

[Whis POV]

The day of the midterm exams was here and it was gone. We were seated in class, when Chabashira sensei came in with her usual facial expression.

Ayanokouji was the only person who didn't care about the results analysis since my seat was little closer to him. Horikita and the rest of the class all waiting in anticipation of the results.

Chabashira was at the middle of the class when she began to speak.

"I am quite impressed with the results from Class D, it seems like you're the first class to make it this long without any expulsion of it's students"

Chabashira was giving compliments to the class.... that's quite rare i have to admit, with that said, i find it strange.

" But.... Sudo."

She brought a red marker and made a line on Sudo's name. Everyone knew what this meant, but i sadly don't care.

" What does mean, Chabashira sensei?"

"It's quite simple. Sudo failed the exam's and you know the penalty of failing school exam's. Expulsion "

Hirata was the first i noticed and he had a dark look on his face, yeah he was about to crash out.

"Oh my, isn't there anything we could do sensei?"

Oh brother, i don't know why i don't really FW Kushida, maybe it's because of her voice or how she acts annoyingly nice.

" No, that's just the penalty and there's really nothing i can do about it. Sudo i am sorry, it appears our time together in the school was very short but i will be handing in your withdrawal to the school"

Chabashira walks out of the classroom

Sudo was already in a state of giving up, Ike and Yamauchi tried consoling him, some of our classmates rejoice about his expulsion, Horikita was annoyed for some reason and Ayanokouji was..... there?

Kei Karuizawa and her gang all had some gossip about the expulsion and who could be next, and i was like damn are you guys that brutal cause it's just been a minute Sudo got expelled and you're already speculating that Sakura could be next?.

Ayanokouji stood up from his seat.

" Where are you heading to?"

"To the bathroom" he replied Horikita

Wow, you're so trash at lying my boy kouji. He walks out of the class while Horikita contemplating on wether to follow him or not. She made up her mind followed suit.

So if am correct, the passing score was 40 which we got by Chabashira dividing 79.6 the average score by 2, rounding up 39.8 which is 40 roughly. But Sudo wasn't all bright cause Horikita purposely reduced her mark so the passing score could drop.

So am speculating that, Ayanokouji went ahead to meet up with chabashira to buy one more point that Sudo was missing, of course it would cost a lot.

The rules she gave us is that everything on the campus is purchasable, so Kouji knew this and acted on that.

But guess what...

None of this isn't part of our mission. Ayanokouji is already a candidate to my list of suspects. but Kouenji is also highly skilled all round both in intelligence and physically, i knew about this due to his high score in the exam.











After class, it was evident that Sudo's expulsion had been reverted. I walked back to my dorm and was hearing some cheers in the room further than 3 doors away from mine.

If i remember correctly that's Ayanokouji's room, though i was rather curious why the celebration in his room, cause kouji is kinda antisocial.

I walked to his room even though it was the first time i visited any of my classmates room.

*Knock, Knock*

The cheers calmed down for a bit, when i started to hear whispers, then the signature monotonous voice answered.

" Come in.."

I opened the door and i came to see Horikita, Kushuda, Sudo and his gang. Ike and Yamauchi.

They all looked at me. Again with the stares but i asked while breaking the silence.

"I was hearing some cheering from this room, i was kinda curious so i came to see what's all the fuss about"

Horikita just glared at me for no reason, Kushida with her creepy smile on her face and Kouji just staring into my soul.

" Uh, yeah we're just celebrating the little time Sudo gets to stay here"

"What the heck do you mean the little time am staying here?"

"It's obvious that you're the worst when it comes to studying, i would prefer you up your game, Sudo"

Horikita gave Sudo a rather harsh answer. Kushida was just sitting on the chair, smiling.....

"Well anyway, you guys have a good time"

"Oh yeah, see later Whis"

"Yeah, you too Kouji"

I walked out of the room while closing the door against me. But it seems i was the new topic everyone started discussing in the room.

"Why does he Kouji?" i heard Horikita's voice from the other side of the door.

"He said my name is too long, so he prefers calling me Kouji instead."

"Well i suppose he's right "

"It's true though, when i talk about you i always say that dude with the blank face " Ike stated.

Ayanokouji wasn't bothered by them. I closed the door to my room and changed into a black shirt and trousers. It looks like am mourning someone but i just don't want to bring attention to myself.

After a few minutes of strolling the school campus, i decided to finally head back.

I saw a female student with a beige short hair walking with an annoyed face.

"Isn't that Kushida ?"

I said to myself, as she walked to the slab by the edge of the ocean. I was not really surprised, cause each time i see Kushida, i always thought is this smile genuine, amking friends?

I hid myself, but i wasn't even detected at first cause of my black attire. She stops and starts stomping on the iron.

"Oh you think you're better huh..... brtter than me, you think you're pretty?"

"I hate you, i hate your guts, your face and everything about you... i hate"

"Get the fuck out of the world, jump of a bridge..... and those bastards looking at me with those perverted gaze, am gonna wash my self thoroughly in the bath.... i feel disgusted "

That's a lot of hate i have to admit, hoarding it inside could drive one to insanity, i wonder how you so it Kushida?

Although look at the bright side i recorded her in my phone, she kept ranting about her hate for anyone who opposed her way to her growth in popularity.

So she is the kind of person who genuinely cares for people but this nasty darkside, it's like a defense mechanism, she loathe the people who seem to opposing to her rising popularity. She's a spoilt brat that think she could have anything, just cause she wants to.

* phone ringing*

Kushida's ear perked up as she turned around asking.

"Who's there?"

I looked to where the sound came from just behind that bush was Ayanokouji as he came out of his hiding spot

" I just came to give you your phone....nothing else"

" Give me that " she swiped the phone from Ayanokouji

" Did you hear?"

"If i told you i didn't, would you believe me?"

why didn't he just say no?

Kushida still has that look on her face, as she glared down Ayanokouji who still had that unwavering facial expression of his.

She took his hands and directed them on her left breast, Kouji on the other hand was shocked, although a split second i could tell he was not expecting this outcome.

" If you tell anyone about this....." She pressed his hands to her breast with small force

" .... I'll tell everyone that you tried raping me"

I was curious as to why she made this false allegations on Kouji. First of, her reason for her actions are weak, telling me that she let's a guy feel her up just because she wanted to keep close of her other side. It is strange that people really have boundaries they have placed and not want others to interfere , which in this case Kushida is the class socialist very popular and influential.

If i had to narrow it down, i could bet that she is vey protective of her other side, or her true self.

But she also doesn't have proof that he attempted in assaulting her, so i wonder if she really thought this out?

" Rape you? but you're mistaken, your words have no meaning or anything to back it up, so how do you intend to indicate that i made such an attempt?"

" It's quite simple. your fingerprints are on my uniform, so just to clarify i could just point that out."

Ayanokouji didn't seem to reply, did he really think that his fingerprints are on her uniform blazer? It's stupid if you ask me, not only stupid but also a half-ass scheme to keep Kouji from talking.

Fingerprints can be identified by objects the finger had come in contact with, this is because we tend to grip things with our fingers. The only misconception here is that there are some materials and objects that cannot be marked with a fingerprint, especially this type of clothing, per say that the uniforms are made out of leather then that is a different case.

Although this may not be a common knowledge, it was quite, common sense in my country. Where guns are scanned everyday to check for it's fingerprints.

" I understand, can you please let go of me?"

Kushida let's go of his hand and faced him with her back, when she turned around with her usual look again.

" Now Ayanokouji and i have yet, another secret"

This time i got shivers running in my spine, it was now creeping me out seeing her like that.

Now i understand the reason she wants her real personality under wraps, it would jeopardize her relationship she had built with the class and other classes. This could be really handy, as we should tend to be closer to other classes and if Kushida's real self gets exposed, we are going to be affected, not only on building relationships with other classes but also making Kushida look as an example of how all Class D students behave, thus stereotyping us as a dysfunctional class as a whole.

Ayanokouji stood there, seemingly staring at Kushida like he was in a thought process.

Yet another possibility for me to seek the identity of this White Room masterpiece.

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