
Chapter 110

"We have heard nothing of that sorts, have we?" asked one of the ministers.

"Well we all had out attentions towards the capital and other things, nobody was sending any messengers to the border, we are on of the farthest cities from it," said another minister.

"Doesn't matter it couldn't have been that big, that he could not send some for our help, there had been large armies moving towrds the border otherwise," said the Duke.

"Doesn't matter now, it's a good excuse for not coming here, if we raise the matter in the palace among other noble families, they can just use the excuse that they were anticipating a large attack from humans so they had to be on standby," said another minister.

"But they won't intentionally start something with the humans just to get out of this, and spreading such rumors could be bad too, and they have said this to official messengers from the Duke, they couldn't have lied, or they'll be in worse trouble," said a minister.

"So, it means, there is indeed some trouble with the humans, something of at least some seriousness, and we have some humans in our castle," said the first minister.

"Those humans helped save our city," spoke up Lufius.

"Does the capital know about them?" asked the Duke to Barnes and Yanos.

"Yes, they already knew about them, and," stopped Barnes.

"And what?" asked the Duke.

"and they want us to capture them, they have send some royal guards to bring them back to the capital too, we knew you would want some time, so we left earlies then we were supposed to, but they will be here soon," said Barnes.

A debate broke out in the office, everybody started talking at once. 

"This is wrong, My Lord, they fought alongside us," said Lufius.

"You don't know politics captain, and if you are forgetting let me remind you the barbarians are humans too," said a minister.

"The capital could brand us traitors if we went against the king's direct orders,"

"I don't think we have a choice, in this matter, this whole thing seems weird to me, I think we should wash our hands off the humans for now, let the capital deal with them, we can't handle anything else,"

Fiona had listen enough she broke her connection with the rat and she came back in her room on her chair with a jerk her heart beating loudly.

"What happened?" Derek asked. He and Isanna were looking down on her pale face.

"We need to leave," she said slowly and then told them everything quickly.

"Where is Ron?" asked Derek turning to Isanna but she was already heading for the door to find him.

"I'll get him and we will join you guys, " said Isanna.

"We don't have much time, Fiona where is he?" asked Derek.

"I don't know, I am not sure, " Fiona said.

"You guys go, find a way out, we'll try too, if we get caught you can at least escape to the human kingdom and bring help," said Isanna and left the room.

"What is she talking about? Things aren't that bad, can't you guys get us out by force?" Fiona asked.

"Not the Royal guards, they'll be each as strong as Rin if not more, " said Derek.

"We'll have to make our way to the border, there's no other way, we anyway need to reach there and see what this tension at the border is about, if they are able to get out in time too then they should be fine, Isanna is capable enough to pass through a kingdom while being wanted, " said Derek.

"How are we getting out?" Fiona asked following him out of the window.

"You are getting us out, " said Derek, and he grabbed her and jumped, he pushed off directly upwards by using large amounts of aura, they were suddenly propelled high up into the air. Fiona controlled herself from shouting, they slowed down when they reached above the clouds.

"Now you have less then a minute to find birds to get us out of here, don't worry it will be just like the time in the sea, " said Derek.

Fiona cursed at him and closed her eyes, she didn't even have time to explain how different both situations were. She found several small birds but they won't be able to carry their weight, this was what she was afraid of, they were much heavier in the air. She expanded her search area, her mind started hurting badly but she pushed past the pain, then she found something big, she didn't have time to see what it was, it hurt too much, she just urged the thing to fly towards them fast. She couldn't take over the mind from such distance and pulled back. They were plummeting down fast. Then with a screech they heard something coming from behind them. Derek turned and saw a large white and grey birdwas heading towards them. He had no idea what it was. But it was big enough to carry them both. Fiona hadn't thought it would still listen to her command but the bird even without control headed straight for them and grabbed Derek's armor in its talons and flew up.

Fiona felt around with her powers and this time instead of trying to take over it, she slightly touched against if. The bird turned it's eyes at her that instant, there was some sort of understanding in them. The bird was much more intelligent than any other animal she had ever taken over. She could feel the trail of thoughts they were more clear. Not as clear as a human, but she could feel the bird was actually trying to help them. She told him to fly them out of the city and it sent a feeling that it understood.

"Where are we going? He won't be able to hold our weight for long, " she said knowing some how that it was a he.

"In the middle of the forest out the North gate should be fine, we can make our way from there and wait for Isanna and Ron too, " said Derek.

Isanna was looking everywhere for Ron, she knew he was hanging out with the Duke's daughter, that's why she was even more worried.

Ron had gone early to talk to Vanessa. He knocked on her door and she opened and pulled him inside.

"It won't do you or me any good, if we are seen together, " said Vanessa.

"Emily doesn't worry about that, " he said.

"Emily is the Duke's daughter, she can just say that she is looking after the guests, it is actually her duty after all, " Vanessa explained.

"So, did you ask her?" asked Ron.

"Yeah, I think it would be better if you ask her now, she didn't tell me a way, but she seemed like she was troubled by it, which is good, insist her a little and she will tell you, " said Vanessa.

"Fine, I'll go and ask her now then, " said Ron.

"I am coming along too, " said Vanessa and they went to Emily's room.

Vanessa knocked and entered.

"What's all the ruckus so early in the morning, " said Emily getting up just now.

"It's almost afternoon, " said Vanessa. Ron e teres behind her. Emily stood up seeing him.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, " said Emily throwing an accusatory look at Vanessa which Ron caught and understood.

"Look Emily, it was wrong of me to ask Vanessa to ask you, but I didn't want to put you in a wrong position, I know it is still very difficult for you, but please can you help us, " said Ron.

"If it had been just you, then I would be fine, but there are others with you too, " said Emily.

"What kind of condition is that? And they all helped us not just Ron, " said Vanessa.

"It's fine, I understand, no really, I would have done the same, we barely know each other but you are still willing to help me," said Ron.

"I am sorry Ron, " said Emily, just then the door burst open and Isanna barged in surprising them all.

She grabbed Ron's hand.

"We need to leave, " she hissed at him.

Vanessa and Emily looked at each other. Isanna looked at them warrily.

"No wait mom, what happened?" Ron asked.

"That's your mom?" Emily asked.

"You never told me, " she said.

"Oh, I guess it never came up," said Ron.

"What are you chatting about we need to leave, Derek and Fiona will already be out, " said Isanna.

"What how? He asked me to find a way?" said Ron.

"Do you really think Derek can't get past a wall, he was just getting bored and a little crazy with all the waiting, but it is going to be difficult for us, because I bet they have increased the security everywhere, seeing us missing from the tower, now let's go, " said Isanna.

"Wait, Emily, you said you will only help Ron, well help him then, and his mother, I am sure his mother would be fine, " said Vanessa.

Emily thought for a second and then made her mind.

"Follow me quickly, " she said getting up.

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