
Class 1 B : introduction to the S system

Lloyd's pov

That girl earlier is really annoying, i hate people like that, if continued keeping that superiority complex of her, she's just going to push away potential relationship.

We all need help at some point, the term 'friendship' is just a relationship of give and take.

I hope she quickly throws away that stupidity of hers.Thinking about it just irritates me.

I arrived at the class i was assigned to.

Class 1 B

My class for the next three years, i suppose that's if i complete my task more quickly. I surveyed the whole class from the door, to which students have taken their respective seats.

Chatting could be heard through the classroom. I made way to my seat, as i was being stared at, from different angles.

I took a seat, next to the seat at the window,which was occupied by black hair male. Friend group was being formed and everyone was getting along.

I myself, am socially awkward, so making conversation with people about daily and irrelevant things wasn't my forte..... cause i view everything as a gear of a giant clock.

if i was to converse with someone or interact with something, am usually looking for information or to make it to achieve some functions that benefits me personally.

So in other words... am selfish.

And speaking of information. There are a total of four cameras in this room.

Observing the events of the classroom.

Leaning into my chair, i sighed briefly.

A girl with strawberry blonde-hair with length reaching her waist, attracted mass attention to herself with her bubbly attitude. Her somewhat bluish purple eyes glimmered, as she converse with everyone freely with a smile planted on her face.

While leaning on my chair, my eyes wonders to a certain boy with a violet hair color. He keeps a disciplined look with strict purple eyes, seating up straight and chest out. I presume he would be a great leader.

A young lady arrived to the class with brown hair flowing at chest length. She had a purple eye as well, and a well endowed but somewhat slim body.

She appeared unwell....

A hangover perhaps?, i was really not understanding the reason for the school to appoint a teacher that will show up drunk in a class filled with students.

She stumbled onto the podium at the middle of the class, she surprisedly took back her footing.

"Ahem. I am Chie Hoshinimiya, your homeroom teacher for the next three years, cause this institution does not change teacher or classrooms. An opening ceremony will be taking place in the gymnasium in the next one hour, with that said, i will be explaining the school special rule's and important piece of information".

She passed out a manual instructing it gets to everyone.

I listened attentively, as same as my peers. She went on to continue.

The school offers a variety of entertainment, and places filled with knowledge. One notable one id the school library, also anything can be purchased on the school ground"

Me personally, no matter how elite this school is... it is stupid to even offer such things to students. School is a place to study nothing more or less.

" I will be handing over to you, your student cards, which is very vital in order to purchase item.... like i stated earlier everything on the campus ground is purchasable. Simply place the card in a machine scanner to swipe and purchase item at any store. If you look into your student account on your phone, you will see you have been allotted 100,000 points".

It was as if i predicted it, the school runs on some type of currency, as to what she said about purchasing anything in general, there is already an advantage to students buying things such as, score or grade marks. This would only yield to the intelligent students, thus this currency is unbalance.

" 'Points' are used in many ways...". She continues her explanation after a brief pause. " You have been allocated 100,000 points to your student account. Keep in mind that one poin is equivalent to a yen. Points will be deposited to your account at the first of every month, so you may spend or refuse to spend your points. But have it at the back of your mind that after graduation, all points will be returned back to the school, in other words you can't withdraw them after leaving the school. You may transfer points to others, although they are procedures you may follow"

Whisper's filled room on the sentence of a 100,000 points... i don't know much about money but that amount was way too much.

She rounded up her unclear explanation and ended up with an opening for questions to be asked.

" I have a question"

The strawberry blonde hair girl raised her hand, It seems she caught on to the hints of the teacher, the explanation she gave was quite vague. Students are given this hints to piece everything together.

" How are we supposed to transfer points, is some kind of memorandum involved"

I feel as though she is correct, cause a normal agreement won't be quite evident, i intertwined my hands and covered my mouth, and rest my chin on my thumb.

" I see your concerns, and yes you're quite right, memorandums are involved". she said with a smug smile.

" I see"

To be honest, i was quite disappointed. She didn't ask the most obvious and clear question, which is ' are we going to receive points next month'. What i meant is the point deposited to our account was quite surplus, and left in the care of teenagers, it was bound to be spent recklessly

" That amount of point is too much, and we are still going to be deposited another round next month, if i may ask, are we going to be even guaranteed the same allocation next month"

He spoke with resilience and made a firm point, i was sure it got across the room. I was annoyed with how the students behaved in this class, they all agreed like a bunch of 'yes men'.

"I am afraid that i can't give an answer to that question, but i can assure you that you will receive your points".

That confirms my hypothesis, there is something that they keep from the students.


I sighed, i really want to nothing to do with this school, just my mission and am gone. was that too much to ask?.

After explaining the rest details such as bullying and extortion of points from fellow students, and they're consequences, she made an exit out of the classroom room, once again reminding us about the opening ceremony which was less than 10 minutes.

My butt hurts from all that explanation, which was kind of stupid, cause it still fall on if you get caught, which was the major flaw of the school, but am certain they will be areas that will be lacking in surveillance cameras, i made it my goal to scout the school for blind spots.

That is after the opening ceremony.
















Typing this on phone is quite a pain.

anyway next chapter

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