


I felt beyond pleased with myself as I headed home from the cafe. For the first time in ages, it felt like I have done something for someone instead of it always being done to me over and over again.

I spent about three hours in the cafe with Raya before we finally parted ways. She told me she was gonna start packing her things before he returns from his trip tomorrow, and that she'd present him with divorce papers once he arrives. She also took her time to thank me for doing this, explaining that this just means I was indeed a good person because whereas I could decide to start fucking her man after she threw me out, I still did the right thing at the end of the day.

I admitted to her that I was beyond hurt by how she instantly believed I could do that, along with the fact that she said I was just like other omegas. She apologized profusely for that and I assured her that it was alright.

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