
Get Caught

She looked outside the window and closed it. Pulled the curtains and sat back on the chair. She started to write again. She was also hiding a dagger in her clothes. She had found that dagger under the bed with the water hourglass. 

She wrote, "Day 1" on the top of the page. 

"1- Had breakfast with Quintus, his actions were suspicious. 

2- Met Lucius, didn't learn anything new.

3- Convinced him to let me have a meeting with him and Domitia.

4- Met Flavia..."

Juli stopped writing. She thought Flavia was a nice girl but her one-sided love for Lucius was a big problem in her own way of happiness. 

Juli drew a heart shape at the end of the page and wrote the names of Livia and Quintus on both sides. She wanted to know more about them as well. But her main concern was Flavia. 

She tried her best to remember the name of the place where she had promised to meet Lucius. "What was that place?", Juli shouted while remembering the name.

"Why do people use such difficult names here? First, those Dominos or domina whatever it was, then that Ducatio, then that dish name what was it again?", Juli was talking to her.

"Pullum Alectum.", someone said from behind. Juli held the dagger tightly and stood up. She turned behind. Flavia was standing there. The window was open, and Quintus also came in the room through the window. 

"So, as we expected. You are not Livia.", Flavia said while snatching the dagger from Juli. Juli was frozen. Her voice was not coming out. 

"Who are you?", Flavia shouted. 

"I... I'm Juli. Livia had summoned me here.", Juli stuttered.

"So, you're saying Livia had summoned you here to control her body.", Flavia inquired.

Juli panicked for a few moments. But then she realized that she had already experienced death thrice. What can happen worse than death? 

"Yes, she did.", Juli said confidently.

"That is impossible.", Quintus said painfully. 

"You are an evil spirit. Who has captured her body?", he continued.

"What a typical lover?", Juli thought in her mind.

"I'm not an evil soul or anything like this. If you don't believe me. You can kill me right now. But this way you will never be able to see Livia again.", Juli said in her best convincing tone.

"Look she is an evil soul. I had told you. This was not Livia. After the first moment I saw her.", Quintus almost shouted. He looked like he was on the verge of crying.

Juli was shocked that he had realized that she was not Livia from the start. She wanted to pat his head badly. He was an actual puppy in her eyes.

Her intrinsic thoughts won, and she moved her arm to pat his head. Quintus grabbed her arm. But she was still able to pat his head and started to sing, "Oh my beautiful boy! Oh, my beautiful boy! She is already gone. If you want to see her again. Make a bet with me. Oh, my beautiful beautiful booyyy!!!"

Juli realized that they loved her friend a lot and would do anything. Livia was a bait; Juli was using at this moment. Flavia put the dagger on the table and started to clap.

She said, "What a beautiful performance! I can't believe that Livia is performing such a shameful act. I know that you're not Livia but still doing this act. It is proof that you're not a noble soul."

Juli was stunned. She had only sung a sing. That's all. How can they judge me like this and tell me that I'm evil and vulgar? (Even though they never used the word vulgar, but our FL is an overthinker and can read between words.)

"I didn't even want to come here. It was all your stupid friend Livia's mistake. Who the hell wants to live in this shitty place with all these dimwit strangers. I just wanted to have a peaceful afterlife. But I'm getting punished here, working here, and learning about this world. Who the hell in their right mind wants to live in a strange world?", Juli shouted while freeing her arm.

Flavia and Quintus were shocked. Flavia said, "You got summoned here against your will."

Juli nodded her head. 

Flavia asked, "But why did Livia summon you? And what do you mean by you wanted a peaceful afterlife?"

Juli said, "I'll answer your second question first. I'm dead in my real world. To be very precise, I killed myself. Livia was performing a forbidden magic and ended up summoning me."

"Where is Livia?", Flavia asked.

"She is in my world. We've switched our souls. But my body was already dead in my world. That's why she is roaming freely in my world and collecting zu energy there.", Juli half lied.

"And why did she summon you?", Quintus asked this time.

"Hmm...don't you know the reason. You were also there with me and Lucius in the hallway. I'm sure you must know something.", Juli said while sitting on the chair again. She was going to close her diary.

 But Quintus grabbed the diary and started to read it. Juli thought that he was an astray dog now without a master. Maybe Livia was very important to him.

Juli was looking at them calmly. It was clear that both of them had already read this diary. It was Juli's own mistake to write the diary in the language familiar to them. But she intended to do this.

She knew that she was unfamiliar with the ways of this life and someday she would definitely end up getting caught. She didn't want to raise more suspicions by using a foreign language.

"What is the meaning of this?", Quintus asked while pointing at the heart shape Juli had drawn.

"Oh this, it is the heart shape in our world. We used to draw it and write the names of the love birds inside it or on the sides of it. Like I've written yours and Livia's name here.", Juli replied.

Quintus' face got red. He was blushing hard at the thought of being called love birds. Flavia was also examining the heart doodle.

Flavia asked, "So, when will you leave this body?"

Juli said instantly as she was waiting for this question to be asked, "When Livia's wish will come true."

"Then what was her wish?", Flavia asked again.

"She asked for your happiness dear.", Juli said while crossing her legs. She wanted to look like a mafia's boss. It was her dream to be a yakuza. Because they were always portrayed ruthless handsome. Now it was Juli's chance to shine.

But a drop scene of her yakuza's drama was waiting for her.

Next chapter