
The End of the first month

"Am sorry, Kozue." The words felt foreign on my tongue, a dissonance in the carefully constructed facade I presented to the world. A necessary lie, of course.

"But sometimes," I continued, my gaze fixed on the swirling patterns of my coffee, "I completely close off any trace of emotions. It's a… defense mechanism, I suppose."

The events of the past week replayed in my mind – a carefully orchestrated symphony of manipulation and deceit. The memory of Kozue's face, pale and drawn, flashed before my eyes, a fleeting image of vulnerability that I quickly suppressed.

It had been two days since the incident, two days since I had subtly intervened, rescuing Kozue from the clutches of Osamu Wakura's goons. It was a necessary move, of course. My plan had almost been derailed.

Initially, I had anticipated a dozen possible outcomes, a intricate web of probabilities. But in the end, it had required only a small nudge, a carefully placed seed of doubt, to set the wheels in motion.

A week ago, during a casual conversation with Sayo Ando, I had subtly introduced the concept of point lenders, a seed of information planted with a specific purpose. Sayo, ever the blabbermouth, had eagerly relayed this information to Kozue, unaware of the consequences.

Osamu Wakura, the notorious point lender from Class C, was a known entity. Her reputation preceded her – hot-headed, underhanded, and ruthless in her pursuit of profit. I had anticipated her reaction.

Kozue, with her penchant for impulsive spending, was the perfect target. Her extravagant purchases at the Keyaki Mall, fueled by peer pressure and a desire to fit in, had not escaped my notice. I had gently "reprimanded" Sayo, subtly guiding her towards discouraging Kozue's excessive spending habits.

The next step was simple. I enlisted the help of a few unsuspecting seniors from Class D, promising them a significant share of the profits. They, eager for a quick and easy way to amass points, readily agreed to my proposal.

I provided them with Kozue's schedule, a meticulously crafted timetable outlining her daily routine. The "school savings account" was merely a fabrication, a convincing lie supported by a hastily created, non-functional app I had developed in the school's computer lab.

The scam was executed flawlessly. Kozue, blinded by fear and desperation, fell prey to their deception. I observed her from a distance, watching her anxiety grow with each passing day.

Her constant phone checks, the fleeting moments of despair that crossed her face, all served as confirmation of my success. She had fallen into the trap, ensnared by her own impulsive actions.

Humans, I observed, were creatures of habit, driven by predictable patterns. Their weaknesses, their vulnerabilities, could be exploited, manipulated, to achieve desired outcomes.

Kozue, with her pride and her reluctance to admit defeat, was a prime example.

The situation escalated predictably. Osamu Wakura, infuriated by Kozue's inability to repay the loan, dispatched her goons. I had anticipated some form of intimidation, but the level of aggression surprised even me.

It was then that I intervened. Not out of compassion, but out of self-preservation. The incident, if left unchecked, could have jeopardized my own carefully constructed plans.

Now, Kozue was indebted to me, a silent acknowledgment of my power. I had subtly asserted my dominance, establishing myself as a force to be reckoned with within Class B.

But my victory was bittersweet. Ichinose, with her sharp intellect and perceptive gaze, remained an enigma. She was a wild card, an unpredictable factor in this intricate game of social chess.

My plan, while successful, had not accounted for her.

"I made a grave mistake," I murmured, the words tasting like ash in my mouth.

Ichinose, with her keen observations and insightful deductions, was a force to be reckoned with. She was far more perceptive than Kozue, very unpredictable due to her friendly nature.

This was merely the first move in a long and complex game. The stakes were higher than I had initially anticipated.

Point Balance: 166,000

This revised version incorporates the following:






Ichinose POV

Class was attentive of the topic that was taught to us, but i was worried of Kozue. Ever since the past 2 weeks she's really been inattentive in class these days.

I turned to look at her seat where she was staring of to somewhere..... she kept on being in her own space, until i realized that she was looking at someone. I followed her gaze and saw Lloyd with his blank face.

What's up with Kozue staring at Lloyd?.

Wait.... does she have a crush on him.....

No she said she wasn't really looking forward to any romantic relationship.

On the other hand, if she did fall for Lloyd i would quite understand. His face is feminine and he is slender with silver hair and ash pupils to compliment his sleepy looking eyes.

He quickly turned to my direction in exact to meet my eyes. He caught me looking at him.

I turned my head to the front of the classroom.

Class ended and everyone started leaving class i picked up my bag as some of my classmates surrounded me, asking questions if they could hang out with me, but i just declined their offer cause i have other plans for today.

Then i noticed Lloyd not moving an inch.... just staring through the window.

Kozue got up but looked over to Lloyd and takes her seat back. That was rather odd, i should go talk to her.

i walked up to Kozue

" Hey Kozue, wanna walk with me over to the library" I gave her smile to get her attention.

"Oh..... yeah am sorry but, i don't feel like going out today" She said in an unusual tone

" That's fine, but if you wanna hang out you got number" i joked lightly

"Yeah sure" she keeps on staring at Lloyd.

well at least it's not something for me to worry about.

So i decided to tease her.

"You know, you keep staring at Lloyd today. You falling for him?"

" Ichinose san, what's that supposed to mean!!!" she suddenly becomes flustered.

"Just kidding "

i made my way to the library.

While on my way to the library, i heard a familiar voice call me.

" Ichinose san!!"

It was none other than Sayo. She ran up to me and ask where am heading to.

" where ya heading to Ichinose san".

" Just going to check out the library."

"Oh, can i come with please" she pleaded.

" You just need to ask, no need for begging me, but promise me you'll be quiet at the library"

"I will" she made an impression of zipping her lip

We made our to the corridor along the school as the evening sun bathed the environment with a orange hue but a sky of a shade of pink and a bit of blue.

"Oh hello Ichinose san" a girl with biege colour short hair greeted me.

"Oh hello Kushida" i waved her and kept waking, i knew kushida from class 1D she's nice..... a bit too nice even for me, but i don't know yhe boy eho was walking beside her.

He has a similar bored look on his face. He reminds me of Lloyd but he has a chest nut brown hair and an odd gaze.

We walked pass each other and Sayo asked me.

" Do you know Kushida?"

" Yes, i met her a week ago am assuming you're also a friend of hers"

"You're right, but it's obvious her goal was to make friends with everyone in the school".







Friends with everyone.....








My first fanfic so please, your thoughts on this story so far.

Next chapter