Elder Shadow, she didn't even come to the festival so she didn't even see you fight, the only way she will take you under her wing is if she finds you worthy, which hasn't happened since she became an elder," said her mother.

"But she is coming to the five-head meeting?" asked Cara.

"So, far that's what Elder Rahm told me, it came as a surprise to him actually, she doesn't go out much, he said she had someone to meet at the meeting that's why she is coming," her mother replied.

"So, if I can come to the meeting with you guys then I will have plenty of opportunity to impress her," said Cara.

"You are going to waste your favor on the slight chance that Elder Maeve might get impressed by you?" her mother asked.

"There aren't going to be too many opportunities to impress her out there," her mother said.

"It's fine I would like to take the chance, and it would be fun to see the other races don't you think?" said Cara. She knew getting her mother's permission was going to be the most difficult thing, if she wanted to go to the meeting, her father would be easy to persuade.

"It isn't a trip Cara, we aren't going there to have fun, if you won't behave I am not letting you come, and what would the other in the clan say, if we are the only ones bringing you," her mother said.

"Oh, Morris will be coming too, he is also going to ask his parents, he said they'll agree," she said.

"Hmm, you and this Morris, I better not find out you two are up to something, I don't know why I am agreeing to this but I guess I can't say no after the tournament," her mother finally agreed reluctantly. Cara sighed, now if Morris also gets permission then Rit's the only one left. Which was going to be difficult too, but she will deal with that tomorrow.

Morris wondered who should he ask first, from his perspective, it was easier to get permission for Cara because her parents were going on the trip too, but his parents weren't, would they send him out of the mountain alone? He was sitting in their common room, when he saw his father pass by, deciding he would have to be the first he ran after him. 

"What is it, Morris?" asked his father.

"It was about the favor from the elders," he started.

"No need to worry about that, just ask Elder Rayn he will allow you anything he likes you too much," said his father.

"Yeah, well that's it, I already have everything, he already lets me read all his books," he said.

"So?" his father said.

"So, I just wanted to ask something for fun, you know," he said.

"What?" his father asked suspiciously.

"Well you know how I am always curious about the other races, and they'll be going to the five-head meeting soon, so I was wondering if I could go with them," he said.

"What kind of request is that?" his father asked.

"It's fine, Cara and her parents are going too, so I won't be the only copper," he said.

"I don't know, I'll have to talk to your mother about this, then I'll give you my decision," said his father and left.

Morris sighed, he had no idea what his mother would say, he left his home, and he had to find out if Cara had success or not, but while he was on the way he ran into Stevin, who looked like he was looking for him.

"I was looking for you," he said.

"Why?" asked Morris suspiciously.

"Well, funny story, I ran into that Druid Rose, earlier, Jared knew where they were staying he wanted to see them before they left, I saw her and thought I'd mention you guys and she said that you guys were asking a lot of questions about mythical beasts or something, what's that about? One of my friends told me he saw you guys going to the top level during the tournament and there were some strange noises coming from there before, I know you were lying about why you guys wanted to go to the five-head meeting. Look if Cara is about to get herself in some trouble you need to at least tell me so I can watch her back," said Stevin.

Morris had no idea what to do, Stevin didn't look like he was backing down and Morris didn't want Cara's brother to dislike him, so he told him everything. 

"Look I don't know the exact story but that's what happened with Elder Shadow and everything," he said.

"What did she do to me?" Ash exclaimed looking at his body, he looked normal.

"Calm down, it's just a little spell, when she hit you with my Gada, she blocked your mana channels," explained Yuri.

"When will they unblock?" he asked.

"When she hits you with it again, when we will be back, she wants you to complete this trip without any magic," Yuri replied.

"What are you talking about? I will die!" he exclaimed.

"Well that's the test, there are many people who deal with their troubles with no mana, It is going to be difficult but it will be good for you too," she said.

"Now get out and sit on the front of the cart and guide the horses, there's a map in your pocket," said Sasha.

"Where will you guys be?" asked Ash.

"We will join you later, we have something to take care of a little west of here, we'll meet you sometime tomorrow at the first red point marked on the map, we will wait for about an hour, if you are not there in time, we'll head to the second one and wait, if we don't come do the same, although I don't think that's going to happen but just in case," said Sasha.

"What? I am going to be alone?" asked Ash.

"Don't cry over it, there will still be half a journey left, and you will be fine," said Yuri.

"Take care of all the stuff in the cart, okay, see you," said Sasha, and the two went into the trees instead of following the path.

Ash got in the front of the cart, there were two horses pulling the cart up the hill. It was the first time Ash realized he was going to travel all alone, he pulled out the map from his pocket and checked it. He was kind of scared, he could get lost, what if there were bandits in these parts or he got attacked by some animal, he didn't even have his powers and he needed to protect the cart too. The aspect of spending the night was even more scary but there was still plenty of time in that, he wanted to cover as much distance as possible just in case he came across some kind of dealy, he didn't want to miss the first rest point. 

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