
Battle Of Enarc

The way the Immobilizer 418 Cruiser worked was that the 4 Gravity Wells would create a gravity change equal to that of a planet.

The different planets in the Galaxy had a gravity well surrounding it.

By creating that exact gravity well around the Immobilizer, any ships coming within 3 light years of it would find themselves unable the jump to hyperspace or forced out of it.

Additionally the Immobilizer could be used to make precision hyperspace jumps.

Either extremely small micro-jumps, being able to throw out of hyperspace in one jump instead of needing 3-4 micro-jumps.

Additionally, by focusing the gravity well around a specific area you could predict their jump time and arrival.

Meaning, if one was to jump into Enarc.

By coordinating between the two ships we could coordinate the precise route of the ship through hyperspace, and by taking into account of their speed and distance.

We could remove all Gravify Wells on the route of the ship and then at the calculated time create a gravity well around them.

By doing this the ship would spawn in the chosen area.

Additionally this allow fleets to jump in synchronisation and to deploy immediately into formation.

This would greatly boost the fighting capability on a fleet, but none of those manoeuvres would be attempted yet.

The Immobilizer is relatively untested and the crew is not experienced, for now we'll focus on just halting any attempted escapes and pull ships out of hyperspace, but only a max of 5-7 ships at a time.

Don't want to repeat the Tarkin Incident.

Additionally we would keep it silent, currently the Immobilizer was disguised as just a sensor ship, and none of the Republic Ships knew of it's ability to prevent hyperspace.

After explaining it to Trench in a quick manner and ordering him to keep it quietly we set off.

The formation had already been pre-determined and we quickly set off.

I walked back to the HoloTable.

A map of the entire area showed.

The Major Seperatist holdouts in this Seperatist Pocket included Sullust, Triton, and Lazerian.

The plan was to cut through the Seperatist Pocket, we would head to Sarafsix and take that over as well, then move to Darkknell.

We would then head to Byilura and cleanse it for Seperatist Forces.

Lastly we'd fight a major battle at Sullust.

The Seperatist Forces would likely know of our maneuvers by that time and would mount a defense at Sullust.

Likely the only real battle we will fight.

After Sullust we'd split our fleet, keep 1 Imperator-Class Star Destroyer and 8 Gladiator-Class Star Destroyers and accurate support vessels at Sullust.

We'd then take the entirety of the remaining fleet to attack the small pocket above Sullust.

We'd likely split our forces again, into 5 units with a Valiant or Imperator heading each force.

Then when the upper pocket is down for the count we'd take the entire fleet down and attack the large pocket.

Now, in regards to the captured planet, the plan was quite simple.

To make them as loyal to House Veridian as possible.

Each planet would have an despatched Governor and propaganda team.

The end goal was the ensure the continue loyalty of the planet, not to the Republic but to House Veridian.

We had recently put in place a capable monarchy system, with the current ranks being:




But once my influence spread I planned to create a Veridian Kingdom.

Other than that my plan was simple.

It included 3 phases.

The first phase was to gain a puppet in their government. This could be achieved by force, money and threats, but we would need them.

Phase 2 included heavily funding their rise to 'Leader' of said planet, if the puppet was unreliable or unlikely to win then we'd have multiple.

Phase 3 included making said planet a vassal of a House Veridian, there were multiple ways of accomplishing said objective.

The preferred one would be a world-wide vote, this would ensure that the citizens does not believe we forced them into it.

This would especially be preferred if our puppet barely won.

Of course, if the vote ends up failing, a few percent bump might just make it passable.

After all we had endless amounts of money and funds.

If the governance was a Monarchy, then we'd just support one Prince and get him in our pocket, preferably a Prince not expected to take over.

Then an accident could happen and the new King could announce their official vassalisation to us.

A democratic establishes government would be good as well, simply supporting one party and maybe launch a terrorist attack on the current government killing a lot of them would hurry up a vote.

And the winner would get established powers.

Dictatorships would likely end in us threatening, torturing, or just killing him. If he helped we'd kill him quickly after, unless the citizens loved him, which would be unusual.

And as such we could gain efficient control of a lot of these planets.

Of course we'd have to spend a lot of our funds to build their infrastructure, trade and defend them.

But it would also give us a new source to draw soliders from, in addition to the incoming Judicials we'd have more than enough time.

Now, this tactic would not have worked 6 months ago, the Republic would have eventually found out and send Jedi to check the assassinations.

And although a planet joining another was an accepted and legal, but the suspicious nature of said 'joining' would amount an investigation, which would end up in the public knowing of the hidden facts.

Which would end bad.

But the Galaxy was at war, these worlds were Separatist sympathisers and traitors.

No Republic Senator would care, except perhaps Chuchi, Organa or Padme, but I doubt it.

The only cause of problems would be Eriadu.

The problem of Eriadu was that it was an Oligarchic Governance.

Meaning that a group of influential families ruled the planet.

But what made it exceptionally difficult was influenced by multiple reasons.

Firstly, Eriadu was not a Separatist Symphatetic world, and was a Republic Stronghold, making their suspicious turn even more suspicious.

Secondly the Families that ruled Eriadu had significant power, and they were as follows.

The Tarkin Family: Predominantly a Military Family, completely controls the small Eriadu Military, but their strength was in their control of the Outer-Rim Judical Fleet.

The Tarkin Family had put all their loyalists in Officers positions within the Outer-Rim Judicial Fleet, this was were Tarkin's one out of two strongest support sources in the Military.

The first was Palpatine of course.

Palptine's favour had elevated the Tarkin Family to the top.

The Valorum Family: This family specialised in their Galactic Political Power, owing immense amounts of favours owed to them in the Galactic Senate and even Corporations, Supreme Chancellor Valorums failure slightly diminished their standing but they still held strong.

The Motti Family: This family focused entirely on their planetary stationing. Owning over 60% of the government, including city governors and civilian positions. But Governor was the highest official position outside the Families.

The Tagge Family; The Tagges were another strong family in Eriadu, they owned siginificant economy shares and had a lot of economical power on Eriadu and outside it. Additionally they had a lot of talented scientists.

None of these families could likely be bought, perhaps the Tagge Family or Motti Family could be Influenced to join us, the Tagge Family entirely focuses on Economy and their economical strength would likely grow by joining us, Motti wanted positions, and they had a lot of potential growth in the large Kingdom we would create.

But before that I needed to diminish Tarkin's power significantly and Valorums a bit as well.

Well, in the end it would work out I hoped, I had a few plans.

But either if I went for control of Eriadu or just let them be, I needed to significantly diminish Tarkin's power.

But I had one move that could potentially check Tarkin, and not even Palptine could save him.

But I'd likely need to heavily support Palpatine to make up for it later.

But that would only be for after we take Sullust.

And with that I felt a slight shift throughout the ship.

I changed the HoloTable from the Galactic Map and towards the current fleet.

Our fleet was facing 5 Lucrehulks, 1 less than the intelligence indicated.

I would suspect that the Lucrehulk might have been called back to counter the potential of the Outlands Regions Security Force.

Something that shocked me at the start of my appointment in the Judicial Forces was that the Outlands Region Security Force, which was originally funded by planet.

Actually became the Outer-Rim Judicial Fleet after Naboo.

The Judicials saw the potential chaos by Pirates and Mercenary Forces and therefore began recruiting and expanding a bit more into the Outer Rim.

I do not know if this happened in the original or a new thing in this universe.

But this made things a lot more interesting.

Immediately after we arrived the ships opened fire.

The Separatist had no way of knowing of our arrival due to the chaos of CIS upper command.

And we deliberately jumped extremely close to the Lucrehulks.

The Lucrehulks was put in a line, a Center Lucrehulk and 2 on each of his sides, in one line.

And their surprise showed.

Although the Lucrehulks was controlled by droids, they still had the same problems as humans.

They needed recharge, and I would assume the standard protocol was to recharge droids when not in combat.

But it still barley took 5 seconds before they returned command.

The Heavy Forward line just absorbed the returning laser-fire, but the 2nd Attack Line and the 1sg Heavy Line's combined fire was just too much.

After less than 3 minutes the Lucrehulk in the middle exploded in a chaos of explosions.

None of the Lucrehulks had yet to launch any fighters, and nor would we. At least until they did the same.

There was no reason to waste fighters whom will be important later on in an almost useless defense like this.

After 15 minutes only 2 single Lucrehulks remained.

They turned towards the direction of Sanrafsix and the laser fire coming from our cruisers increased, shooting down a second Lucrehulk before they got in position.

But the seconds shield held on until it positioned itself at the hyperlane jump-point.

But as all expected them to jump, they didn't and our fire pierced their shields and straight into the engines.

It was not yet down but it wouldn't get away.

"It's hyperdrive must be down!" I heard a voice over the fleet comms.

Each of the ships had a position in the channel.

And I smiled at that, what a great man. I heard the voice of a clone.

And due to him I'm pretty sure that they won't suspect the reason of their failure to jump could have anything to do with us.

It was a great success.

And as the last Lucrehulk got down our fleet approached the planet and blockaded it.

Enarc was a major trade world but it barely had Separatist droids on the surface, a quick raid aimed at the Separatist Droid Outpost removed the final of their forces.

The Lucrehulks sent down 667 LAAT/I's to the surface, followed by 50 000 E5 Blaster Rifle's and sufficient building material.

We'd create a Military Outpost on the outskirts of the capital city Enarc City.

Additionally the Governor was sent down and began discussion with the Government.

We also found out that Enarc was a Republic Democracy.

And with that I went to sleep, I wouldn't bother myself with all these no-matter planets. That'd be beneath me.

Next chapter