
Bad programming

"Your Majesty? Are you sure? The Republic will take notice." Rush Clovis asked.

I were sitting in the 'Admiral's Office' on the 'Resolute'

We were currently recharging the shields and making a few small hull-fixes on the 'Redeemer' and Starfighters suffering some light damages.

"I know, but the war is raging on and we have a relatively acceptable reason to up our defence forces. I want a fleet built every single month. We've taken the last 10 years slow, building up proper infrastructure and a proper working environment, and now it is time to harvest the fruits." I told him and he nodded.

"Very good, due to Fondor Shipyards having slowly grown these last 10 years, I don't see how we can't rapidly expand our productions every years." Rush Clovis said and I nodded.

"Very good, I'll expect the 5th Fleet to be done in 6 months, for 21 BBY." I said as the picture of Rush Clovis dissapeared.

I then contacted Prime Minister Jason and asked him to ensure that the recruitment fit the requirements to man 2 fleets a year.

After that I walked back to the bridge.

It's been 6 hours since the Battle, and the work should be finished now.

I entered the bridge to see Obi-Wan and Anakin standing around the HoloPod, alongside Commander Cody.

"Admiral on deck!" Cody shouted as he saw me, and all turned around to salute me, not the Jedi though.

"At-ease. What's the status of the fleet?" I asked them.

"All vessels shields are at 100%, The 'Redeemers' hull is back to 86%" Cody said.

"Very good, sound the alarm. All men to their Battle stations." I told a ship officer.

"So, Thalron. What's the plan?" Obi-Wan asked.

I had known Obi-Wan for quite some time now, and we well into the first name basis.

"I was planning a full-frontal assault." I told him with a smile, and he returned it.

He expected a full-forward assault now that we had cut his fleet into two.

"Why not just do the same tactic again?" Anakin asked.

I then looked at their new formation.

They kept the same formation essentially, the Providence-Class Dreadnaught in the middle.

Then a Munificent on each the sides of a Providence, a further Lucrehulk, 2 Munificent's and then a Lucrehulk again on each side.

So they had strengthened their central blockade and abandoned the tips.

"Hmm, we'll launch a full forward assault, have the Pelta-Class Transports jump into hyperspace behind us and spread out, they'll get into the surface through the unprotected sides." I told them, before I turned to our formation.

"We'll place 'The Resolute' and The 'Negotiator' in the front, right beside each other." I said as both of the Venator appeared on the Holographic picture.

"We'll then place the Acclamator right behind them, the two Acclamator's will also be elevated slightly so they can still fire. We'll then place the 'Defender' and the 'Redeemer' at the same line as the Acclamator, but slightly by the side. So the two Venator's Infront does not cover them at all." I told them, as our formation appeared.

"We will not be mini-jumping, instead we'll slowly approach them. They know we're coming and expecting us. Suddenly jumping into them won't do anything but disorganise us." I told them.

"What will we be doing?" Anakin asked

"Anakin will lead our Starfighter forces, while Obi-Wan will fly the Stealth Corvette." I said surprising them.

"The Stealth Corvette? Why?" Obi-Wan asked.

"For this Battle you won't be focused on humanitarian missions, you'll fight, your close up torpedoes will be extremely dangerous for any ships loosing their shields, you'll wait until someone looses their shields and then strike." I told him.

"Why me? I'm sure Commander Blackout can do that himself." Obi-Wana asked.

"Simple, the enemy will focus on eliminating you after you reveal yourself, so your mission is to stay alive no matter what, if you can't attack after the first time it doesn't matter, you just need to pressure them." I said and with that he understood.

"Alright, get to your stations gentlemen, we're moving out in 2 minutes." I said as I turned around and walked onto the forward bridge part.

"Sounds the preparations alarms, all men to their station." I told nobody, but the alarms quickly began screaming.

"Contact the fleets and inform them of the formation put on the HoloPod." I told a comms officer and he ran back to look at it.

"Make sure the stealth corvette takes off before we appear within the enemies sight." I told the comms officer, and he redirected it to hangar control.

"Inform the fleet that we'll head out in 2 minutes, and make sufficient preparations." I told him as I walked back into the HoloPod area and began looking at it.

Soon enough, the 2 seconds passed and a naval officer came to inform me.

And with that I put my hands behind my back as I walked out again.

"Helmsman, set course for the enemy fleet. Coordinate with the rest of the fleet. Speed set at 700 kph." I told him as the ship began moving.

"Is the corvette out?" I asked the comms officer responsible for the hangars and flight bridge.

"Yes, Admiral. General Kenobi is heading for the enemy fleet as we speak." He said.

"Good, approximate time till arrival?" I asked the helmsman.

"90 seconds, sir." He said.

"Good." I said as I turned to the Torpedo Officer.

"Prep tubes 1 through 4, prepare for a Charlie volley." I told him, and he began working down in the pit.

I then turned to a comms officer.

"Repeat that order across the all Warships, the Acclamators will use the Assault Concussion Missiles." I told a communications officer.

"Activate shields and focus energy to firepower, 50-40 percent to firepower. A standard 80% reactor output." I told the energy officer.

I then focused on the Lucrehulks, the 2 closest to the Providence, 1 on each wing was named Battecruiser 1 and 2, port being 1 and starboard side being 2. For us.

So left side is 1 and right is 2 from my point of view.

The 2 on the end of the formation was 3 and 4, in the same order, 3 on port and 4 on starboard.

"The 'Resolute' will focus on Battlecruiser 2, the 'Negotiator' on Battlecruiser 1, The 'Defender' on Battlecruiser 3 and the 'Redeemer' on Battlecruiser 3." I told a comms officer but our gunners sergeant listening in as well.

The 'Resolute' and The 'Defender' was on the most right of the formation, The Resolute and the front and the 'Defender' with the Acclamators.

The 'Negotiator' and The 'Redeemer' was the same but on the left. Or port.

The Acclamators were just Acclamator 1 and 2, from left to right.

"Acclamator 1 and 2 will focus on Cruiser 1 and 2." I told the comms officer.

Cruiser 1 and 2 were the 2 Munificent's closest to the Providence.

Situated from the left to the right, for us.

"Missiles Volley is aimed at Battlecruiser 1 and 2. The 'Negotiator', The 'Redeemer' and Acclamator 1 will focus on Battlecruiser 1, while The 'Resolute', The 'Defender' and Acclamator 2 will focus on Battlecruiser 2." I told them, setting the standard priority of fire and Concussion Missile volley.

"Update me when we reach the range for Missiles."

The reach of the missiles were a bit higher than that of normal laser.

And with that a minute passed as we worked through different areas.

"Missiles within range, 10 seconds for heavy turbolasers to be in range." The Navigator said.

"All Ships, release a Charlie-volley on designated ships!" I shouted, as a round of torpedoes and missiles were shot, about 24.

12 on each.

"Enemy ships are opening fire on Missiles." The scanner officer said.

"All batteries open fire when within range, prepare to release Starfighters." I said, and 5 seconds later our 8 DBY-827 Heavy Turbolasers opened fire, The Acclamators guns had a bit lesser range and as such had to wait.

"Charlie-volley 1 has hit, 18 missiles hit it's market, Battlecruiser 1 is estimated to have 70% shield efficiency, Battlecruiser 2 is estimated to have 74%." The Scanner officer said.

"Release the second phase of the volley when ready, inform me upon hostile Starfighter sighted." I told the scanner and missile officer.

And another 24 missiles were released.

"Change of target, 'The Redeemer' will focus fire on Battlecruiser 1 while The 'Defender' will focus on Battlecruiser 2. Everyone else remain on the same designation. Let's take those Acclamators out." I told them, and the guns shifted towards the 2 Lucrehulks.

"2nd volley phase is successfully. Battlecruiser 1 and 2 is estimated at 50% and 48% respectively." The missile guy said.

"Good, prepare another Charlie-volley. Same targets." I told him. "Report to me once it's done." I continued.

I then turned towards the battle.

"3000 Vulture-Class Starfighters have been detected starting up." The scanners officer said.

So they're releasing half their forces as a first wave. Hmm.

Well, let's take a risk and launch all our fighters.

"Deploy all our fighters, and have each Venator send 2 Bomber Squadrons out, send them high and above the incoming Battle, we'll draw them out, order all point-defense batteries to prepare to focus fire under the bombers, order Anakin to prepare a Squadron to engage the Vulture's that will attack." I said as the Venator doors opened and Starfighters rushed out.

"Priority is defence, hold the bombers off till I say so." I told them.

"Shields are at 78%!" The shield guy said.

Damn, already.

"Charlie-volley is ready." The missile guy said.


"Launch a Fleet-wide Charlie Volley, same targets." I told the comms guy.

And soon after another 24 missiles rang out.

And just as they did the Starfighter forces engaged between our fleets.

Our pilots were obviously struggling, but we still had a bit under 500 fighters.

"Spring the bomber trap." I said.

A few seconds later the bombers flew out of the ship and towards the top.

The Vulture quickly spotted them, and abandoned their targets to fly towards the bombers.

The Vulture were still inexperienced in regards to programming, and the programmers had put bombers as priority, so they completely ignored all of my fighter squadrons.

All 3000 rushing towards the bombers, such a useless programming.

"All point defense cannons and medium laser cannons aim directly under those bombers, orders the bombers to fly upwards to keep them occupied." I told them and our point defence cannons shifted.

"Phase 1 Charlie-volley hit, estimated 33% and 35% shield efficiency." The guy said.

"Launch phase 2 at will." I said.

"Launch all bomber squadrons, but have them travel low to evade the Vulture's." I said with a smile, and even more bombers flew out, a total of 11 Squadrons, 132 bombers.

"Order the bombers to attack the Providence, if we're lucky they'll be taken out." I said.

Luckily, a problem for the CIS was that due to the heavy swarm of Vulture's, they had problems detecting other ships, and even less seeing them.

As such they wouldn't be able to respond before it was too late.

I turned back to the bombers uptop.

The CIS was too slow to respond to the bait, so we had taken out 1000 Vulture due to them not even caring about our fighters.

And when the CIS Crew onboard the Providence gave them new orders, well. Let's just say the Clone fighters were now on their tail.


However we had lost 4 of the 8 bomber squadrons, but that was worth it.

"Order the bombers uptop to launch an attack on Battlecruiser 2." I told the comms officer responsible for the flight hangar.

"Second phase torpedo volley has hit, Battlecruiser 1 and 2 down to 15% and 17%" he said and I smiled.

"Increase a fleet-wide 90% energy output, 60-30% to the turrets until those Lucrehulks are down." I said.

The Battle was going well, even without Anakin taking out the command ship in a cloaked corvette.


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