
Head start (I): The rapture

(Nothing biblical, just thought the name fit)

Saturday, February 9th, 2030

10 am


[BubblySunbeam]: Are you a monster or something?

Me: Why?

[QuietMoonbeam]: It usually takes a new player at least two weeks to complete the base game. Yet, you finished both your completion rate and the pet's growth rate, as well as all the normal tasks given to you. Truly a no-life. I respect your drive for a perfect clear.

Me: That feels kinda like an insult.

[BubblySunbeam]: From her it's a compliment, and besides, who cares what it is—you finished in six days.

Me: Well, usual people don't have two admins helping them.

[BubblySunbeam]: That's true; honestly, I can't believe that handsome old fart went after my beneficiary.

Me: Handsome old fart?

[QuietMoonbeam]: It was a little strange; he never acts toward the players and has always been indifferent, unless he deems them as interesting.

Me: Who are we talking about?

[QuietMoonbeam]: [Grandpa'sClockStoped]

Me: Oh, he gave me two tasks.


The admin named Grandpa'sClockStoped gave me two tasks; both were questions about time. "Have you ever felt the weight of time pressing down on you, or have you felt time slip away too quickly?" and "What moments in your life do you cherish the most?" I can honestly see why BubblySunbeam called him an old fart. I answered the questions honestly; I told him I constantly procrastinate, so I'm always against time, and I told him my best memories are with the people I love and the ones that are no longer with me. He seemed to like my honesty because I got two legendary items: Recall Chocolates and Unfading Tart. I was too excited and forgot to read the description before feeding it.


[QuietMoonbeam]: Oh, so that's what happened.

Me: Yeah.

[BubblySunbeam]: I won't be outdone by someone's hot grandpa. Moon, let's give her the good stuff.

[QuietMoonbeam]: Are you sure? We only have one, and it's meant for that person.

[BubblySunbeam]: I don't care, and I wasn't planning on getting one anyway. And isn't it better for both of us to nurture one person instead of having one each?

[QuietMoonbeam]: True. If we share one, then we won't have to worry about anything happening to them. Okay, I'm in.

Me: I'm very confused.

[BubblySunbeam]: In a second, you'll get a prompt asking if you wish to accept us as two of your benefactors under contract; say yes.

Me: Okay, but servers will shut down tonight at 12.

[BubblySunbeam]: Just say yes; it'll help you.

Me: With what?

[BubblySunbeam]: Can't tell you due to contract, sorry.

Me: Does it have something to do with the "head start" thing?

[BubblySunbeam]: You can say that.

[QuietMoonbeam]: When you say yes, you'll get two items. No use in trying to read the info because it won't show you. You won't even get to see the name. But they're mythical items; use them immediately.

Me: Okay.


The prompt appeared before I could ask more questions, curiosity outweighing caution. After all, I trusted [QuietMoonbeam] and [BubblySunbeam] enough to know they wouldn't intentionally harm me.

[Do you accept the Benefactor Contract with Admins [BubblySunbeam] and [QuietMoonbeam]?]

I hesitated and clicked Details, revealing a brief explanation:

[Benefactor Contract: A partnership between the administrator and player. The player may perform tasks for the administrator in exchange for rewards. Tasks can be declined if the player provides a valid reason. The player may enter this contract with multiple administrators. However, entering an envoy contract with an administrator will nullify all existing benefactor contracts.]

My brows furrowed. That was it? No fine print or elaborate terms? It felt almost too simple.

"Well, I guess that's... good?" I muttered, rereading it for any red flags. But the text remained vague, offering little insight beyond what I already knew.

With a deep breath, I clicked Yes, and the items were immediately added to my inventory. As instructed, I used them without hesitation.

A strange warmth settled over me as I accepted the contract. For a moment, my mind filled with hazy images—of people I'd never met, places I'd never seen, and battles that felt too real to be fake. I blinked, and the sensation was gone, leaving only a faint tingling in my fingertips.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" I muttered.


Me: That contract was weirdly simple.

[BubblySunbeam]: That's because it was a benefactor contract; the other one is stupidly complex with a lot of holes that favor the administrator.

[QuietMoonbeam]: You know you're not allowed to say that, right? But it's true. That contract benefits the administrators more than the players.

Me: What exactly is the difference?

[QuietMoonbeam]: A benefactor contract is balanced. We give you support—tasks, items, guidance—and you give us... let's call it engagement energy. The more you progress, the stronger we get, and vice versa.

[BubblySunbeam]: The other one, called an envoy contract, is different. It's less about mutual growth and more about control. It forces players to act as extensions of the admin's will, granting admins direct influence in their world. Sure, you get some perks, but...

[QuietMoonbeam]: ...those perks come at a cost. The envoy is bound to the admin, often to their detriment. You're basically their puppet.

Me: That's... disturbing.

[QuietMoonbeam]: Exactly. Benefactor contracts, like ours, let you stay independent. It's a partnership, not ownership.

Me: Got it. I'll steer people away from envoy contracts if I can.

[Administrator [QuietMoonbeam] is now offline.]

[BubblySunbeam]: Oh, she's already gone. Anyway, we'll message you again later, after the "head start" activates. I'm going to try and get some from Moonbeam.

Me: Okay, and I don't think that's a good idea.

[BubblySunbeam]: What would you know?

Me: You said it yourself; she's very similar to me.

Me: Hello?

Me: BubblySunbeam?

Me: Are you there?

Me: I pray for your downfall.

[BubblySunbeam]: At least I'm trying, that's more than what I can say for you...btw they're white~ Talk to you after the headstart~

Me: Wait, doesn't the head start begin after the server shuts down?!

Me: Answer me!

Me: Wait, what do you mean they're white?!


9 pm

"Hey Rika, I'm hungry."

I turned to look at Frey, who was scrolling through her phone, drooling over some cooking video. I couldn't help but chuckle.


She turned her head toward me, lips still slightly parted. "Yes?"

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked, exasperated.

"9 pm, why?"

I sighed, resigned. "What do you want to eat?"

Her eyes lit up instantly. "It's National Pizza Day, so pizza and booze!"

I groaned. "We're underage, aren't we?"

"Nah, remember? I'm a year older than you. The drinking age is 19—18 if you're with a chaperone who's allowed to drink."

"You mean you'd be the chaperone?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly!" she said with a grin.

I sighed heavily. "Are we ordering or going out?"

"Out," she said, practically bouncing in her seat.

"Fine," I muttered, already regretting my decision.


11:30 pm

I bowed toward the waitress, my face burning with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry for my friend," I said with a sheepish smile.

"It's fine," she replied, her tone polite but clearly strained. "At least she has someone to take care of her. But please, tell her to moderate her drinking in public."

"Don't worry," I assured her, shooting a glare at Frey, who was draped over my shoulder. "She's going to get a very long talk."

The waitress nodded and walked away, leaving me to deal with the aftermath of Frey's drunken antics. She had gotten so loud—crying about loving me and other incoherent nonsense—that we were politely asked to leave.

Her house was at least a 20–30 minute walk from here, but with her current state, it would take forever.

I decided to rent a hotel room nearby. Frey stumbled inside, giggling like an idiot before collapsing onto the bed.

"Rika, why are you spacing out? You need to undress too. It's embarrassing if I'm the only one naked," she said, tugging at her shirt and managing to pull it halfway up before giving up.

I froze, caught off guard.

"You're drunk," I said quickly. "Just rest."

"I'm not that drunk," she shot back with a playful pout. "Come on, Rika. Don't act all innocent. You brought me to a hotel room after we were drinking."

Frey grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the bed. Before I could protest, she leaned in and kissed me.

Her lips were soft and warm, tasting faintly of the beer she'd had earlier. I always hated the taste of beer, yet it on her lips tasted so sweet. My heart raced as my brain screamed at me to stop this, to push her away.

But I didn't.

Instead, I kissed her back, my hands sliding around her waist. Frey's hands roamed under my shirt, her touch sending shivers through my body.

"Frey, wait," I tried to say, but she silenced me with another kiss.

Her fingers danced along my ribs, her grin against my lips telling me she knew exactly what she was doing.

"You're squirming," she teased, her voice soft but full of mischief.

"I... I'm not," I stammered, my breath hitching as her hands wandered higher.

"You totally are," she whispered, pinning my hands to my sides.

Before either of us could go further, the ground began to shake.


11:50 pm

The tremors were faint at first, barely noticeable, but they grew stronger quickly. I froze, a strange sense of déjà vu washing over me. It was like trying to remember a dream just out of reach.

"Frey, we need to get out of here!" I said, pulling away.

"What's going on?" she asked, her voice slurring slightly but laced with concern.

"I don't know, but we can't stay here," I said, already grabbing her arm.


11:55 pm

We stumbled down the stairs, the building groaning with each tremor. By the time we reached the street, chaos unfolded around us.

Lights filled the sky, swirling and shifting in patterns too deliberate to be natural. Some of the lights had morphed into massive, unblinking eyes that scanned the ground like searchlights.

Buildings crumbled like sandcastles swept away by the tide, yet no one was hurt. People stumbled out of the rubble unscathed, coughing from the dust but entirely unharmed. Fires raged in patches along the street, explosions echoed in the distance, but there were no cries of pain—just confusion and awe.


11:58 pm

As we neared her house, an enormous eye fixed on us, its pupil contracting as it locked onto our position.

Frey's knees gave out, and she clung to me, her tears soaking my shirt.

"It's okay," I said, kneeling to hug her. "I'm here."

The light from the eye grew brighter, surrounding us in a warm glow. My heart pounded as I held her tighter.

"I guess this is better than anything," I whispered, tears stinging my eyes. "Frey... I think... I love you."


11:59 pm

The light engulfed us, and the world shifted.

When I opened my eyes, we were in a massive cavern, the walls glittering with multicolored crystals. Hundreds of people stood around us, their faces a mix of awe and confusion.

A gray holographic panel appeared in front of me:

[Basic system downloaded. A personalized upgrade will be downloaded with the completion of "Head Start" and the tutorial.]


[Welcome to the 'Head Start.']

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