
Back to Where it Started

They walked out of Jake's. He had his hand on the small of her back, which reminded him of when she was dancing. He pulled her close. A black vehicle pulled up. He opened the door for her, and she climbed in. He ducked in and joined her. The car was very roomy. An older-looking gentleman was in the driver's seat.

"Arthur, this is Alexsandra."

"You can call me Allie. Everyone else does. It's nice to meet you, Arthur."

"A pleasure to see you again."

"Again? I don't think we've met before."

Dean caught his eye with him in the mirror. His eyes were wide as if to say, remember the conversation where she may not remember me.

"I'm sorry... I must be thinking of one of Miss Natalie's friends."

A tinge of jealousy hit her in the chest. "Who's Natalie?"

"That would be Mr. St... Carron's little sister. Where are we going, Sir?"


"Ava's it is, Sir."

Arthur began the drive to the east side.

Allie put her head on his shoulder. The world was a tad spiny now. He still smelled incredible. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. When he did, her head slid into the crook of his arm. She didn't resist, she didn't object, she let it happen.

"You can barely feel the car moving. It's so smooth; I might nap," she said.

"Ya know, I never really noticed. I guess you're right."

"My car is like riding a skateboard on a goat trail in Iraq. You feel every bump and pothole. Ever read Princess and the Pea?"

He laughed with her, "That's what you are comparing your car to. You are crazy, Detective.

"So, what kind of car is this?"

"Pass," he said.

She laughed and smiled. "You are completely out of passes," she said. "Arthur?"

"Yes, Miss."

"What kind of car is this?"

Dean caught his eye and did a very discrete head shake.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I don't have any passes," he said. "It's a Bentley Continental, Miss Allie."

She sat up and looked at Dean.

Fuck, come on, dude! You better hope I don't fire you, old man.

"A Bentley? Well, no wonder it's a nice ride," she said. "Cowboy, why is a very nice man who calls you Sir driving you around in a what? Two hundred eighty-five-thousand-dollar car?"

The car slowed down and came to a stop.

"Rental?" he said sheepishly. "And how do you know the price of a Bently?"

"One of the Brown's players had one vandalized. I took the report."

"We are here, Sir," he said.

Dean exited the car, went over to the other side, and opened the door for her. He put his hand out and helped her out.

"Why don't we go inside and play some pool?"

"We're not going to talk about the car, are we?" she asked.

"Nope. Can you make it in? I need to talk to Arthur."

"I'll just wait by the door."

"Okay, princess."

He knocked on the window. Arthur rolled it down. "You are lucky that I consider you family."

"I'm sorry, sir. How about I knock an hour off my bill?"

Dean shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Just one?"

He walked away and met Allie by the door. Dean opened it, and they stepped inside. Ava was behind the bar. There were about twenty people there.

As always, she ran out from behind the bar and approached her with open arms.

"My Doll. How long has it been? I am so happy to see you!"

She hugged her and flung her from side to side.

"Hey, big fella, welcome back!"

She put her arms out for a hug. He bent down and hugged her. She probably held on for about three seconds too long, but then again, who wouldn't?

"Your friend is over at the pool table. He's been such a good boy since you last saw him."

"My friend?"

"Oh, you don't remember? You did have a lot that evening. Speaking of which, what are you starting with?"

"Two beers and four shots. I have a driver this evening."

Ava lined them up. Allie held up a shot and waved Dean over.

"I thought we weren't drinking?"

"Tell me about the Bentley."

"I can go for another one," he said.

"Then come on, Cowboy! Get your shot!"

"Here's to the nights we'll never remember, with friends, we'll never forget. Salud!" Ava said.

Allie threw back the first and then the second shot. She picked up her beer, drank half, and looked at Dean.

"Are you going to drink yours?"


Allie dug into her jeans pocket.

He snatched the money. "Do you think you will pay for anything when you're with me?"

He pulled out his cash with his gold money clip, peeled off two hundred-dollar bills, and gave them to Ava.

"Keep one hundred and subtract as we go with the other; let me know when you need more," he said.

"Dean, really, who is DES?"

"It's a nickname."

"Yikes. Was BUD taken?"

He put her money in his clip. "You get this back at the end of the night. Go put those down. I'll be right over," Dean said.

"Don't want me to help carry your shots of Shirley Temple."

She took her two shots and her beer to the island table.

Ava gave him the come-here finger. "Does she remember you, Doll?" she asked.

"It sure doesn't seem like she does," he said.

"Look, I like you, and I like you for her, but she does this. She will drink till she doesn't know her name; it takes a lot for her, but she drinks a lot. I don't know what happened between you two, but a word of advice: DO NOT get attached. Do not expect anything but an enjoyable time. I'm just looking out for you. The only reason you're back here is because she doesn't remember. She doesn't realize this is a repeat."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." He grabbed his drinks and met her at the table.

"So, are you going to beat me at pool or what?" he asked.

She took the two shots, grabbed her beer, and exited the stool. He did the same and followed her to an empty table. The asshole she had played last time was at one of the tables. He saw Dean first because, well, it was Dean. When he moved, he saw that Allie was standing behind him. Dean recognized him right away.

"I know that guy. I won a lot of money off him one night," she said. "I should see if he's up to losing more."

Allie took two steps towards him. He put the pool stick on the table, grabbed his coat, and started with his two buddies for the door.

"Goodnight, Ava. Have a pleasant evening," he said.

He couldn't get out fast enough.

"I think you scared him off, Cowboy."

He furrowed his brow. "Yeah, let's go with that."

They went to the pool tables. "Do you play?" she asked.

"I've played before. I'm not that good."

"OK, we'll play for fun."

"OK, are you going to get your cue?"

She was taken aback. "How do you know I have a cue here?"

"AAAAAH...Well, you said you liked to come here and play pool, and you seem like the kind of person who would have their own cue, and it makes sense that you would leave it here since you play pool here," he said.

"OK, that's weird, but you're right, I do," she said. "You must be one hell of a special agent. I'll play with a house cue. That way, I won't beat you too bad."

"Well, thank you. My ego appreciates it."

They played a couple of pool games. She did try to get him to play for money, but he reminded her that she already confessed she had played a hustle. She took advantage of his lack of skill now and then. She would go up behind him and show him how to hold the cue to make certain shots. She pressed up against his muscular back and his perfect ass, just like when she showed him how to shoot.

They played three games and then returned to their drinks; they took their stools and did their shots. She looked at him, starry-eyed, her head propped on her hand.

"Are you getting tired? You have a heavy look in your eyes," he said. "Or are you so drunk you can't remember your name?"

"Oh no. I was just lost in the moment."

She said that she was lost in the moment when David interrupted their kiss.

After a few minutes, Allie wanted to dance. He gave her a ten. She went over and scrolled through the songs.

He just sat there watching her. She had no idea how beautiful she was or how perfect we could be. She selected a song and walked back to him.

"Come on."She took his hand and pulled him to the floor. "Dance with me."

[The song was Big and Rich, Lost in This Moment with You.]

"I thought it was appropriate." She gave him a lazy wink and ran her tongue along her bottom lip.

Just like last time, she put her head on his chest and her hands on his biceps. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her close, and they swayed.

She let him pull her, and she ended up with his hard cock pressed to her belly. "This is nice, isn't it?" she asked.

Fuck, Princess. Just like I remember. His cock was so hard he swore it would explode. He needs her mouth, her pretty pink sex, a tight ass. Something!

Allie sighed."It's perfect. Too perfect.

"Perfect. Did you ever want to get married?"

"Are you proposing?" he asked.

She looked up at him. "No, silly. In general."

"Oh. Of course I do. Don't you?"

She put her head back on his chest and listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat. It was soothing.


That's all she said, a simple no. His heart sank, and she heard its rhythm change.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," she said.

"Why do you think you disappointed me? This is like, what? Our second date?"

"Our second date? I'm not even sure if this is our first one. Where do you get the second one? Do you mean the night in your truck? I wouldn't exactly call that a date. It was more like a fun time between two consenting adults. I do like this song, though, regardless," she said.

His heart rate had quickened. "I guess I misspoke. I've had a lot to drink, too. You're right. This may not even be our first. And it's a good song to dance to if you want to hold someone close."

"I should have picked Faithfully. If we had a song, I guess it would be ours. Now, that is a song you can hold someone close to."

He stopped dead."Say what now?" he asked.

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