
I Got Called A Scoundrel, Just Another Tuesday

MSG – Volume 1 – Chapter 10

After the vampire and human pair watched the charm demon leave, the former turned to the latter and said with a serious expression, "I should leave too. The time for war is getting closer so I need to ensure that all the preparations are carried out perfectly."

"Mm. I understand." Solon nodded in understanding. "Good luck—"

He was about to wish her good luck but was interrupted by her sudden action of hugging him.

"—d luck." He completed his statement as he wrapped his arms around her, returning her gesture.

"Sigh. I wish we could stay like this forever," she said, rubbing her head on his chest. "Or at the very least take some of your scent back with me."

He only pursed his lips as he heard her statement, choosing to ignore it as he slowly slipped out of the hug.

"Till we meet again." He said, looking into her eyes.

"Till we meet again~!" she replied before suddenly leaning forward and planting a kiss on his left cheek.

With a cheeky smile, she turned around to face a portal that she swiftly conjured.

With an indiscernible expression, he watched her disappear into the portal.

With a sigh, he turned around to pick up the novel he had picked up earlier.

Heading towards the exit of the library, he found himself unable to unlock the door, even with his inhuman strength.

He tried and tried again but the magic barrier would not budge.

"Damn it." He cursed, wondering who was responsible for his current predicament.

Was one of the family members pulling one up on him?

Or was it…

As soon as his mind went to the demon twins that he had interacted with moments earlier, he heard a familiar small giggle behind him.

"Teehee! Oops, I seem to have forgotten about that," said the vampire as she tore down the portal. "There! It's down now. Bye!"

She returned and left in a matter of seconds so he did not even have the chance to say anything to her.

He could only sigh again as he turned the handle of the door and it budged this time.

He was about to step out of the room but immediately halted as he was greeted by the sight of a crimson-eyed girl conjuring ice-based arrows to attack the door.

"Kya!" she shrieked in shock as she immediately diverted the attack she was just about to let loose on the door towards a different direction, the floor.

Solon simply blinked once, and a second time, before he opened his mouth to speak; "Vanya?"

"Are you trying to die?!" she bellowed at him after regaining her bearings.

"Uh… no." he muttered flatly. "Why were you throwing magic at a door?"

"You're asking the wrong questions!" she snapped. "Why would you lock the door to a public place like the library? What were you doing in there?!"

He inwardly frowned upon hearing her question but outwardly his mannerisms continued to come off as unphased.

"I'm not sure what you are imagining but I assure you that I did not intentionally lock the door." he said. "I was not even aware that it was locked until I was heading out and turned the handle, trying to open it."

"Hmph! But I was knocking, banging, kicking, and punching the door to get whoever was inside to open it." she said. "Don't tell me that you did not hear all that!"

His face still remained indifferent as he raised the green novel to emphasize his words; "…I get in a world of my own whenever I am reading. I usually subconsciously block out all forms of disturbance to my senses."

"Disturbances? So, you are calling me a disturbance?!" she shouted.

By this point, some staff had approached the scene and were watching while whispering.

Although he could sense them and all that they did, as well as hear all the words that escaped their mouths, he did not react in the slightest.

He simply sighed and said to Vanya; "All I can do is apologize for the mistake. It will not happen again."

After apologizing, he did not stand around any longer and turned to walk away.

"Hey, Solon you scoundrel!" he heard the young girl call out to him from behind.

He stopped and turned around to look in her direction, just like all the staff that had parted ways for him to pass.

"Is there anything else, Vanya? I have already apologized for the slip up. What more do you want?" he asked bluntly.

"Uh!" she groaned audibly before smacking her lips and hmph-ing. "Forget it."

Not bothering with Solon any longer, she simply turned to the library door and opened it, entering, and slamming it behind her.

Solon's gaze only lingered for about three to five seconds more before he turned around and continued on his merry way back to his room.

'Just another Tuesday.' He remarked internally as he increased his pace.

Soon, he was lying on his bed with the book open beside him.

He opened the book and started reading but halted partway through the first page.

He sat up on his bed, with an expression that signified that he had just remembered to do something, and muttered;

"Right, the company." Facepalming, he added; "How could I forget?"


In another Kingdom: The Radish Kingdom.

A man stood before a canvas, observing his painting and adding the finishing touches as he saw fit.

It was clear that he had passion for what he was doing as there were many more paintings of a similar fashion to the one that he was currently working on hanging on the walls all around the large studio.

His clothes and arms were also stained with paint.

Soon, there was a knock on the door of the studio and without flinching he continued with his neat, careful, and graceful brushstrokes.

"Come in." He granted the person on the other side the permission to enter.


The door opened and was carefully shut behind whoever had entered.

Without looking back, the painter asked his visitor;

"What's happened now, General Cedric?"

"Greetings, your Majesty." A deep voice came as a reply to the King's calm and gentle one. "I come bearing an update about the developments in Furlong Forest."

"…Mm." the King, who continued to paint, signaled for his subject to go on as he was listening.

"Sire, it seems that the situation may warrant more concern than we thought." Said the visitor. "The monsters are not going on a rampage or fleeing from something… they seem to be building a civilization."

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